

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Structural and Functional Analyses of Xyloside-primed Glycosaminoglycans

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are polysaccharides produced by essentially all mammalian cells. Due to their enormous structural diversity, they are involved in many biological processes both in health and disease, including all stages of tumor progression. GAGs are normally attached to a core protein as a part of a proteoglycan; however, GAG biosynthesis can be induced by compounds composed of a xylos

Strategies to Improve Stroke Care Services in Low- and Middle-Income Countries : A Systematic Review

Background: The burden of stroke in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is large and increasing, challenging the already stretched health-care services. Aims and Objectives: To determine the quality of existing stroke-care services in LMICs and to highlight indigenous, inexpensive, evidence-based implementable strategies being used in stroke-care. Methods: A detailed literature search was und

Data quality in the Swedish Quality Register of Gynecologic Cancer – a Swedish Gynecologic Cancer Group (SweGCG) study

Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality of data on endometrial (EC) and ovarian, fallopian tube, peritoneal, abdominal or pelvic cancers (OC) registered in the Swedish Quality Register of Gynecologic Cancer (SQRGC). Method: A random sample of 500 patients was identified in the SQRGC and their medical charts were reviewed for re-abstraction of 31 selected core variables by an independ

The role of smoking and alcohol behaviour in management of functional gastrointestinal disorders

Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) are common disorders in the population. Lifestyle habits have been suspected to influence the presence and degree of symptoms, and many studies have examined the role of food components and physical activity on the disease development. The role of smoking and alcohol intake on FGID has been less thoroughly examined. This systematic literature review, o

Optical Studies of Polytypism in GaAs Nanowires

Semiconductor nanowires are often regarded as having potential to be building blocks for novel applications. Their geometry allows defect-free combinations of materials that have a high degree of lattice mismatch. III-V semiconductor nanowires can also be grown in the wurtzite crystal phase, which is not stable in bulk material or thin films. The atomic arrangement differs between wurtzite and zin

Evolution of olfaction in Lepidoptera and Trichoptera : Gene families and antennal morphology

Resultaten i denna avhandling ökar vår kunskap om hur evolutionen av feromondetektering hos fjärilar gått till.Luktsinnet är viktigt för de flesta djur, inklusive människor, hundar, insekter och många andra. Hos insekter, särskilt nattfjärilar och flugor, används luktsinnet för att hitta parningspartners, föda, äggläggningsställen och att undkomma fiender.Feromoner är kemikalier som produceras ochIn moths, females produce sex pheromone compounds to attract males over a long distance for mating. The antennae of moths and many other insects have specialized odorant receptors (ORs), called pheromone receptors (PRs), to sense the pheromone compounds and they group in a monophyletic clade (PR clade).In this thesis, I investigated and compared various components of the olfactory system in differ

Inheritance of a hair character in Helianthemum oelandicum var. canescens and allele frequencies in natural populations

Helianthemum oelandicum var. canescens (Hartm.) Fr. is an endemic taxon with a restricted distribution (less than 10 km2) in the southernmost part of the Baltic island of Öland, SE, Sweden. The taxon varies with respect to stellate hairs. Most plants can be classified into two morphs, the stellated morph (with a dense carpet of stellate hairs on the abaxial surface of the leaves) and the bristled

Selective disappearance of great tits with short telomeres in urban areas

Urban environments pose novel challenges, as well as opportunities, for urban-dwelling wildlife. Although differences have been reported in several phenotypic traits (e.g. morphology, physiology and behaviour) between urban and rural populations, it is poorly understood whether this affects individual fitness. Telomere dynamics are posited as one possible mechanism underlying senescence and mortal

Continuous longitudinal infusion of rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3 in extremely preterm infants : Evaluation of feasibility in a phase II study

Objective To evaluate the feasibility of continuous longitudinal intravenous infusion of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-1/recombinant human insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3) for prevention of retinopathy of prematurity and other complications in extremely preterm infants (< 28 weeks' gestational age), based on initial sections of a phase II randomized c

Ultrasonically-enhanced preparation, characterization of CaFe-layered double hydroxides with various interlayer halide, azide and oxo anions (CO3 2−, NO3 , ClO4 )

An ultrasonically-enhanced mechanochemical method was developed to synthesize CaFe-layered double hydroxides (LDHs) with various interlayer anions (CO3 2−, NO3 −, ClO4 −, N3 −, F−, Cl−, Br− and I−). The duration of pre-milling and ultrasonic irradiation and the variation of synthesis temperature in the wet chemical step were investigated to obtain the optimal parameters of preparation. The main me

Heat transfer enhancement and turbulent flow in a high aspect ratio channel (4:1) with ribs of various truncation types and arrangements

Ribs are often employed in internal cooling passages of turbine blades to augment heat transfer with cooling air flowing through the internal ribbed passages. The present work concentrates on truncated ribs to improve thermal performances with continuous ribs in a high aspect ratio channel. With various truncation types and arrangements of truncated ribs, the optimized thermal performance of ribbe

Förutsättningar för att inrätta pedagogiska akademier vid fakulteter som idag saknar sådana

I Lunds universitets strategiska plan för 2012-2016 framhålls att man vill ”vidareutveckla det akademiska lärarskapet”. All utbildning vid lärosätet ska hålla högsta kvalitet och man ska erbjuda attraktiva och akademiskt framstående lärandemiljöer. Detta åstadkoms bland annat genom att universitetets lärare kan ”arbeta med ett forskande förhållningssätt, både i förhållande till studenternas lärand

Hyperparameter Selection for Group-Sparse Regression: A Probabilistic Approach

This work analyzes the effects on support recovery for different choices of the hyper- or regularization parameter in LASSO-like sparse and group-sparse regression problems. The hyperparameter implicitly selects the model order of the solution, and is typically set using cross-validation (CV). This may be computationally prohibitive for large-scale problems, and also often overestimates the model

Self-assessed remission rates after electroconvulsive therapy of depressive disorders

Background Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) effectively treats severe depression, but not all patients remit. The aim of the study was to identify clinical factors that associate with ECT-induced remission in a community setting. Methods Depressed patients who underwent ECT in 2011–2014 were identified from the Swedish National Quality Register for ECT. Remission was defined as self-rated Montgomer

Anomalous Evolution of the Near-Side Jet Peak Shape in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN =2.76 TeV

The measurement of two-particle angular correlations is a powerful tool to study jet quenching in a pT region inaccessible by direct jet identification. In these measurements pseudorapidity (Δη) and azimuthal (Δφ) differences are used to extract the shape of the near-side peak formed by particles associated with a higher pT trigger particle (1

Braided Convolutional Codes with Sliding Window Decoding

In this paper, we present a novel sliding window decoding scheme based on iterative Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv decoding for braided convolutional codes, a class of turbo-like codes with short constraint length component convolutional codes. The tradeoff between performance and decoding latency is examined and, to reduce decoding complexity, both uniform and nonuniform message passing schedules withi

Use of automated chest compression devices after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Sweden

Objective To evaluate the implementation of automated chest compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ACC-CPR) after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in Sweden during the years 2011 through 2015. The association between ACC-CPR and 30-day survival was studied as a secondary objective. Methods The Swedish cardiopulmonary resuscitation registry is a prospectively recorded nationwide registry o