

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Influence of anthropometric factors on tumour biological characteristics of colorectal cancer in men and women : a cohort study

BACKGROUND: Obesity is a well established risk factor of colorectal cancer (CRC), but how body size influences risk of colorectal cancer defined by key molecular alterations remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the relationship between height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist- and hip circumference, waist-hip ratio (WHR) and risk of CRC according to expression of beta-catenin, cycli

Linking vital rates to invasiveness of a perennial herb

Invaders generally show better individual performance than non-invaders and, therefore, vital rates (survival, growth, fecundity) could potentially be used to predict species invasiveness outside their native range. Comparative studies have usually correlated vital rates with the invasiveness status of species, while few studies have investigated them in relation to population growth rate. Here, I

Search for high mass dilepton resonances in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment

This Letter presents a search for high mass e(+)e(-) or mu(+)mu(-) resonances in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV at the LHC. The data were recorded by the ATLAS experiment during 2010 and correspond to a total integrated luminosity of similar to 40 pb(-1). No statistically significant excess above the Standard Model expectation is observed in the search region of dilepton invariant mass above 110

Evaluating a traditional medicine policy in South Africa: phase 1 development of a policy assessment tool.

BACKGROUND: Policies that empower individuals and communities may be appropriate for public health, and more broadly. Simple, transparent and acceptable tools are therefore required to evaluate policies from an empowerment perspective. In 2008, the South African Department of Health (DOHSA) drafted a policy to endorse the integration of African Traditional Medicine (ATM) into the public health sec

Targeting human papillomavirus to reduce the burden of cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancer and pre-invasive neoplasia: establishing the baseline for surveillance.

Infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is causally related to cervical, vulvar and vaginal pre-invasive neoplasias and cancers. Highly effective vaccines against HPV types 16/18 have been available since 2006, and are currently used in many countries in combination with cervical cancer screening to control the burden of cervical cancer. We estimated the overall and age-specific incide

14C and 10Be around 1650 cal BC

There is a debate about the date of the Minoan eruption of Santorini as reconstructed from a branch of an olive tree that was buried alive in trephra on Santorini2 and the dating of an ice core horizon attributed to this eruption.3 The olive branch was 14C-wiggle matched to the 14C calibration curve and yielded an age range of 1627-1600 bc4 while the counting of annual layers in the Greenland ice

Investigation of different valve geometries and valve timing strategies and their effect on regenerative efficiency for a pneumatic hybrid with variable valve actuation

In the study presented in this paper a single-cylinder Scania D12 diesel engine has been converted to work as a pneumatic hybrid. During pneumatic hybrid operation, the engine can be used as a 2-stroke compressor for generation of compressed air during vehicle deceleration and during vehicle acceleration the engine can be operated as an air-motor driven by the previously stored pressurized air. T

Optimal antenna currents for Q, superdirectivity, and radiation patterns using convex optimization

The high Q-factor (low bandwidth) and low efficiency make the design of small antennas challenging. Here, convex optimization is used to determine current distributions that provide upper bounds on the antenna performance. Optimization formulations for maximal gain Q-factor quotient, minimal Q-factor for superdirectivity, and minimum Q for given far-fields are presented. The effects of antennas em

Observations of temperature stability of γ-zirconium hydride by high-resolution neutron powder diffraction

The phase evolution in a zirconium–50 deuterium (Zr–50D, at.%) alloy system during thermal cycling has been investigated using in situ high-resolution neutron powder diffraction. The results showed that the peritectoid reaction α-Zr + δ-ZrD → γ-ZrD previously suggested to occur at high temperatures does not take place in the system. Slow cooling, from high temperatures (≥520 K) to room temperature

Secular Spirituality in Contemporary Sweden

In this paper I will examine the interspace where new religious systems and practices in contemporary Sweden meet the secularized society and give rise to a new, enchanted cosmos. I will discuss how this meeting has generated a science-like concept, the potential concept, which I would refer to as a common used notion within contemporary neo-spirituality, since there are similarities between the n

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Clean Water: Analysis and Purification

Because of their predetermined selectivity, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been extensively investigated to offer efficient separation of organic pollutants for water analysis and purification. In this review, we first describe the current development of water compatible MIPs, and the physical encapsulation and chemical immobilization of MIP particles for practical applications related

Factors Associated with Multiple Medication Use in Different Age Groups

BACKGROUND: Multiple medicine use among elderly persons is likely to be the result of treatment regimens developed over a long period of time. By learning more about how multiple medication use develops, the quality of prescribing may be improved across the adult lifespan. OBJECTIVE: To describe patterns of multiple medicine use in the general Swedish population and its association with sociodemog

Giant monopole resonances and nuclear incompressibilities studied for the zero-range and separable pairing interactions

Background: Following the 2007 precise measurements of monopole strengths in tin isotopes, there has been a continuous theoretical effort to obtain a precise description of the experimental results. Up to now, there is no satisfactory explanation of why the tin nuclei appear to be significantly softer than Pb-208. Purpose: We determine the influence of finite-range and separable pairing interactio

Perceived risks for slipping and falling at work during wintertime and criteria for a slip-resistant winter shoe among Swedish outdoor workers

The leading cause of work related accidents in Sweden is falls. Many slips and falls occur on icy and snowy surfaces, but there is limited knowledge about how to prevent accidents during outdoor work in winter conditions. The purpose of this study was to describe risk factors of slips and falls and criteria for slip-resistant winter shoes from a user perspective. The result is based on focus group

Den hälsofrämjande promenaden. Äldre människors promenerande som nytta, nöje och norm.

From a medical point of view, walking is an activity that is becoming more and more associated with health promotion. Especially older people are encouraged to take walks, since ageing is considered to increase the risk of ill-health.The aim of this article is to discuss how older people reason about health and walking, and their use of talking walks. The article shows that the interviewees are aw

Individual and collective responses to large carnivore management: the roles of trust, representation, knowledge spheres, communication and leadership.

Overseeing the continued recovery, dispersal and management of large carnivore populations while simultaneously considering human viability and welfare requires delicately balancing local concerns for rural communities’ livelihood prospects and property vulnerability with international concerns for saving threatened species. In this article, we propose an integrated analytical perspective to eluci