

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

The Different Roles of Aggrecan Interaction Domains

The aggregating proteoglycans of the lectican family are important components of extracellular matrices. Aggrecan is the most well studied of these and is central to cartilage biomechanical properties and skeletal development. Key to its biological function is the fixed charge of the many glycosaminoglycan chains, that provide the basis for the viscoelastic properties necessary for load distributi

Clathrin and LRP-1-independent constitutive endocytosis and recycling of uPAR

BACKGROUND: The urokinase receptor (uPAR/CD87) is highly expressed in malignant tumours. uPAR, as a GPI anchored protein, is preferentially located at the cell surface, where it interacts with its ligands urokinase (uPA) and the extracellular matrix protein vitronectin, thus promoting plasmin generation, cell-matrix interactions and intracellular signalling events. Interaction with a complex forme

Close to Nature

What does it mean to be close to nature? This question is examined in this video work based on 9 short clips. The first clip of a woody landscape was recorded outside of Taivalkoski, Koillismaa, Finland using an Intenso Viddy, a cheap Video Messenger.The clip, 30 seconds in duration, of the landscape was transferred from the Viddy to a laptop. When played on the laptop the screen was filmed with t

The compound eye of Leptodora kindtii (Cladocera): : An adaptation to planctonic life.

Each of the approximately 500 ommatidia in the compound eye of the cladoceran crustacean Leptodora kindtii has a crystalline cone consisting of five cells. Five retinula cells are also present, one of which contributes to the distal 1–2 μm of the rhabdom only; the other four retinula cells form a continuous rhabdom. Throughout the rhabdom its cross section displays two separate halves with the axi

Active Site Mapping of an Aspartic Protease by Multiple Fragment Crystal Structures : Versatile Warheads to Address a Catalytic Dyad

Crystallography is frequently used as follow-up method to validate hits identified by biophysical screening cascades. The capacity of crystallography to directly screen fragment libraries is often underestimated, due to its supposed low-throughput and need for high-quality crystals. We applied crystallographic fragment screening to map the protein-binding site of the aspartic protease endothiapeps

Non-linearity in the impact of bankruptcy risk on leverage

The paper investigates the effect of bankruptcy risk on firms’ financing decisions. More specifically, we analyze if a higher probability of bankruptcy reduces incentives for debt financing due to an increase in expected bankruptcy cost. We argue that an increase in bankruptcy risk affects financial decisions only when the probability of bankruptcy is sufficiently high. We therefore model a nonlin

ATLAS LUCID detector upgrade for LHC Run 2

During the 2009-2013 data taking period (Run I) LUCID was successfully providing information about the luminosity delivered to ATLAS by the LHC. Starting from 2015 (Run II) the LHC machine is expected to provide about twice larger peak instantaneous luminosity and the bunch spacing in the machine is decreased by factor of two (from 50 ns to 25 ns). The original LU-CID design could not cope with th

Mervärdesskatt i teori och tillämpning

Mervärdesskatt är en indirekt skatt som ger stora intäkter till staten. Företag lägger också mycket tid och resurser på att hantera den. Reglerna om mervärdesskatt består huvudsakligen av genomförande av de EU-rättsliga direktiv som finns inom området. Just det stora inflytandet av EU-rätten gör mervärdesskatten speciell och komplex.Mervärdesskatt i teori och tillämpning ger en introduktion i ämne

Wake and be fine? : The effect of sleep on emotional memory

The aim of this thesis was to examine the effect of sleep on emotional memories. The first two studies examined the role of sleep in the generalization of fear learning and the third study examined how sleep affected the forgetting of unwanted emotional memories.In study 1, participants first underwent fear conditioning with a small and a large circle as the CS+ and the CS-. Next, after either a n

Bicycle planning – A literature review

Ökad cykling har stor betydelse för ett hållbart transportsystem. För att öka andelen resor med cykel måste dock trafik- och cykelplaneringen ta itu med ett flertal olika problem. Det är emellertid inte alltid fullständigt klart vad som behövs gällande planering för att öka cyklingen. Denna rapport är resultatet av en litteraturstudie om hur olika faktor kopplade till cykelplanering påverkar benägIncreased bicycling is of great importance for a sustainable transport system. This report is the result of a literature study concerning how different factors associated with bicycle planning influence the propensity to choose the bicycle for transportation. The literature study was carried out in the search engine GoogleScholar and only scientific papers, articles and books were included. Throug

Stirring by periodic arrays of microswimmers

The interaction between swimming micro-organisms or artificial self-propelled colloids and passive (tracer) particles in a fluid leads to enhanced diffusion of the tracers. This enhancement has attracted strong interest, as it could lead to new strategies to tackle the difficult problem of mixing on a microfluidic scale. Most of the theoretical work on this topic has focused on hydrodynamic intera

BMI and waist circumference cut-offs for corresponding levels of insulin sensitivity in a Middle Eastern immigrant versus a native Swedish population - The MEDIM population based study

Background: The aim of this study was to identify corresponding body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference cut-offs for equivalent levels of insulin sensitivity in a Middle Eastern immigrant population compared with native Swedes. Methods: Citizens of Malmö, Sweden aged 30 to 75 years, who were born in Iraq or Sweden, were in 2010-2012 invited to participate in a health examination including an