

Din sökning på "*" gav 535428 sökträffar

How visual is visual culture

If we admit that, with the exception of language, human perception is predominantly visual, it is reasonable to think that all phenomena conveyed by the visual senses have something in common, but then visual semiotics/visual culture will comprehend much more than painting, sculpture, and architecture. The double coding hypotheses of cognitive psychology, as well as Lessing’s classical opposition

CNN image processing on a Xilinx Virtex-II 6000

Image processing is one of the popular applications of Cellular Neural Networks. Macro enriched field-programmable gate-arrays can be used to realize such systems on silicon. The paper discusses a pipelined implementation that supports the handling of gray-level images at 180 to 240 Mpixels per second by exploiting the Virtex-II macros to spatially unroll the local feedback

The otitis-prone child : studies of a condition with a multifactorial background

Popular Abstract in Swedish Akut öroninflammation är vanligt hos barn och många barn får sin första öroninflammation redan vid tidig ålder. Öronbarn kallas de barn som drabbas av upprepade öroninflammationer. Dessa barn drabbas oftare än andra barn också av andra infektioner. Flera undersökningar har utförts tidigare för att kartlägga olika riskfaktorer. Undersökningarna har visat varierande resulAcute otitis media (AOM) is a common complication after episodes of respiratory tract infections in childhood. Some children have recurrent episodes and they are often called otitis-prone. These children are prone not only to middle-ear diseases but also to other infectious diseases. The aims of the present study of otitis-prone children and controls were to describe the overall illness and need f

Modern Greek in the 10th c. AD

A short study of linguistical features in authors of the 10th c. AD which may indicate a subtext similar to Modern Greek.

Tunable Doniach phase diagram for strongly-correlated nanoclusters

Exact diagonalization calculations reveal that the energy spacing Delta in the conduction band tunes the interplay between the local Kondo and nonlocal Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interactions, giving rise to a Doniach phase diagram for a nanocluster with regions of prevailing Kondo or RKKY correlations. The parity of the total number of electrons alters the competition between the Kondo

The biology of filamentous phage infection - implications for display technology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns ett stort behov av molekyler eller reagenser för korrekt och snabb diagnos och/eller behandling av sjukdom. På laboratorier används särskilda verktyg för att ta fram sådana reagenser. Verktygen utgörs ibland av levande organismer, som t ex bakterier och virus, och kallas bioteknologiska verktyg. Ett av dessa verktyg baseras på användandet av en speciell typ avPhage display technology is a biotechnological tool that can be used to obtain molecules/reagents able to discriminate between target molecules. Reagents with such features can be used in diverse settings like biological chemistry, diagnostics and in therapeutic applications. Phage display technology is based on the use of recombinant DNA technology, bacteria and a special kind of bacterial virus,

Net-Charge Fluctuations in Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling grundar sig på forskning inom fältet ``högenergetisk tungjonsfysik'', där man studerar materia under extrema förhållanden vad gäller temperatur och densitet. Experimenten utförs på stora anläggningar där atomkärnor accelereras till höga hastigheter innan de kollideras med varandra. Höga krav ställs på de partikeldetektorer som byggs upp kring sådana intPHENIX is one of four experiments at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider, RHIC. The high-energy heavy-ion collisions provided by this accelerator offer the possibility to study nuclear matter at high temperature and density. The high multiplicity of particles produced in these collisions puts high demands on detector performance. Providing space points along particle trajectories, the Pad Chamber

For Kevin's Sake

The idiom ‘for someone’s sake’ plays a central role in recent attempts to understand the distinction between impersonal values and personal values—e.g. between what is valuable or good, period, and what is valuable for or good for someone. In the first section three historical approaches to this distinction are outlined. Section 2 presents a modified fitting-attitude (FA) analysis of final ‘value-

Studies of bacterial surface proteins interacting with the immune system

Popular Abstract in Swedish En av de viktigaste substanserna i vår kropp är proteiner, också kallade äggviteämnen. Proteiner har en mängd olika uppgifter i kroppen, de finns i våra celler där de har olika uppgifter såsom att fungera som enzymer, transportörer, signalsubstanser, eller som skyddsfaktorer. Proteiner ingår också som viktiga beståndsdelar i vävnaderna mellan cellerna och finns dessutomPathogenic bacteria express a wide array of surface proteins that interact with the environment. Many of these proteins are believed to be important for the virulence. This thesis deals with the binding of immunoglobulins (Ig) and complement regulating proteins to certain bacterial surface proteins. Protein L from Peptostreptococcus magnus binds to Igk-light chains while protein A from Staphylococ

Consumers and Mixed-Brands: On the Polysemy of Brand Meaning

Brands have become one of the most discussed phenomena of marketing research in recent years. They are ubiquitous in the marketplace and virtually impossible for consumers to avoid. The corporate obsession with brands is likely to continue since the wealth of “how-to-do-branding” strategy handbooks suggest that brands are the magical panacea for creating superior business performance. In short, we