

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Bärförmåga vid brand i hallbyggnader med samlingslokal (Br2)

Structural fire safety in Sweden for one- and two-story assembly hall buildings have been studied with regards to recent concerns regarding a large variation in the interpretation of the regulations and the resulting fire protection of the buildings. The study has been divided into three parts. First, an analysis of the current national regulations and identification of unclear paragraphs has been

Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis and Association With Disease Duration and Hospitalization

Context Recent reports suggest that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may be a risk factor for venous thromboembolism (VTE), particularly in conjunction with hospitalization. Using hospitalization data to identify RA and VTE may identify patients when they are at elevated risk for other reasons, obscuring the incompletely understood underlying association between RA and VTE and leading to inappropriate in

Distributed reactions in highly turbulent premixed methane/air flames Part I. Flame structure characterization

Simultaneous planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) measurements of a series of reactive scalars and Rayleigh scattering measurements of temperature, i.e. CH/CH2O/OH, HCO/CH2O/OH and T/CH2O/OH, and laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) measurements are carried out to characterize the flame/turbulence interaction in various regimes of turbulent combustion, including the laminar flamelet regime, the thin

Organic amendment and fungal species in combination can alter collembolan fitness

Organic material of different origin is commonly used as fertiliser in agricultural practices. Clover and wheat straw are here used to determine the importance of organic amendment for population development of fungal feeding collembolans. Two fungal species, Alternaria infectoria and Mucor hiemalis, were inoculated in three growth substrates, clover amended soil, straw amended soil and non-amende

Dynamics of extremely anisotropic etching of InP nanowires by HCl

We report on the dynamics of in situ etching of nanowires using an etching agent which allows for parameter optimization for nanowire synthesis without concerns of tapering issues. Upon etching of InP nanowires using HCl it is found that HCl mainly reacts with the precursor TMI, its decomposition species, and physisorbed In. The reaction with solid InP is less rapid and diffusion limited. We find

Evidence of a strong coupling between root exudation, C and N availability, and stimulated SOM decomposition caused by rhizosphere priming effects

Increased temperatures and concomitant changes in vegetation patterns are expected to dramatically alter the functioning of northern ecosystems over the next few decades. Predicting the ecosystem response to such a shift in climate and vegetation is complicated by the lack of knowledge about the links between aboveground biota and belowground process rates. Current models suggest that increasing t

Hardware Implementation of an Iterative Sampling Rate Converter for Wireless Communication

Abstract in Undetermined This paper presents a new technique for fractional sample rate conversion based on an iterative Sinc (ISRC) method. The proposed algorithm was evaluated against the Farrow re-sampler, and performance simulation targeting different signal-to-noise ratios show the ISRC qualifies for application in reconfigurable terminals. The architecture was implemented in 65nm CMOS techno

Novel Endogenous Antimicrobial Peptides

Antimicrobial peptides serve as a first line of defence against invading microorganisms and are an essential part of our fast innate immune system. They are ancient molecules found in all classes of life. Antimicrobial peptides rapidly kill a broad spectrum of microbes and are immunomodulatory, i.e. having additional actions influencing inflammation and other innate immune responses. Results prese

Apoptosis of Peripheral Blood Leukocytes in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Studies on Serum Induction and Complement-Dependent Clearance Mechanisms

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease involving many organ systems. The cause is not known, but a complex combination of environmental and genetic factors seems to be involved. In SLE upregulation of type I interferons, a hyperactive B-cell response, presence of autoantibodies against modified nuclear components, increased complement consumption, increased apoptosis and decre

Ecological applications of physically based remote sensing methods

Global monitoring of vegetation using optical remote sensing has undergone rapid technological and methodological development during the past decade. Physically based methods generally apply reflectance models for interpreting remotely sensed data sets. These methods have become increasingly important in the assessment of terrestrial variables from satellite-borne and airborne images. Products bas

Further insight into the roles of the glycans attached to human blood protein C inhibitor

Protein C inhibitor (PCI) is a 57-kDa glycoprotein that exists in many tissues and secretions in human. As a member of the serpin superfamily of proteins it displays unusually broad protease specificity. PCI is implicated in the regulation of a wide range of processes, including blood coagulation, fertilization, prevention of tumors and pathogen defence. It has been reported that PCI isolated from

Polymer-vesicle association

Mixed polymer-surfactant systems have been intensively investigated in the last two decades, with the main focus on surfactant micelles as the surfactant aggregate in interaction. The main types of phase behavior, driving forces and structural/rheological effects at stake are now fairly well understood. Polymer-vesicle systems, on the other hand, have received comparatively less attention from a p

Exclamatives in Scandinavian

In this article, I define exclamatives pragmatically, as a speech act which contains an assertion, and where there is a mismatch between this assertion and a presupposition. The assertion normally expresses a higher degree than expected, i.e. they are scalar. The speech act is instantiated in various ways in the Scandinavian languages. The aim of this article is to describe and characterise the sy

Det judiska Göteborg

Recension av Anders Hammarlund, En bön för moderniteten. Kultur och politik i Abraham Baers värld.

The Clause-initial Position in L2 German Declaratives: Transfer of Information Structure

This article investigates the information structure of verb-second (V2) declaratives in Swedish, German, and nonnative German. Even though almost any type of element can occur in the so-called prefield, the clause-initial preverbal position of V2 declaratives, we have found language-specific patterns in native-speaker corpora: The frequencies of prefield constituent types differ substantially betw

Resistance to change in public sector mergers

In the private as well as the public sectors, mergers are common events. Yet, research on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is based primarily on studies from the private sector, and it is assumed that conclusions from this context are valid for any context. In this article, the characteristics of resistance in public sector mergers is explored. Resistance is a central aspect in the M&A liter