

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

The effects of shading and surrounding landscape composition on arthropod pest abundance in Coffea arabica plantations

Kan skuggträd och landskapsdesign minska insektsangrepp på kaffe? Kaffe är en av de viktigaste handelsvarorna i världen, uppskattningsvis dricker 500 miljoner människor över hela världen denna mytomspunna dryck. Svenskarna konsumerar massvis med kaffe, i medeltal hela 161 liter/person/år, vilket skulle räcka till att fylla ett badkar. Över 20 miljoner familjer i över 50 länder är beroende av kaff

Analysing citizen’s adaptive capacity: – Individual adaptation strategies in Helsingborg, Sweden before, during and after the Advent Storm in 2011

Climate change is predicted to lead to an increase in the frequency and severity of climate extremes and variability (IPCC 2007). The result is an increase in climate-related disasters in a world where, even without climate change, the number of disasters is already on the rise (UNISDR 2010). Also Sweden will be severely affected by climate change as temperatures are expected to rise more in North

Praktiken ger liv åt teorin- skoltrötta ungdomar

Abstract Authors: Maria Silversand och Maria Svensson Title: Praktiken ger liv åt teorin - skoltrötta ungdomar Supervisor: Johan Cronehed The purpose of this assignment has been to investigate how the definition of “school fed” has been construed in newspaper articles and if, and how, it has changed over time. From our question formulations which were; how the concept ”school fed” is defined, mea

Kopplingen till det sexuella våldet - En intersektionell studie utifrån Human Rights Watch rapport

The purpose of this essay is to analyze how the sexual violence against women is being reported. Sexual violence against women is something that has been up for debate a long time. People and organizations all over the world have for a long time reported how women are being raped and how that is affecting them. The two reports in this essay from Human rights Watch shows how the retelling about the

Approaching a Global Arms Trade Treaty - Norm building in small arms control

The upcoming negotiations on a global Arms Trade Treaty in July, 2012 mark a new development within arms control regimes. This thesis seeks to investigate the prospects and challenges towards the achievement of an Arms Trade Treaty. In doing so, it will adopt an ideational analysis in order to investigate the emergence of norms in small arms and how these have the potential to affect policy outcom

"Du kommer att få problem om du berättar" - En etisk granskning av informationspliktens vara eller inte vara

Sweden has one of the most restrictive HIV transmission laws in the world. The Communicable Diseases Act contains the duty to inform, demanding that HIV positive people must inform their partners about their HIV status before sexual intercourse. Sex is also not permitted without a condom. Charges can be brought against HIV positive people not only in the case of actual HIV transmission, but also w

Nattvardsdryckens beskaffenhet - En debatt inom Svenska kyrkan

The Church of Sweden has during the 1980s and in 2010 discussed the contents of the communion drink. The debate has been taken up in Church of Sweden’s supreme body, the General Synod, where members have presented several suggestions for changes the opinion of the communion drink. Initially, members wanted to increase information to parishes about using alcohol-free alternatives instead of wines w

Fysisk aktivitet och samhällsplanering - Hur avståndet till parker och grönområden påverkar vår fysiska aktivitet

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur avståndet till parker och grönområden påverkar människors fysiska aktivitet. Detta görs genom en litteraturstudie Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt är förhållandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och hälsa. Ohälsa och sjukdomar till följd av för lite fysisk aktivitet har utvecklats till ett globalt folkhälsoproblem. Fysisk inaktivitet idag en av de vanl

Contradictory Power Europe?

The determination of the role of the EU and its predecessors in International Relations has long been a conundrum for scholars and policy-makers. In 2002, scholar Ian Manners framed the EU as a Normative Power, arguing that the power of the EU lies in its ability to determine what is deemed appropriate behavior in world politics. The aim of this study is to visualize how the EU is using this norma

Population or Environmental Food Crisis? The Potential of Organic Farming to Sustain Human Livelihood

Denna avhandling är en närmare granskning på en debatt som har pågått i århundraden. Enligt överbefolkningsteorin så står världen inför en befolkningskris som redan har långtgående effekter på vårt samhälle och vår miljö. Populationisterna som driver denna tes menar att det ekologiska jordbruket inte kan försörja nuvarande eller större framtida populationsnivåer då det ger oss mindre skördar än va

Reducing Working Capital through Purchasing

Problem background: In the beginning of 2011 the working capital levels rose drastically for companies operating in the polymer industry, as a result of macroeconomic factors and changes of supply market conditions. Suppliers were allocating capacity and uncertainty spread among buyers, which resulted in that large volumes were purchased in order to secure supply. Moreover, the suppliers were dict

Improving the Flow of Returnable Transport Items at Dynapac - Through the introduction of traceability and a fleet sizing formula

Bakgrund: Det är möjligt för företag att minska sin miljöpåverkan och reducera sina kostnader genom att ta hänsyn till returlogistik i alla delar av sin verksamhet. När det handlar om den fysiska distributionen i försörjningskedjan, så handlar returlogistik främst om att återanvända lastbärare som används för transport av gods. Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB är ett företag som använder sig av retBackground: Companies can lower their environmental impact and reduce their costs by considering reverse logistics in their operations. In the area of physical distribution, reverse logistics is concerned with the reusage of load carriers used for the transportation of goods. Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB, is a company which uses returnable load carriers (racks), for the transport of large and h

(Un)just Wars - An analysis of Israeli discourse in Gaza 2008-2009 and Lebanon 2006

Many attempts at explainging the difficulty of the discrepancy between between the discourses of the Israeli Arab conflict have been made by many scholars throughout the years. This thesis will focus on two different cases of the greater conflict; the Gaza War in 2008-2009, and the Lebanon War in 2006. The attempt is to analyze the discourse of righteousness in both cases, based on an understandin

Structural change, income distribution and poverty in ASEAN-4 countries

This study analyzes the relationship between structural change and income distribution and poverty in ASEAN-4 countries –Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines, over the last three decades. In particular, the study seeks to find out extent to which and how structural change would affect income distribution and poverty in ASEAN-4 countries. Accordingly, two methodological approaches are ado