

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

A new reference material for radionuclides in the mussel sample from the Mediterranean Sea (IAEA-437)

A new Reference Material (RM) for radionuclides in mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Mediterranean Sea (IAEA-437) is described and the results of the certification process are presented. Four radionuclides (K-40, U-234, U-238, and Pu239+240) have been certified, and information values on massic activities with 95% confidence intervals are given for nine radionuclides (Cs-137, Pb-210(Po-2

Historical view and future demand for knee arthroplasty in Sweden

Background and purpose - The incidence of knee osteoarthritis will most likely increase. We analyzed historical trends in the incidence of knee arthroplasty in Sweden between 1975 and 2013, in order to be able to provide projections of future demand. Patients and methods - We obtained information on all knee arthroplasties in Sweden in the period 1975-2013 from the Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Regist

SF-36 summary and subscale scores are reliable outcomes of neuropsychiatric events in systemic lupus erythematosus

Objective To examine change in health-related quality of life in association with clinical outcomes of neuropsychiatric events in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods An international study evaluated newly diagnosed SLE patients for neuropsychiatric events attributed to SLE and non-SLE causes. The outcome of events was determined by a physician-completed seven-point scale and compared with

Nanowire-based structures for infrared to ultraviolet emitters studied by cathodoluminescence

Nanowires are structures with features on the nanoscale, and it is therefore essential to study their properties on that scale. We present optical data from a variety of nanowire-based structures using cathodoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy. One important feature of nanowires is the stacking sequence of the crystal, either zincblede, wurtzite or a mix of the two. We show that this has an imp

A variant in FTO shows association with melanoma risk not due to BMI

We report the results of an association study of melanoma that is based on the genome-wide imputation of the genotypes of 1,353 cases and 3,566 controls of European origin conducted by the GenoMEL consortium. This revealed an association between several SNPs in intron 8 of the FTO gene, including rs16953002, which replicated using 12,313 cases and 55,667 controls of European ancestry from Europe,

A New Look on Ekphrasis : an Eye-tracking Experiment on a Cinematic Example

Taking the modern definition of ekphrasis as a verbal representation of a work of art as a starting point, we try to broaden it in this contribution. We agree with intermediality theorist Lars Elleström that ekphrasis falls into the category of “media representation”, defined as the representation of a source medium in a target medium. We argue that the target medium does not need to be a verbal o

Magneto-Transport Characterization of Four-Arm Nanostructure Based on Ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As

We report on results of magneto-transport measurements performed on four-arm nanostructure fabricated from p-type ferromagnetic Ga0.92Mn0.08As layer. The results reveal hysteresis-like behaviors of low field magneto resistance. We interpret the magnetoresistance in terms of domain walls, which are expected to be trapped inside the nanostructure at some particular positions and which contribute to

Ex Vivo Perfusion-Simulation Measurements of Microbubbles as a Scattering Contrast Agent for Grating-Based X-Ray Dark-Field Imaging.

The investigation of dedicated contrast agents for x-ray dark-field imaging, which exploits small-angle scattering at microstructures for contrast generation, is of strong interest in analogy to the common clinical use of high-atomic number contrast media in conventional attenuation-based imaging, since dark-field imaging has proven to provide complementary information. Therefore, agents consistin

Phase-space reconstruction and self-exciting threshold models in lake level forecasting: a case study of the three largest lakes of Sweden

Lake water level forecasting is very important for an accurate and reliable management of local and regional water resources. In the present study two nonlinear approaches, namely phase-space reconstruction and self-exciting threshold autoregressive model (SETAR) were compared for lake water level forecasting. The modeling approaches were applied to high-quality lake water level time series of the

Reversible formation of a PdCx phase in Pd nanoparticles upon CO and O-2 exposure

The structure and chemical composition of Pd nanoparticles exposed to pure CO and mixtures of CO and O-2 at elevated temperatures have been studied in situ by a combination of X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in pressures ranging from ultra high vacuum to 10 mbar and from room temperature to a few hundred degrees celsius. Our investigation shows that under CO exposure, above

Flint Daggers in Europe - A Case of Cultural Hybridization?

The early Holocene and the development of sedentary, agriculturally based life allowed for an unprecedented accumulation of material goods (Bogucki 2011; Scarre 2005:191). This affected the organization and objectives of lithic technologies. In contrast to mobile hunter-gathers, who mainly developed elaborate technologies in response to risk (Collard et al 2013, Torrence 2001) Neolithic societies

Innate defense mechanisms of the nasal airway

Popular Abstract in Swedish Rinit är en av våra vanligaste sjukdomar och betyder ordagrant inflammation i näsan. Det är också inflammationen i nässlemhinnan som orsakar de välkända symptomen vid rinit: snuva, nästäppa och klåda i näsan. Inflammationen orsakas av att immun¬försvaret reagerar på ämnen i vår omgivning. Det kan t.ex. vara pollen, som hos de av oss som är allergiska ger allergisk rinitAllergic and infectious rhinitis are prevalent conditions that besides a direct morbidity also causes exacerbations of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The immune mechanisms associated with various forms of rhinitis are not fully understood. The principal aim of this thesis was to examine innate immune mechanisms relevant to allergic and viral rhinitis focusing on the mediators tu

The crystal structure of beta-alanine synthase from Drosophila melanogaster reveals a homooctameric helical turn-like assembly

beta-Alanine synthase (PAS) is the third enzyme in the reductive pyrimidine catabolic pathway, which is responsible for the breakdown of the nucleotide bases uracil and thymine in higher organisms. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of N-carbamyl-beta-alanine and N-carbamyl-beta-aminoisobutyrate to the corresponding beta-amino acids. beta ASs are grouped into two phylogenetically unrelated subfamilies, a

Abdominal aortic aneurysm and infection with CagA positive strains of Helicobacter pylori

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether virulent CagA positive Helicobacter pylori strains are those preferentially related to abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) rupture. Several microorganisms have been linked to aneurysm development. Chronic Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection has been suggested as a possible contributing factor for the development and expansion of AAA. Previous stud

High-spin Isomers in 96Ag: Excitations Across the Z=38 and Z=50, N=50 Closed Shells

Excited states in Ag-96 were populated in fragmentation of an 850-MeV/u Xe-124 beam on a 4-g/cm(2) Be target. Three new high-spin isomers were identified and the structure of the populated states was investigated. The level scheme of Ag-96 was established, and a spin parity of (13(-)), (15(+)), and (19(+)) was assigned to the new isomeric states. Shell-model calculations were performed in various

Exposure to Metalworking Fluid Aerosols and Determinants of Exposure

Metalworking fluid (MWF) aerosols are associated with respiratory disorders including asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The aims of this study were to describe exposure to inhalable MWF aerosols and volatile compounds in machine shops, to estimate the influence of important determinants of exposure and to compare different sampling techniques for MWF aerosols. Personal full-shift air sample

Long-Term Predictors of Social and Leisure Activity 10 Years after Stroke.

BACKGROUND: Restrictions in social and leisure activity can have negative consequences for the health and well-being of stroke survivors. To support the growing number of people who are ageing with stroke, knowledge is needed about factors that influence such activity in a long-term perspective. AIM: To identify long-term predictors of the frequency of social and leisure activities 10 years afte