

Din sökning på "*" gav 529438 sökträffar

Potential Carbon Storage and Albedo Change due to Reforestation of Pasture in Scania.

Kan skogen vara vår räddning? Vält känt är att skogen tar upp kol genom fotosyntesen och binder det i sin biomassa. Men är detta ett fenomen som kan nyttjas för att hejda klimatförändringarna? Detta arbete undersöker förändringen och storleken av kollagring och albedo i samband med beskogning av skånska betesmarker i syfte att begränsa klimatförändringar. Beskogning kan fungera som ett verktyg Using reforestation for climate change mitigation is complex due to the multiple impacts forest has on climate. This study analyses the effectiveness in using reforestation on pasture in Scania (south Sweden) as a tool for climate mitigation. The potential carbon storage in biomass and the impact on land surface properties that determine the absorption of radiation (albedo) was assessed. To answer

All solid state single-shot Dispersion scan (D-Scan) for ultrashort laser pulses

Ultrashort laser pulses play an important role in many applications in science and technology, from attosecond science to time resolved spectroscopy and material processing. For applications of ultrashort laser pulses, it requires a complete characterization of the electric field of the pulse, which includes both phase and amplitude of the electric field. The characterization of ultrashort laser pThe human eye can clearly observe movements as fast as around 0.1 seconds long, but how can we observe the movement that is way too fast for the human eye? For example, you can barely read any labels from a really fast moving formula 1 car. However, if we use a camera which can act faster than the human eye, we can capture the images of the moving object. When a camera takes a picture, it records

Demand-side flexibility in shopping centres - a case study on Väla shopping centre

Sveriges elsystem står inför en rad kommande utmaningar. En lovande lösning till många av dessa är efterfrågeflexibilitet. Men vad är byggnaders möjligheter och begränsningar att vara flexibla i sin elanvändning? Förutsättningarna för elförsörjningen i Sverige förändras i takt med att kärnkraften gradvis fasas ut och ersätts med väderberoende elproduktion i form av vind- och solkraft. Detta sker Sweden is heading towards an energy system with less nuclear power and more intermittent energy sources. Together with the coming electrification of the transport and industry sector, this challenges the future stability of the Swedish power system. However, a part of the solution could be that consumption of electricity temporarily is adjusted to facilitate the operation of the power system, reco

Social Innovations and its Barriers of Scaling Social Impact - A case study on Bangalore

The world is currently facing many great challenges, including a rising inequality as a result of the benefits occurring from economic development accrues to some individuals on the expense of others. This is an issue which is even more significant in the Global South. Hence, social innovations have been proposed as an important factor to tackle this problem. Yet, many social innovations fail not

¡La maternidad será deseada o no será!: En kvalitativ analys av feministiska strategier i kampen för fri, (laglig), säker och gratis abort i Chile

This paper examines discursive and performative strategies used by four feminist grassroot organizations in their struggle for free abortion in Chile. With the aim to analyse how the organizations articulate their political vision, I discuss different ways in which they challenge current criminalization on abortion. The empirical data was collected from the organization’s social media platforms an

Dynamics of a high-eccentricity planet in a large planetesimal disc

Ända sedan 1781, när William Herschel upptäckte Uranus, så har astronomer letat efter planeter som ligger ännu längre ut. Solsystemet är ett stort ställe, så om man vill hitta någonting så krävs lite vägledning till var man ska leta. 2016 publicerade astronomerna Konstantin Batygin och Mike Brown en studie om små objekt utanför Neptunus, där de hade upptäckt att många av de här himlakropparnas banClustering of orbital characteristics for distant Solar System objects has been proposed to indicate the presence of a ninth planet. Simulations show that the planets orbit would have to have a mass of 5–10 Solar masses, a semi-major axis of 400–800 AU, an eccentricity of 0.2–0.5 and an inclination of 15–25°. Simulations of a planet scattering off a giant planet into a highly eccentric orbit, show

Slaget om bildsättningen om den sociala pealren

This essay aims to describe and analyse the consequences of the signing of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The subject has been up for a lot of discussions amongst the political parties in Sweden where their opinions differ on the meaning and consequences of the pillar. While some describe it as just a declaration, others describe it as the end of the Swedish labour market model. This essays

Inter-regional redistribution and the German party system

This study is motivated by the recent changes in the German party system which have resulted in the loss of the electoral support of the traditional parties CDU and SPD as well as in the increase of parliamentary influence of the various smaller parties. Earlier studies suggest an inter-state conflict about regional autonomy possibly caused by the current fiscal equalization system. The meaning of

Innovation Policies in East and Southeast Asia: A Comparative Case Study of Japan and Malaysia

The East Asian region shows an interesting contrast when it comes to economic and technological development: on the one hand, North East Asia is more developed, on the other hand, Southeast Asia is less developed. Japan and Malaysia are both good examples of this contrast. Both of those countries’ governments have issued policies concerning how innovation can help the respective countries in achie

Professionellt förhållningssätt - en intervjustudie om socialarbetares erfarenheter av möten med manliga klienter som utövat våld i sina partnerrelationer

The purpose of the study is to investigate social workers’ experiences on encounters with male clients who have practiced violence in their partner relationships. The aim was to get a deeper understanding of how social workers handle their feelings and maintain a professional approach towards clients. Qualitative content analysis of semi-structured interviews was performed. Five social workers wit

The Polish Paradox: Euroscepticism as a political instrument, or an integrated part of national identity?: An analysis and examination of the way the European Union is positioned in the Polish debate on the areas of immigrants and refugees, and the rule-of-law dispute

In connection with the EU, Poland has often given the impression of being a Eurosceptic member state. At the same time, around 87% of the population declare that they are in favor of the membership. The current Polish government, which gained immense support in the September 2015 national parliamentary election, has been criticized by various EU Commissioners for, inter alia, illegal logging in th

International Production in Times of Industrial Internet of Things Platforms: Reassessing the Eclectic Paradigm in light of platform-based MNE Activity in China’s Manufacturing Sector

Fueled by the maturity of digital infrastructures and intelligent technologies, the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) plays a pivotal role in transforming the scope and pattern of international production. The platform as a service market (PaaS) as a major field of the industrial IoT has emerged only recently and enables factory operators with smart connected machinery to access data-driven clou

Den nya stridsrätten med utgångspunkt i konflikten i Göteborgs hamn - De nya reglerna i MBL i förhållande till den svenska modellen

Sammanfattning Den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen bygger på ett samarbete och samförstånd mellan arbetsmarknadens parter. Deras arbete ligger i att komma överens om lösningar på arbetsmarknadsrelaterade problem, utan inblandning av staten och utan att staten lagstiftar på området. Detta kallas för den svenska modellen, som mycket baseras på framförhandlade kollektivavtal. Kollektivavtal har en binAbstract The Swedish labour market is set to work through an understanding and consensus between the social partners, both on the employee and the employer side. The social partners are supposed to come to agreements on labour market related issues, without any intervention from the government in forms of legislations. This is called The Swedish Model, and is also based on by the social partners n

Meyer Fortes hos stammen Tallensi: en undersökning om en förändrad samhällsstruktur som följd av den västerländska kolonialismen

The aim of this paper is to analyse the fieldwork that the British anthropologist Meyer Fortes conducted in the mid-thirties among the Tallensi-tribe in northern Ghana, then called British Gold Coast, a country that had been a European colony for several hundred years. It was not however until the early years of the 20th century that the British Empire, which had had control over the Gold Coast fo

Stulen vision : en studie om hur platsidentitet skapas för stadsomvandlingsprojektet Norra Sorgenfri

The Norra Sorgenfri project is one of Malmö's largest urban renewal projects with the vision that the old industrial area will become an integral part of the inner city. The aim of this research is to investigate how Malmö Municipality tries to change the place identity of Norra Sorgenfri through its vision and at whose expense. The theoretical framework is based on previous research on entrep

Att skapa en “klimatflykting” - En postkolonial studie av den svenska miljö- och klimatflyktingdiskursen utifrån kammarens protokoll 1990-2019.

I denna kandidatuppsats görs en postkolonial granskning av hur miljö- och klimatflyktingar konstrueras inom en svensk politisk kontext, specifikt utifrån riksdagens protokoll mellan åren 1990 till 2019. Syftet med studien är att bidra med en mer nyanserad bild av hur miljö- och klimatflyktingar diskursivt konstrueras inom den svenska politiken. Detta för att undersöka huruvida ett postkolonialt na

Integrating Terryland Forest Park - An Urban Transformation Project Inspired by Community Visions for an Ecological Corridor

"Citizens of Galway - this is your park!" ... it reads on a large, slightly yellowed sign in front of a deserted green space. Here is one of the few entrances to Terryland Forest Park, brought to life by the combined efforts of Galway City Council and the local community in the year 2000. Under a multi-sectoral steering committee, the vision for Ireland’s largest ecological urban park an

The Effects of Corporate Social Performance (CSP) on Credit Ratings - Evidence from the European Market

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to fill the existing research gap in Europe by examining the effect of corporate social performance (CSP) on firms’ credit ratings. Methodology: Through a quantitative research strategy, we examine the relationship between CSP and firms’ credit rating using a fixed effects regressions analysis based on a panel data set. Theoretical perspectives: The theor

Social Change of an Indigenous Community: A case study of the community-based cooperative "Millennial Women" in Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico has a large share of indigenous people that are living in disproportionally high poverty levels. As a result, rural communities are facing deprivation of indigenous peoples in search of work in urban areas. The community-based cooperative “Millennial Women” was formed about 2-3 years ago with the intentions to maintain community resilience while promoting economic development in the rural c