

Din sökning på "*" gav 529424 sökträffar

"Left, right or something else, it doesn't matter to me": a study of master strategies, impression management, argumentative fallacies and substantiations in alt-right and alt-left discussions online

This study treats argumentative behaviours, argumentative fallacies, impression management efforts, argument substantiations and master strategies in comments in the Facebook group Det fria ordet. The objective is to create a deeper understanding of how the discussions on the alt-left and -right in an online setting are carried out. This could facilitate meeting individuals’ argumentative behaviou

HR-personalens möjligheter till kompetensutveckling- en kvalitativ studie

Medarbetarnas kompetens är en viktig del av organisationens utveckling. Att åtgärda medarbetarnas kompetensluckor och hålla den professionella standarden uppdaterad krävs för att organisationer ska kunna möta arbetsmarknadens krav. HR- avdelningen får en viktig roll i det här, vilket även ställer krav på att HR-personal ständigt utvecklas. Den här kvalitativa studien har syftet att kartlägga och a

Yttrandefrihet i Turkiet utifrån två rättsfall - En argumentationsanalys av två rättsfall om yttrandefrihet i Turkiet och hur de förhåller sig till de samhällsfunktionella teorierna sannings-, demokrati- och toleransargumenten

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att få en djupare förståelse för hur Turkiet har hanterat yttrandefriheten. Denna undersökning analyserar två rättsfall där Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna fastställde att Turkiet misslyckats i sin skyldighet att skydda yttrandefriheten för två av sina medborgare, Hrant Dink och Selahattin Demirtaş. Undersökningen inleds med att analysera rätThe purpose of this bachelor thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how Turkey has dealt with freedom of expression. This study analyzes two court cases in which the European Court of Human Rights determined that Turkey failed in its obligation to protect the freedom of expression of two of its citizens, Hrant Dink and Selahattin Demirtaş. The study begins by analyzing the merits of the cases

Automatic Procedure for Determining Control Parameters for Ship-to-Shore Cranes

The objective of this thesis has been to create a tuning functionality that can determine the control parameters for a crane that loads and unloads containers from ships. To accomplish this a model of the crane has been developed in MapleSIM and exported into MATLAB’s Simulink. In MATLAB cost functions have been developed and evaluated to later be used in optimisation algorithms to find the optima

Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Industrial Symbiosis

Many regions around the world suffer from occasional or permanent droughts. Recent years have shown that although Sweden is not a water scarce country, it is vulnerable to dry peri- ods. As drinking water is applied in not only households, but within agriculture and indus- tries, this thesis explores the opportunities to achieve an improved management of water re- sources, by investigating the pos

Mr. Zenawi's "green legacy" - promoting inclusive growth?

The current state of our environment is alarming. Increasing natural disasters worldwide and rising pollution levels made a conventional economic growth model illogical to abide by. Alternative growth models are of actuality, with the Green Economy being the most popular. Defined by UNEP (2011) as a “low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive” economy (p.9), it raises interest among the

Multi-stakeholder collaboration in the building sector for building material reuse projects - Case-studies in Denmark

Reuse of building materials is gaining increasing interest in Denmark as a result of policy developments. The thesis aims to describe what actors find important regarding collaboration in investigated Danish projects involving reuse of secondary building materials and to relate these findings to stakeholder interdependency patterns and institution characteristics of the building industry. Five in-

WWF: A Transversal Bridging Organization. Exploring the Role of WWF in the Urban Climate Governance Arena.

In the last years, a lack of trust in multi-lateral agreements has been rising, in part because of the absence of a global legally binding environmental regime, since the end of the Kyoto Protocol. The urban climate governance arena has been emerging as a much more promising scenario for climate action. Municipalities have been setting an ambitious climate agenda, planning for climate mitigation a

What a waste – a critical appraisal of Germany’s plastic waste trade 2000 – 2018

In recent years, the global problem of plastic waste has received increasing attention. Plastic waste is frequently traded good and is often exported to countries which mismanage large proportions of their waste. By investigating Germany’s imports and exports to a selection of countries this study finds that the German recycling system has flaws in the area of plastic waste. Due to the fact that p

Performance Evaluation of MathWorks HDL Coder as a Vendor Independent DFE Generation

This thesis aims to evaluate MathWorks HDL (Hardware Descriptive Language) Coder and compare the results with designs produced by its vendor dependent counterparts. The focus is mainly on evaluate the design effort needed to close timing and to get optimal resource mapping for a selected design. Different tests were carried out with the designs made in HDL Coder ranging from a small design to a co

Skepp, Hav och Sjöminor - Regleringen och de strategiska värdena för sjöminor: en komparativ analys

I uppsatsen kartläggs och analyseras den folkrättsliga grunden för Hague VIII-konventionen och San Remo-manualen gällande regleringen utav sjöminor. Kartläggningen görs utifrån innehållet i de båda dokumenten med utgångspunkt från den sedvanerättsliga grund och i andra hands material vars författare haft förstahandserfarenheter och kunskap gällande sjöminor och internationell rätt. Kartläggningen

Ulterior Motives Embedded in Inclusivity: A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Framing of Economic Development Within Strategies for Swedish Development Cooperation

Strategies for development cooperation are decorated with words of humanitarianism and altruism and are simultaneously influenced by the contemporary world order paradigm. By outlining the current turn in development discourse, the world order is defined as one governed by a turn to deep neoliberalism, which is used as the theoretical framework for this study. The essence of deep neoliberalism enc

Markåtkomst för skidåkning

Sverige har haft stora framgångar inom skidåkningen där längdlandslaget har tagit många medaljer i olika mästerskap. Det finns ett stort intresse för skidåkning inte bara på elitnivå utan även bland vanliga motionärer. Ett sådant intresse skapar efterfrågan och behov av anläggningar och områden som möjliggör utövande. Skidåkning kan utövas på mer än ett sätt med varierande påverkan på det områdeIn Sweden skiing has been very popular for a long time. Due to the popularity there is a need for land to practice the sport. Cross- country skiing is one kind of skiing that is popular. If you want to go on a skiing tour you can either chose to make your own tracks or use tracks made by machines. When you make your own tracks the imprint that is left in nature is small. Tracks made by machines

Aggregation propensity of homologous peptides as studied by 1H NMR-spectroscopy

Studie av aggregeringstendenser hos en homolog serie peptider med NMR-spektroskopi Examensarbetet utvärderar tillämpningen av 1H NMR-spektroskopi med vattenundertryckning vid en första undersökning av aggregeringsbeteende hos fyra närbesläktade läkemedelsmolekyler. Utveckling av peptidläkemedel står inför många svårigheter. För det första är de är relativt nya på marknaden. LäkemedelsutvecklareThe aggregation propensity of four GnRH analogues, namely D-Phe6-GnRH, ozarelix, cetrorelix and degarelix has been studied with 1H NMR spectroscopy in 100 % H2O, while tracking changes in pH. A method was developed to study aggregation propensities by variations in absolute integral values over time and with concentration. The method provided an intuitive visual comparison of the aggregation prope

The Ideal Society Workshop: an experiment in creating a new method that contributes to reclaiming Participatory Action Research for emancipation, critical consciousness and citizen power.

Action Research, Participatory Action Research and participatory methods have faced a number of criticisms, including that they do not actually involve citizens or create social change, and that they are tokenistic. This thesis develops and tests a new participatory method that contributes to a democratic and emancipatory PAR that responds to these criticisms and the shortcomings of current method

Can External White Noise Benefits Sustained Attention?

Background: Sustained attention, which is essential for any cognitively planned activity, is very important for everyday life. White noise is typically thought of as a distractor for one’s attention that may be detrimental to cognitive performance. However, recent studies have some counterintuitive findings, indicating proper white noise can improve attention and cognitive performance. In addition

Quantum teleportation of single-electron states

Teleportering – att förflytta människor och ting mellan två platser utan att de faktiskt reser mellan dem – har länge varit en del av science fiction berättelser, som exempelvis Star Trek. Fram till 90-talet så förblev teleportering en science fiction dröm, men 1993 så föreslog Charles H. Bennett och medarbetare ett sätt att få teleportering att bli verklighet. 1997 så utfördes ett experiment i ÖsQuantum teleportation is a way to transfer a quantum state between two locations, by utilizing a shared entangled state, measurements and the ability to communicate measurement outcomes between the two locations. This thesis consists of a theoretical investigation of an experiment that would implement quantum teleportation using single-electron states in mesoscopic architectures. First, we studied

Omega Baryon Production as a Function of Multiplicity in Proton-Proton Collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV

Som många kanske vet, är allting runtomkring oss (och även vi själva) uppbyggda av atomer. Atomer är dock inte de minsta byggstenarna som finns, då de består av en kärna -- som består av protoner och neutroner -- och elektroner. Även protonerna och neutronerna består av partiklar, så kallade kvarkar, men där tar det stopp. De här kvarkarna (och även elektronerna) är vad som kallas elementarpartiklIn this thesis the production of the $\Omega^-$ and $\Omega^+$ baryons, in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV, is analyzed as a function of charged-particle multiplicity. The events analyzed were recorded by the ALICE detector, at the LHC. The aim of the analysis is to study the QGP-signature of strangeness enhancement, in search for an enhancement of $\Omega^-$ and $\Omega^+$ at high m

Tjänstemannaetikens komplikationer

In this thesis, my aim is to offer a comprehensive normative analysis of the different types of ethical dilemmas that Swedish bureaucrats face in their everyday decision-making. By mainly focusing on value systems and different ethical schools discussed by Lundquist (1988, 1998), a complex picture arises with a variety of choices a bureaucrat faces all the way from policy initiation to implementa

Hållbara prioriteringar - En fallstudie av hållbarhetsmål i planeringsprocessen i Kristianstads kommun

Sustainable development is the goal to which we strive, and the goals and strategies are many for the communal planners. But how do they prioritize between the three different sustainability dimensions? What happens when there are on goal to decrease car traffic and then another of creating a lively countryside? The aim of this thesis is to further examine these types of questions. Through a case