

Din sökning på "*" gav 530026 sökträffar

Imperial Dignity to Princely Autonomy: a historical-philosophical study on the evolution and meaning of sovereignty in the Holy Roman Empire

This thesis conducts a study in conceptual history into the meaning of sovereignty within the Holy Roman Empire, a European political institution of states that lasted from 962 to 1806 AD. Three classical theorists in sovereignty, namely Jean Bodin, Thomas Hobbes, and Samuel von Pufendorf comprehend the main philosophical corps of the thesis, which will be operationalised by studying three constit

The Debate of Decent Work in Emerging Economies: Minimum Wage Policy in South Africa.

There exists considerable debate on the utility of ILO’s decent work agenda and its four pillars of full employment, rights at work, social dialogue, and social protection in the context of emerging economies. Whether these pillars be achieved in unison or if there a need to prioritize a pillar over another and whether the notion as a whole is complementary with other development objectives like e

Key factors when going to market: A multi-perspective study of a novel oat-based compound's potential to go to market

En allt mer åldrande befolkning och ett större fokus på att hålla sig frisk har lett till ett ökat intresse för naturbaserade produkter som ger lugnande och hälsofrämjande effekter som lätt kan inkorporeras i människors vardag. En molekyl som är intressant för sådana applikationer är avenantramider (AVN): en havrebaserad förening som har uppvisat antioxidativ kapacitet och anti-klåda, antiinflammaAs populations grow older and more focus is put on feeling and looking healthy, interest has grown in nature-based products providing soothing, replenishing, and health beneficial effects that can easily be incorporated into people’s everyday lives. A compound interesting for such applications is avenanthramides (AVN): an oat-based compound that has been shown to exhibit antioxidant capacity and a

Instrumental orättvisa i gehörs- och musiklära

I denna studie intervjuar jag elever som går sitt tredje år på ett estet/musik-program på gymnasiet. Jag vill få en inblick i deras syn på gehörs- och musiklära-undervisning, mer specifikt om de anser att det finns en överrepresentation av klaviaturen i undervisningen. Eleverna ger sin syn på om de anser att undervisningens upplägg funkar för dem personligen, om den gynnar en viss typ av instrumenI will in this research investigate third year high school students view on music theory education, more specific whether the students feel there is an existing overrepresentation of the clavier in the music theory education or not. The students give their view on whether the education works for them, and if they think the lesson structure benefits a specific group of instrumentalists. They also g

Boost your spare parts supply - A case study on cooperation terms in the spare parts supply chain focused on the supplier-buyer dyad

Purchasing has become an increasingly important function in manufacturing companies, as it accounts for a large extent of total spending and influences a company's competitive position. It is relevant for Tetra Pak, a global manufacturer of packaging and processing solutions, active since the 1950s. Tetra Pak has over 100.000 active units at customers site over the world, to service them and o

Evaluation of bank erosion and stability analysis along Rönne å at Ängelholm, Sweden

This master thesis report presents the results of evaluation of bank erosion and stability analysis along Rönne å (river) at Ängelholm, located in south-west of Sweden within Scania. The main objectives cover building a hydrodynamic model, studying parameters that define sediment transport, modelling sediment transport within the river, mapping out erosive stretches and comparing to earlier observ

Assessing the viability of probiotic preparations with flow cytometry. A comparison of different methods

Ändrade levnadsvanor i västerländska länder har lett till en ökning av sjukdomar så som IBS, infektioner i mag- och tarmkanal och allergier. Det har dessutom observerats att mikrofloran förändrats och goda bakterier så som Limosilactobacillus reuteri försvunnit. Mag- och tarmkanalen har därmed förlorat sina goda soldater mot patogena fiender med dysfunktionell balans som resultat. Därför är det inThis master thesis work was performed in collaboration with BioGaia AB, a Swedish biotech- company producing probiotic supplements containing the bacteria Limosilactobacillus reuteri. The products provided by BioGaia contain live microorganisms. Therefore, a method suitable for the correct enumeration of living cells is crucial in probiotic samples and today the so-called plate count method is use

Undersökning av köldbryggor i flerbostadshus

Då klimatfrågan blir större och viktigare än någonsin är det viktigt att alla olika aktörer tar sitt ansvar och aktivt arbetar för ett bättre klimat. Byggsektorn har ett stort ansvar i denna fråga och något som kan minska utsläppen är just att minska energibehovet i byggnader. Genom att reducera köldbryggorna minskas även andelen energi som behövs för att värma upp en byggnad. Det är dock inte endAs the climate issue becomes more significant and critical than ever, it is essential that all different actors assume their responsibilities and actively work for a better climate. The construction sector has a great responsibility on this issue, and something that can reduce emissions is to reduce energy consumption in buildings. By reducing the thermal bridges, the proportion of energy needed t

Att redigera. . . : författaren, redaktören och den kollaborativa redigeringsprocessen

This paper examines the editorial practices of authors and editors documented by five authors writing “Debutantbloggen” in 2020. It does so with the intention of examining to what extent editing is made visible by said authors and to what extent this editorial labour can be said to be collaborative. It argues that cultural attitudes rooted in the Romantic myth of the author and of the literary wor

Network analysis of delay propagation on Swedish railways

Travel on railway in Sweden has increased steadily over the past three decades and there are today twice as many passengers travelling by train as there were 30 years ago. The increasing awareness of environmental issues with other methods of transportation is likely to favour railway travel, and so the number of passengers is expected to continue to rise. As the number of passengers increase, so

Login hardening with Multi-factor Authentication

The aim with this Master’s Thesis work was to conduct research about different available authenticators, as well as implementing a multi-factor authenticator into the currently used login-application. The research included biometric authentication technologies, and investigation of how to implement these to create a highly secure and customizable multi-factor authentication for My Axis-accounts fo

The Role of Social Identity in Memory Integration

An adaptive memory system has to support both the encoding of individual episodes as well as generalization and inference across several episodes. The latter of these two goals is achieved by memory integration in which a memory representation is updated to accommodate new information. However, the circumstances leading to either separate encoding or generalization are still unknown. Building on l

Intra-Regional Trade in Africa in the Era of Regional Integration

A global surge in the number of regional trade agreements has taken place since the 1990s. Their impact on the trade patterns and development of participating countries has been a frequent topic of debate. In this study I analyse the impact of joining a regional trade on the trade patterns of African countries. I find that on average regional trade agreements increase the intra-regional exports be

Projektledning, effektivitet och välmående

Syftet med examensarbetet är att se vilka insatser som genomförs av projektledningen för att öka effektiviteten samt hur projektledningens insatser påverkar välmåendet hos medarbetarna. Arbetet är en kvalitativ studie där en fallstudie har genomförts tillsammans med en kompletterande intervjustudie. Fallstudien har genomförts på sex avslutade byggprojekt i Skåne där personer inom projektorganisatiThe purpose of this master thesis is to examine which project management initiatives increase the effectivity and how the project management initiatives affect the employee’s well-being. The master thesis is a qualitative case study and interview study. In the case study employees from six different construction projects in Scania have been interviewed. The respondents were project managers, produ

"Man får fråga sig fram": Fem trumpetlärares erfarenheter av skador relaterade till trumpetspel

Den fysiska delen av att spela ett brassinstrument jämförs ibland med idrottsutövande i termer av muskelstyrka och uthållighet. Precis som för en idrottsutövare kan uppkomsten av en skada bli förödande för en musikers karriär. Med anledning av detta väcks flera frågor om vilka arbetssätt som kan användas i undervisningen för att förebygga skador samt vad som går att göra om skadeförloppet är långtThe physical aspects of playing the trumpet are sometimes compared to practicing sports in terms of strength and stamina. Just like injuries may cause big problems to athletes, an injury could be devastating to a musician's career. With this taken into consideration, several questions come to my mind about which teaching methods that can be used to prevent injuries and what a teacher can do if

Millennials’ perception of luxury online - the older the better?

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of consumers' perception of heritage in luxury brands online. This will be investigated from a consumer perceived value perspective, with regard to the following aspects of value; social, economic, functional and affective. Methodology: An epistemological and ontological foundation guides the research approach of qualitative so

Key success factors for turning a high technology startup into a commercial success: A case study of a semiconductor startup

While there have been numerous research papers defining and discussing high technology startup success, there is a lack of unity what the recipe for success is. Due to lack of market orientation being one of the most common reasons for startup failure, combined with the essentiality of having a strong technology base in a high technology environment, there is an interest to study their intersectio

En studie om utredande socialsekreterares upplevelser av maktutövande och hjälpande relationer i arbetet med sina klienter – vuxna missbrukare

The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the factors of authority and of power and how these factors effect the relationship between social workers and their clients from the social workers point of view. Four semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers from an Investigative Unit for Adults with Substance Abuse within the Municipal Social Services. The data was analysed b

Managing Profit and Growth

Few business models are as hyped right now as the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. But how sustainable is it? In the last decade, SaaS has reshaped the software industry and has become a leading delivery model of B2B enterprise software. During this period, the disruptors that pioneered the model and the incumbents that transitioned to it have created tremendous shareholder value. However, the