

Din sökning på "*" gav 530712 sökträffar

Decay Study of 246Fm at SHIP

The decay chain of Fm-246 has been investigated employing the SHIP separator at GSI Darmstadt. The Fm-246 nuclei were produced via the Ar-40(Pb-208, 2n)Fm-246 fusion-evaporation reaction. Improved values of the half-life, T-1/2 = 1.54(4) s, and of the spontaneous fission branching ratio, b(SF) = 0.068(6), of Fm-246 were obtained. The beta(+)/electron capture branching ratio, b(EC) = 0.39(3), of Cf

Dietary Fibre Intake and Risks of Cancers of the Colon and Rectum in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Background: Earlier analyses within the EPIC study showed that dietary fibre intake was inversely associated with colorectal cancer risk, but results from some large cohort studies do not support this finding. We explored whether the association remained after longer follow-up with a near threefold increase in colorectal cancer cases, and if the association varied by gender and tumour location. Me

The strength of glulam beams with holes - A probabilistic fracture mechanics method and experimental tests

This thesis deals with experimental tests and methods for strength analysis of glulam beams with holes. Test results and methods for strength analysis available in literature are compiled and discussed. The methods considered comprise both code strength design methods and more general methods for strength analysis. New strength tests of beams with quadratic holes with rounded corners are presente

Fine-scaled orientation changes in migrating shorebirds

Flight directions and routes of migrating birds are determined by the birds' compass orientation, but also by effects of wind, social influence, responses to topography and landmarks, and to navigation cues. We investigated the orientation and routes taken by arctic shorebirds during autumn migration in southern Sweden at three different sites situated within a distance of 200 km from each other,

Macroporous gel particles as novel sorbent materials: Rational design

A novel design approach to form macroporous gels is presented. Macroporous gels (MGs), known as cryogels(or gels prepared at subzero temperatures), were prepared inside a protective plastic core (so-called, housing), thus making them resistant to shear forces at stirring. MGs are highly elastic polymeric materials with pore sizes up to 100 mu m and spongelike morphology. Design of MGs inside a pro

Analysis of factors of importance for drug use

Popular Abstract in Swedish Läkemedelsanvändning är en av sjukvårdens viktigaste behandlingsmetoder för att bota och lindra sjukdom. Samtidigt kan läkemedelsanvändning innebära risker. Det finns en risk för att patienterna får biverkningar av sina läkemedel, att läkemedlen fungerar mindre bra tillsammans och att effekten därmed upphör eller förstärks. Vidare finns det risk för att läkemedlen inte Background: There are differences in drug use depending on non-medical factors such as age, gender and socioeconomic status. The combined effect of these factors, with adjustment for multimorbidity, is highly relevant to study to ensure equality in drug use. Objectives: 1. To examine drug use related to age, gender, income and education after adjustment for multimorbidity, in an entire adult popul

Serological assessment for celiac disease in IgA deficient adults.

Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency is the most common primary immunodeficiency disorder that is strongly overrepresented among patients with celiac disease (CD). IgG antibodies against tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and deamidated gliadin peptides (DGP) serve as serological markers for CD in IgA deficient individuals, although the diagnostic value remains uncertain. The aim of this study was to

Innovation studies-The emerging structure of a new scientific field

The scholarly literature on innovation was for a long time not very voluminous. But as shown in the paper, this is now rapidly changing. New journals, professional associations and organizational units within universities focusing on innovation have also been formed. This paper explores the cognitive and organizational characteristics of this emerging field of social science and considers its pros

Assessment of aerosol optical and micro-physical features retrieved from direct and diffuse solar irradiance measurements from Skyradiometer at a high altitude station at Merak

Optical and micro-physical features of aerosol are reported using Skyradiometer (POM-01L, Prede, Japan) observations taken from a high-altitude station Merak, located in north-eastern Ladakh of the western trans-Himalayas region during January 2011 to December 2013. The observed daily mean aerosol optical depth (AOD, at 500 nm) at the site varied from 0.01 to 0.14. However, 75 % of the observed AO

Remote Sensing in Social Science Research

Since the early days of satellite remote sensing in the 1950’s, accessibility, quality, and scope of remote sensing image data has been continuously improving, making it a rich data source with a wide range of applications. Today, the use of remote sensing techniques and data is commonplace within many disciplines in the natural sciences. Although there are quite a few examples of remote sensing t

Laparoscopic or Open Appendectomy for Pediatric Appendicitis?

Background: This study aimed to compare open appendectomy (OA) and laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) in children by analyzing the differences in outcomes between the two techniques. Materials and Methods: This was a single-institution retrospective study. Data were collected from the medical records of all children

A prospective study of quality of life in head and neck cancer patients. Part I: at diagnosis

PURPOSE: A Swedish and Norwegian study was designed to examine health-related quality of life (HQL) in patients with head and neck cancer (head and neck) at diagnosis and during treatment and rehabilitation. The overall aim was to examine the impact on HQL at diagnosis depending on tumor location, stage, sex, and age (part I) and to describe HQL longitudinally and determine for which patients and

High-pt direct photon-hadron correlations using the PHENIX detector

Direct photons are a powerful probe to study the property of quark–gluon plasma (QGP) in high energy heavy-ion collisions. In non-central collisions, the anisotropy of the collision region produces the different pressure gradients and particle density that results in different anisotropy of particle emission, depending on the production processes of photons. Therefore, an azimuthal anisotropy para

Suzuki reaction catalysed by a PCsp3P pincer Pd(II) complex: Evidence for a mechanism involving molecular species

{Cis-1,3-bis[(di-tert-butylphosphino)methyl]cyclohexyl}palladium(II)trif luoroacetate (1) acts as a precatalyst for the Suzuki reaction of aryl halides with phenylboronic acid in the absence or presence of mercury to give the product in modest to reasonably good yields. The reaction was monitored by P-31- and H-1 NMR spectroscopy in a stepwise fashion, concluding that complex 1 reacts with activat

Blodplasma används som läkemedel. : Men nationella, evidensbaserade behandlingsriktlinjer saknas

There are great regional variations in the use of plasma products. Evidence-based guidelines for plasma treatment are lacking. The Swedish market offers a non-commercial plasma product, produced by the hospital-based transfusion departments. There is also the commercial, virus-inactivated “SD plasma”. This is more expensive than the non-commercial plasma, yet it has not been shown to reduce the ri

In-situ Measurement of Sodium and Potassium Release during Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Effects of O-2 and CO2 Concentration

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was used in this study to measure quantitatively the sodium (Na) and potassium (K) release from burning coal particles under oxy-fuel combustion environments. A specially designed laminar premixed burner was employed to provide a postflame environment with different O-2 and CO2 concentrations, in which the effects of O-2 and CO2 on the release of Na and

Adaptive Rate-Maximizing Channel-Shortening for ISI Channels

We consider detection over intersymbol interference channels that are unknown at the receiver. For such a kind of systems, we consider an alternative approach to the design of a reduced-complexity receiver based on channel shortening without the explicit estimation of the channel impulse response. The proposed solution allows a simplification of the receiver architecture and a faster convergence f