

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

The decolonizing responsibility of a “White” girl: an autoethnographic deconstruction of Indigenous (mis)representations

None of us are immune to the heritage of colonialism. Intersecting hierarchies of dominance and oppression are perpetuated every day, from top institutions down to personal interactions. This study argues that White, Western scholars working for social justice have a decolonizing responsibility to locate themselves in this hierarchy in order to avoid reproducing it with their research. The author

Utgör en globalt högre havsnivå ett hot mot pågående miljöfarlig verksamhet? – En undersökning av hur tillståndspliktiga verksamheter i Skåne påverkas av stigande havsnivåer till följd av ett varmare klimat

Climate change has become a societal issue that has gained increasing attention in recent years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, presented in year 2007 its Fourth Assessment Report, pointing out different scenarios about the future climate, including the anticipated sea level rises during this century. More recent climate research has shown that sea levels are most likely to r

Achievment of sustainable solid waste management in developing countries

With an increasingly population and urbanization, the solid waste management have become a major challenge for local authorities in developing countries all over the world. The local authorities must improve their waste management in order to minimize the negative effects of solid waste and to avoid future land use conflicts. At the same time the economical resources are limited and solid waste ma

Component depreciation in real estates will the burdens in practice only be leveled up by benefits in theory

Seminar date: 2012-05-30 Course: BUSN69 Business Administration: Degree Project – Accounting and Auditing Authors: Mathias Andersson and Fredrik Aprili Advisor: Kristina Artsberg Five key words: Depreciation, component depreciation, K3, real estate and standard-setting. Purpose: Our purpose with this thesis is to reveal the effects that component depreciation can have on Swedish non-listed rea

IOK - Kan man ställa krav på IOK angående de mänskliga rättigheterna?

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is no longer just an organization whose main target is to arrange the Olympic Games and make sure that the best athletes shows up every fourth year to compete. The IOC is now a powerful organization how has increased its power during the last 20 years along with the effects of globalization and is now one of the most powerful organizations with its influen

Bra jobbat! - Respons i musikundervisning gymnasiets estetiska program

Hur resonerar elever och lärare på musikestetiska programmet kring respons i musikundervisningen? Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om respons i musikundervisningen på estetiska programmet samt få en inblick i hur elever hittar motivation efter respons från sina lärare. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning som är formad efter intervjuer med elever och lärare på estetiska progrWhat are the thoughts and opinions of teachers and students at the arts programme regarding response in music teaching? The purpose of this study is to increase awareness about response in music education in the arts programme in Swedish upper secondary school, and to gain insight into how students find motivation after receiving response from their teachers. This essay is based on a qualitative s

Integritetskränkande fotografering ur ett rättighetsperspektiv

Är tiden för privatliv förbi i och med de nya möjligheterna att fotografera med mobilkameror och installera privat övervakningsutrustning? Diskussionen om personlig integritet och dess samband med bildupptagning är inte ny. Däremot har teknikens utveckling och nya snabba kommunikationsvägar via internet bidragit till att frågan är högaktuell och ett ökat skydd mot smygfotografering och filmning bIs the possibility for privacy long gone as a consequence of mobile cameras and easily attainable surveillance camera equipment? The discussion on personal integrity and its correlation with photography is not a new one. However, recent inventions and new fast communication channels through the internet has elevated the actuality of the issue, and a stronger protection against secret photographin

Matematik i Sverige

Vilka problem finns hos den matematiska forskningen i Sverige? Hur arbetar en matematiker? Hur ska man höja nivån för grundskola och gymnasium?

A Volatility Based Contrarian Strategy In the German Stock Market

In this paper we investigate if the German implied volatility index, VDAX, could be used as a good sentiment indicator for a contrarian strategy. For such a strategy to be legitimate there must exist price inefficiencies in the market, which requires that the efficient market hypothesis does not hold. We compare broader index-based contrarian strategies with a buy and hold strategy in the German s

Cykla i Båstads kommun. En studie över cykelinfrastrukturens effekter på hälsa, miljö och ekonomi i Båstads kommun

Interest in infrastructure development for the bicycle has grown bigger throughout the world. This study examines the health, environmental and economic effects of bicycle infrastructure investment in Båstads municipality. The aim of this study is based on my desire to evaluate multiple aspects of decision-making and also to broaden the view and understanding of our societiy. What are the external

H+ den toleranta staden

Helsingborg är en segregerad stad med många fysiska och mentala barriärer. Staden har sedan 1800-talet varit en delad stad med borgare i de norra delarna av staden och arbetarna i de södra delarna av staden. Trädgårdsgatan skär en gräns genom centrum och delar staden i Norr och Söder. Det finns också tydliga barriärer mellan öst och väst, då spårområde och trafikerade vägar delar staden. Söder och


A variety of contemporaneous factors contribute to the existence of sustained rural poverty, such as inefficient infrastructure, poor access to markets, difficulty in accessing credit, land tenure issues, gender inequality, lack of crop diversity, unsustainable or unproductive farming practices, and limited access to inputs and technology. With this in mind, integrated approaches to rural developm

Funerary inscriptions in Pompeii. A study of Pompeian freed slaves

Due to a German research project on slavery in antiquity, I became aware of the fact, that within the field of slavery and manumission a lot of research still needs to be done. 1 A university course on social identity inspired me later on and made me think about different identities; ‘being a slave’ was one of them. The habit of freeing slaves was so widely spread during the late Roman Republic an

Medborgardialog i den svenska kommunala planprocessen - En studie av medborgardeltagande med fokus på översiktsplanen och Partille kommun

Att integrera medborgarna i den svenska kommunala planprocessen är både en skyldighet och en rättighet. Enligt lag ska medborgarna få insyn i planarbetet och få lämna synpunkter eller överklaga, men i det svenska demokratiska klimatet har kommuner också en fantastisk möjlighet i att låta sig inspireras och influeras av sina medborgare. En öppen process med ömsesidig respekt och intresse kan komma

Parametric Study to understand Ethanol Partially Premixed Combustion

As global concern increases regarding pollution does the demand to develop more ecient and environmental friendlier propulsion system come in high focus. The main systems for transportation have been dominated by the Otto and Diesel engine for a long time, but both are trade-o in local and global emissions, i.e. NOX, soot, HC and CO versus CO2. This has driven the evolution to concepts as homogene