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High-speed imaging showing different mechanical modes of a vibrating nanowire
Copyrights and wrongs
Abstract in UndeterminedThe digital age has brought with it advantages and disadvantages. Few would deny the benefit of being able to store entire song collections on pocket-sized MP3 players. Fewer still would disregard the merits of grandparents in Sydney being able to have face-to-face conversations with grandchildren in Berlin.Certain problems however, have also developed. The music and film i
Auto-tuning Interactive Ray Tracing using an Analytical GPU Architecture Model
This paper presents a method for auto-tuning interactive ray tracing on GPUs using a hardware model. Getting full performance from modern GPUs is a challenging task. Workloads which require a guaranteed performance over several runs must select parameters for the worst performance of all runs. Our method uses an analyti- cal GPU performance model to predict the current frame’s render- ing time usi
Verb Meaning and the Language Learner
Second-order perturbation theory as applied to impurities in the electron gas
Effects of Farming Practice on Pollinators and Pollination across Space and Time
Popular Abstract in Swedish Intensifieringen av jordbruket under de senaste sextio åren har resulterat i en dramatisk produktionsökning av framförallt spannmål. Denna typ av produktion, speciellt det mest intensiva s.k. industrijordbruket, har samtidigt också resulterat i en ohållbar degradering av ekosystemen och miljön, till exempel förlust av biologisk mångfald, utsläpp av växthusgaser, förgiftSeveral studies have found that organic farms support higher biodiversity, but results vary between studies such that some also show no or even negative effects. There can be many reasons why studies comparing organic and conventional farming show conflicting results. The efficacy of organic farming can depend on focal taxa, landscape context, study scale and the proportion of organically managed
Factors of impotance for women's health at midlife with special emphasis on effect by sex steroids
Popular Abstract in Swedish Klimakteriet är normalt en fysiologisk period som alla kvinnor upplever mitt i livet. Klimakteriet är inte en sjukdom eller sjukdomstillstånd utan en övergång ifrån en fertil period till en icke reproduktiv period och utgör för många kvinnor en milstolpe i livet. Övergångsåldern och de processer som föregår en ny balans kan ibland vara turbulent. Syftet med dessa studieMenopause is not a disease, but may bring about a wide range of health complaints and increase some risks of illnesses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the general health status and influences of background factors on symptomatology among a cohort of Swedish women aged 50-64 years, with specific emphasis on the effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) by investigating a profile of HRT us
Aktiesparandets förlovade land. Människors möte med aktiemarknaden.
Anm. av Jareborg, Nils: Gastronomiska undersökningar
Relative economic backwardness and catching up: lessons from history, implications for development thinking
This chapter expands on three main topics. First, it is argued that the economic historical perspective may contribute to our understanding of present day development processes. Instead of advocating a one-size-fits-all model, an analytical framework is offered based on common traits from diverse examples. Second, the importance of agricultural change on the road towards sustained economic growth
Demokrati och internationalisering
Abstract is not available
Rom II- förordningen och immaterialrätten
Accurate recovery of articulator positions from acoustics: New conclusions based on human data
Trade and World Power: A model for a Time-Space Appropriation Assessment of an 18 th Century Swedish-Chinese-Spanish(-American) Trade Exchange
Trade and World Power: A Time-Space Appropriation Assessment of an 18th Century Swedish-Chinese-Spanish(-American) Trade Exchange Was China rather than Europe the center of the early modern world system, as claimed by so-called new world historians such as Kenneth Pomeranz and Andre Gunder Frank? Can structural position within the hierarchy of the world system be revealed through assessment of ec
Semantic Games for Algorithmic Players
We describe a class of semantic extensive entailment game (eeg) with algorithmic players, related to game-theoretic semantics (gts), and generalized to classical first-order semantic entailment. Players have preferences for parsimonious spending of computational resources, and compute partial strategies, under qualitative uncertainty about future histories. We prove the existence of local preferen