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Gräsmarker i allmänhet och fårsvingel i synnerhet

I det fjärde numret av Essä uppmärksammas ett helt vanligt grässtrå – fårsvingeln – genom Olof Rudbeck den äldres avbildning av det i det stora botaniska verket Campus Elysii som under dramatiska omständigheter nästan brann upp i stadsbranden i Uppsala 1702. De som tittat på gräset och skrivit om det är Erik Bergqvist, Gunnar Eriksson, Honor C. Prentice, Birgitta Lillpers, Carin Franzén och Jakob

Approaches for Framing Sustainability Challenges : Experiences from Swedish Sustainability Science Education

Sustainability challenges are defined by their complex and multifaceted interactions between nature and society and contention as to how and where to direct problem-solving efforts. This chapter presents four different approaches that exist for framing sustainability challenge areas that are introduced and worked with by students in LUMES International Master Programme in Environmental Studies and

Outcomes After Surgery for Unilateral Dominant Primary Aldosteronism in Sweden

Background: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common cause of secondary hypertension. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for unilateral dominant PA, but reported cure rates varies. The aim of the present study was to investigate contemporary follow-up practices and cure rates after surgery for PA in Sweden. Methods: Patients operated for PA and registered in the Scandinavian Quality Registe

Does innovation add customer value? How servitization affects performance measurement in innovation

This study contributes to a growing stream of literature on servitization in management accounting. In extension to recent explorations in servitization and management accounting, this paper presents how KPIs in innovation reflect the shift towards servitization. The chosen methodology, participatory action design, gives a unique insight how organizations respond and construct KPIs (key performanc

Is innovation out of control?

that are influenced by use of management control systems (MCS). By means of a systematic literature review, the theoretical constructs are explored and related to part of the MCS, namely the performance measurement systems (PMS) and the business model of innovation (i.e. innovation input, process, output, and outcome). The results of the systematic literature review will be used to develop a set o

Weight and height separated provide better understanding than BMI on the risk of revision after total knee arthroplasty : report of 107,228 primary total knee arthroplasties from the Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register 2009–2017

Background and purpose — Obesity defined as increased BMI is commonly associated with higher revision rates following total knee arthroplasty (TKA). We examined the effect of BMI on the rate of revision after TKA, for both infection and other reasons, and analyzed weight and height separately to provide better understanding of the risk profile. Patients and methods — The Swedish national knee arth

Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma biomarker trajectories with increasing amyloid deposition in Alzheimer's disease

Failures in Alzheimer's disease (AD) drug trials highlight the need to further explore disease mechanisms and alterations of biomarkers during the development of AD. Using cross-sectional data from 377 participants in the BioFINDER study, we examined seven cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and six plasma biomarkers in relation to β-amyloid (Aβ) PET uptake to understand their evolution during AD. In CSF, A

Electrospun fabrication of nanofibers as high-performance cathodes of solid oxide fuel cells

The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity can strongly affect the performance of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). To improve the electron transfer and enhance active sites for reactions in cathode, La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 mixed with Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (LSM/YSZ) nanofibers were co-fabricated by the electrospinning method. The fibers were well characterized and the electrochemical properties were evaluat

Developing strategic frameworks for innovation related public procurement : Thematic Report Topic A

This thematic report addresses frameworks for innovation related public procurement. It focuses on four specific kinds of procurement, namely (1) direct innovation procurement, (2) catalytic innovation procurement, (3) functional regular procurement, and (4) Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). (1) – (3) are also called Innovation-Enhancing Procurement (IEP). The four different kinds of innovation re

Innovation : Exploring the knowledge base

New types of knowledge, and new ways of organising the production of it, may emerge as knowledge producers respond to the challenges posed by a changing society. This paper focuses on the core knowledge of one such emerging field, namely, innovation studies. To explore the knowledge base of the field, a database of references in scholarly surveys of various aspects of innovation, published in "han

Serum exchange and use of dilutions have improved precision of measurement of islet cell antibodies

In an attempt to improve the diagnostic value of measuring antibodies to islet cell cytoplasmic antigen, coded sera were distributed to 38 laboratories and results were returned for analysis. Comparison between laboratories revealed that results for some individual sera differed by up nine doubling dilutions and even within laboratories duplicate samples could differ by six doubling dilutions. By

Plasmapheresis in the initial treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in children

Several factors indicate that autoimmune mechanisms may play a part in the aetiology of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. At the onset of the disease in 10 children (aged 11-16 years) plasmapheresis was performed four times over one to two weeks. Seventeen age-matched children with the same clinical features served as controls. The C-peptide concentrations at onset were the same in the two grou

Specificity of leucine stimulation of insulin release

The ability of leucine to stimulate insulin release was studied in an in vitro system, using microdissected pancreatic islets with a high proportion of the insulin-producing β-cells. When tested in a glucose-free medium, l-leucine stimulated insulin release over a wide concentration range with maximum effect at about 20 mm. The stimulation of insulin release was additive to that elicited by 10 mm

A polar dinosaur feather assemblage from Australia

Exceptionally preserved Mesozoic feathered dinosaur fossils (including birds) are famous, but recognized from only very few localities worldwide, and are especially rare in the Southern Hemisphere. Here we report an assemblage of non-avian and avian dinosaur feathers from an Early Cretaceous polar (around 70°S) environment in what is now southeastern Australia. The recovered remains incorporate sm