Din sökning på "*" gav 532139 sökträffar
Integration, Prices and Productivity in the Food Industry
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The State of The Research
Introduction. Information overload, special competences need in the area of information analysis, demand of business innovation, a struggle in the grant jungle are strong factors that influence the daily work flow for a researcher. Taking these aspects into consideration, we introduce a concept that we have named The State of The Research. Aim. We aim to broaden the researcher’s view in his/her re
In-sample Properties of the Berkowitz Density Forecast Test
The pragmatics of imperative and declarative pointing
Bates (1976) is the starting-point for an analysis of pointing that does not involve explicit higher-order intentions. It is claimed that declarative pointing is essentially intersubjective, while imperative pointing is based on behaviourally motivated regularities. Declarative pointing has an indicating function. Other behaviours associated with it pertain either to its preparatory and enabling c
No title
OmSim—An Environment for Multidisciplinary Object Oriented Modelling and Simulation
Working relationship, participation, and outcome in a psychiatric day care unit based on occupational therapy
Optimal Wigner Cross-Spectrum Estimation
An expression for the mean-square error (MSE) optimal Wigner cross-spectrum estimator is derived within a wide class of estimators. Using this expression and a simplemodel we are able to construct a new estimator which turns out to be superior compared to standard estimators such as Thomson multitapers and Welch method on simulated data.
Time diversification and Estimation Risk
A Low-Complexity High-Throughput Soft-Output MIMO Decoder
A low-complexity soft-output decoding algorithm is proposed for MIMO detection. A VLSI architecture is further proposed to support high-throughput MIMO decoding. The simulation and implementation results show that the proposed algorithm and VLSI architecture can approach the performance of the conventional soft-output MIMO decoding algorithms with lower complexity and higher decoding throughput. T
Learning in Collaboration : Academics’ experiences in collaborative partnerships
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns en pågående debatt, både i USA och i Europa om behovet att utveckla en bredare syn på akademisk kompetens och de olika aktiviteterna som den innefattar, bland annat det som kallas “tjänster riktade mot samhället”. I Sverige tar dessa samhällsorienterade tjänster formen av praktik orienterad involvering och samarbete med det omgivande samhället, i enlighet med There is an ongoing debate both in the United States and Europe about the need to develop a broader view of scholarship and the different activities connected with it, including “service to the community”. In Sweden, service takes the form of practice-oriented engagement and collaboration with the surrounding community, as stipulated by Swedish law regulating universities’ activities. Collaboratio
High-resolution spectroscopy of gold, nickel and iron ; with applications to space astronomy
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Nonlinear Thermopower in Quantum Dots
No title
Person-Environment Fit and ADL Dependence among Older Adults A Longitudinal Perspective.
Hydro-politics and liberal peacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin
Blaming as constructive argumentation pedagogy?
Mellanöstern -ett retoriskt slagträ mot Sri Lankas muslimer
Angular correlations and fragmentation in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions
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