

Din sökning på "*" gav 533668 sökträffar

Collective collapse in football

Collective collapse occurs when a majority of the players in a team suddenly perform below expected level in a match, in spite of a satisfactory start, or when a team underperforms right from the start. Research results from a study on 146 male players and 15 coaches in various team sports at the elite level, and a study on a team involved in a collective collapse, and the opposite, a winning turn

Fire behavior of sandwich panels

One of the most recent definitions for a sandwich panel is the one used in the European product standard EN 14509. This product standard defines a sandwich panel as a building product consisting of two metal faces positioned on either side of a core that is a rigid thermally insulating material, which is firmly bonded to both faces so that the three components act compositely when under load. In m

When energy justice is contested: A systematic review of a decade of research on Sweden's conflicted energy landscape

The way in which we produce and consume energy has profound implications for our societies. How we configure our energy systems determines not only our chances of successfully dealing with climate change but also, how benefits and burdens of these systems are distributed. In this paper, we set out to map the literature on conflicts related to the energy system in Sweden using a framework of energy

On the strength of arguments related to standardization in risk management regulations

Risk-informed decision-making is a key concept in regulatory regimes covering a wide range of technical disciplines and risk domains. Increased standardization in terms of highly prescriptive and detailed requirements is observed in various risk management regulations and application areas. This development has spurred a discussion with equally strong voices promoting and opposing standardization

Proof-of-concept : Användingsområden för mixed reality och HoloLens inom sjukvården

Bakgrund och syfteProjektet har initierats för att kunna verifiera och påvisa värde av s.k. Mixed Reality och HoloLens inom sjukvården i Sverige samt den kliniska verksamheten.Det finns enstaka ställen i världen där HoloLens 2 används kliniskt. Region Skåne har identifierat möjligheten att HoloLens 2 kan understötta specialistinvolvering på akutmottagningen och möjlighet för specialistinvolvering

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Museums today try to combat the exclusionary ground on which they were founded, with strategies of broader inclusion. In Århus, Denmark the Women’s museums vision is to be a museum for ”all genders”. In this thesis I investigate the approach to gender in the Women’s museum’s exhibition Køn Redelighed (eng. Gender Blender) (2017-2022), through a queer theoretic lense of gender as a hybrid and discu

Organizational ambidexterity in construction projects

Most organizations need to be ambidextrous by exploiting current knowledge to make profits today as well as exploring new knowledge to prepare for tomorrow's demands. The capacity to achieve both exploration and exploitation is especially problematic in project based organizations due to projects' discontinuous nature. In this study we investigate how exploration and exploitation is managed in int

Towards a multiconfigurational description of the electronic structure in solids

Materials of ionic crystals are ubiquitous in industrial chemistry.For example, materials such as cerium dioixde (CeO2) are used in both self-cleaning ovens and to clean exhaust fumes from cars.Other materials, such as titanium dioixde (TiO2) has been used in the solar-cell industry.So-called garnets are used in several lasers.In common for all of these areas of application, is that they are depen

First Record of Microsporidia Infection in the Damselfly Ischnura elegans Larvae : Temperature and Predator Cue Effects on the Host’s Life History

Here, we report, for the first time, a microsporidian infection in laboratory-reared larvae of the damselfly Ischnura elegans. Infected larvae originated from field-collected adult females, which were caught in southern Poland in August 2020 (the second half of the flight season). Higher rearing temperatures and the presence of predator cues from the invasive alien signal crayfish (Pacifastacus le

The indirect review of administrative action in Sweden : Control and judicial protection

The chapter examines the role of indirect review of administrative action in Swedish law. A general description of the overall structure of the Swedish system for judicial review of administrative action is followed by a discussion about the administrative measures that cannot be reviewed in a direct review. The chapter then focuses specifically on the phenomenon of indirect judicial review in relThe chapter examines the role of indirect review of administrative action in Swedish law. A general description of the overall structure of the Swedish system for judicial review of administrative action is followed by a discussion about the administrative measures that cannot be reviewed in a direct review. The chapter then focuses specifically on the phenomenon of indirect judicial review in rel

Postmenopausal overweight and breast cancer risk; results from the KARMA cohort

Purpose: To study the risk of incident breast cancer and subtype-specific breast cancer in relation to excess body weight in a contemporary Swedish prospective cohort study, The Karolinska Mammography Project for Risk Prediction of Breast Cancer, KARMA. Methods: A total of 35,412 postmenopausal women attending mammography and included in the KARMA study provided baseline data on body mass index (B

Early diagnosis, treatment, and Health-Related Quality of Life in women with mild Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema.

Bakgrund: Tidig diagnos och behandling av bröstcancer-relaterade lymfödem(BCRL) är viktigt för att förhindra försämring och påverkan på livskvalitet. Vidmindre BCRL i arm, kan det ansamlas lymfvätska lokalt i den ytliga vävnaden, utan en volymökning. Tissue Dielectric Constant (TDC), är en metod som mäter lokal vävnadsvätska i hud och subkutan vävnad och hade inte använts tidigare för att diagnostBackground: Early diagnosis and treatment of Breast Cancer-RelatedLymphedema (BCRL) are important to prevent lymphedema progress and impacton Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL). The treatment includes self-care andtreatment with compression garment. In mild BCRL, the lymphedema can be local, without an increase in arm volume. Tissue Dielectric Constant (TDC), measuring local tissue water in sk

How to make culture comprehensible : comparative case study of popularisation activities at the Louvre in Paris and the Historiska Museet in Stockholm

This work is a qualitative comparative case study of popularizing activities at the Louvre in Paris (2015-2019) and the Historiska Museet in Stockholm (1999-2005). Throughout a press content analysis, the two museums’ take and initiative to promote the intelligibility of cultural knowledge is decrypted and then compared. This thesis shows how different standards and conceptions lead to a more cons

Bland älvor & älgar : en komparativ fallstudie om immersiv och interaktiv teknologi vid Västergötlands museum respektive Naturhistoriska riksmuseet

In our thesis we will analyze two different types of immersive and interactive technologies at two Swedish museums: Västergötlands museum and Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. For this paper we conducted field research where we visited the museums and studied two installations: a browser game called Fornbyäventyret as well as a mobile app called Nya djur, which is based on augmented reality. Our primary

Detektering och Visualisering av Långsiktiga Avvikande Handelsbeteenden

Olagliga transaktioner i form av bland annat penningtvätt, insiderhandel och marknadsmanipulation är stora problem som ofta glöms bort. Bara under 2020 tvättades 1.6 biljoner dollar världen över, motsvarande 2.7\% av världens totala BNP. Insiderhandel och marknadsmanipulation bidrar till misstro för marknaden vilket gör att den till lägre grad kan allokera pengar till företag från investerare då fIllegal transactions in the form of money laundering, insider trading and market manipulation is a major problem that is often forgotten. In the year of 2020, 1.6 trillion dollars were successfully laundered, corresponding to 2.7\% of the world's total GDP. Insider trading and market manipulation contribute to mistrust of the market, resulting in worse capital distribution from investors to co