

Din sökning på "*" gav 527966 sökträffar

Terrorist men på vilka grunder? – En granskning av EU:s sanktioner mot terrorisms förhållande till rättssäkerhet

Uppsatsen behandlar frågan kring huruvida EU:s sanktionsförfarande mot personer och enheter i syfte att bekämpa terrorism är förenligt med grundläggande rättssäkerhetskrav med fokus på förutsebarhetskravet och processuella rättigheter. Internationella sanktioner är ett instrument för att skapa fred och säkerhet samt främja demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter. Användningen av sanktionsåtgärder har This thesis addresses the question of whether EU sanctions against certain persons and entities to combat terrorism are compatible with fundamental principles of legal certainty, concentrating on predictability and procedural rights. International sanctions are coercive political and legal measures imposed to ensure peace and stability and promote democracy and human rights. The use of sanctions h

Dolda makthavare? En explorativ intervjustudie av kommunala politiska sekreterares roll i demokratin

In the 1980s, it became possible for municipalities to establish political secretarial services. Since then, there has been a significant expansion of the professional group. But despite the fact that political secretaries today occupy a central position in the political landscape, there is limited knowledge about how their work is conducted. This bachelor’s thesis investigates the role of munici

Den liberale barbaren Leopold II - Narrativ kring civilisationsstandard i Kongofristaten

Invasion, mass warfare, foreign hordes, slaughter and pure evil. When pondering these words one will usually attribute them to the traditional conception of the barbarian, and not to something as seemingly distant as Western civilization. In this paper I aim to discuss the rare combination of liberal European civilization and its relation with barbarism in general, specifically focusing on the ca

The gendered impact of COVID-19 state response in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

As in many parts of the world, state response to COVID-19 in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) has included far-reaching measures such as restrictions of movement and the closure of schools, businesses and borders. The response has in itself caused substantive secondary impact to people’s health, well-being and livelihoods, which has in turn exacerbated preexisting vulnerabilities and gen

En analys av Armeniens och Azerbajdzjans twitteranvändande om konflikten över Nagorno-Karabach

Denna artikeln behandlar Armeniens och Azerbajdzjans twitteranvändande kring konflikten över Nagorno-Karabach. Syftet med artikeln är att utifrån strukturell realism som den teoretiska basen, analysera Armenien och Azerbajdzjans tweets. Metoderna som används är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tweets från tre likvärdiga offentliga twitterkonton tillhörande länderna och dess ledare och analysera o

Controlling a sliding contact on an electric vehicle with computer vision and AI

Emission from road vehicles is a massive problem and contributes to climate change on our planet. One solution that people are turning to is electrical propulsion instead of fossil fuel. There are, however, problems with putting big batteries on road vehicles. They are expensive to build, they require rare minerals, and the process of creating batteries emits plenty of greenhouse gas. To reduce th

Making Myth: Narrative Discourse in The Shadow of the Torturer

This dissertation argues that the incongruity between the narrating I and the narrated I in The Shadow of the Torturer produces a site where myth is made. The novel differs from other works in the canon of science fantasy because its science and fantasy are rarely, if ever, juxtaposed. Instead, I argue that whatever technological understandings the narrator obtains throughout their journey are rep

Study of the vibronic mixing in chlorophylls with multidimensional spectroscopy

Chlorophylls comprise one of the most important families of molecules for the photosynthetic process. Chlorophyll-like molecules have been classically interpreted under the Gouterman model, being thought to feature two independent transitions, Qy(S1) and Qx(S2). Recent studies on the matter provided a new interpretation, assuming these states to feature strong vibronic coupling and to be inseparab

The EU Trade Defence Improvements under Global Challenges

The amendments for the EU anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rules in 2017 and 2018 show a great change compared to the original ones. This paper will focus on two controversial parts among them, namely the normal value construction under the “significant distortions” and adjustment on the lesser-duty-rule. Besides, lawfulness under the WTO law with these two parts will respectively be discussed. Since

Att förlora ett barn - Föräldrars upplevelser vid dödfödsel

Bakgrund: I Sverige inträffar varje år 400 dödfödslar. För att sjukvårdspersonalen ska kunna bemöta dessa drabbade föräldrar på bästa sätt är det viktigt att sjukvårdspersonalen har kunskap och förståelse för området. Syfte: Att förstå och beskriva upplevelser hos föräldrar som drabbats av en dödfödsel. Metod: Litteraturstudie med integrerad analys. Resultat: Fyra teman identifierades: Tid med bar

The Effects of University Status on Scientific Output in Sweden

The Swedish higher education system experienced a dramatic expansion since the 1960s. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, four higher education institutions obtained university status. As a result, scholars based in these universities enjoyed greater access to research resources. This study aims to utilize the 1999-2005 expansion to estimate the effects of increased access to research funds on scie

Indoor Positioning and Machine Learning Algorithms

This master thesis focuses around improving the efficiency and accuracy of existing indoor positioning systems with the help of Machine Learning (ML). Our work is based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) v5.1. Position estimation is currently being carried out using the Least-Squares (LS) method in the framework. Introducing Machine Learning to position estimation can reduce computation time and increa

Digital Sustainability Outsourcing Assessment

The growing interest in the business environment for sustainable products and services coupled with regulatory mandates have led corporate to shift their focus towards sustainability as a vital part of organizational strategy. The intrinsic aspects handling the environmental, economic and social concerns, are now catalyzed with technology. Exploring sustainability through the digital lens is incre

Sustainable electricity transition? The direct and indirect environmental impacts along the global supply chain of renewable and non-renewable sources of electricity. A greenhouse gas and material footprint analysis of the European Union’s electricity consumption

This thesis studies the direct and indirect environmental impacts of the European Union’s final consumption of electricity between 1995 and 2019. Using Exiobase 3, an environmentally extended multiregional input-output database, the greenhouse gas and material footprints for an aggregated 23 environmental stressors have been derived, indicating that renewable sources of electricity on average have

The complexities of organizational coordination’s communicative constitution: A qualitative study on coordinators activities in BPO-environments

The complexities of organizational coordination’s communicative constitution: A qualitative study on coordinators activities in BPO-environments. The notion of organizational coordination has a limited view of language and communication since scholars usually refer to communication purely as a referential system. Rather problematic is that the notion of business process outsourcing refers to organ

Is corruption detrimental to society? An empirical investigation of corruption’s effect on subjective well-being in Europe

Corruption has been a widely discussed and analysed topic for decades. However, the results stemming from research on its effect are mixed and highly volatile, leading to a debate that it may be beneficial to the economy and society. The thesis puts this to a test with a focus on Europe during 2005-2019. By using rigorous testing, different proxies for corruption and subjective well-being, and var

Sustainability and Corporate Branding: shotgun wedding or match made in heaven?

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of the interplay between sustainability and corporate branding internally in organisations. By studying how internal communication contributes to the employees’ perception of these concepts, we aspire for this research to result in a greater comprehension of the role of internal communication in relation to sustainability and co

The Impact of Late Design Choices on Daylight and Energy Use in Buildings

Daylight analysis is often carried out when definitive decisions about space characteristics such as materials, colours, window characteristics and furnishing have not yet been made. Such late design choices, which are first introduced or can still be changed late in the design process or even after its conclusion, impact the daylight levels of interior spaces. This study explored the impact of la

Towards the entrepreneurial city : the case of Malmö’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

This study explores the topic of the choice of location of entrepreneurs and the extent of the role of spatial context in entrepreneurship at the city level.In other words, by analysing the interactions between entrepreneurs and their spatial context on an urban microscale, we pursue to understand how a city can become more entrepreneurial. We do this by conceptualising entrepreneurship in the urb