Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar
Evaluating Variant Calling Pipelines for RNA-seq Data
RNA-seq has become a revolutionary tool for genome-wide gene expression analysis, opening new possibilities for research. This study focuses on using RNA-seq data for variant calling at Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in a non-model organism, the bank vole. Variant calling from RNA-seq can for example be used for Allele-Specific Expression (ASE) analysis which sheds light on the impact of genetic
Simplifying QCD event generation with chirality flow, reference vectors and spin directions
The chirality-flow formalism, combined with good choices of gauge reference vectors, simplifies tree-level calculations to the extent that it is often possible to write down amplitudes corresponding to Feynman diagrams immediately. It has also proven to give a very sizable speedup in a proof of concept implementation of massless tree-level QED in MadGraph5_aMC@NLO. In the present paper we extend t
Purification of lipid oil using ion exchange resins
Oil upgrading technologies for fuel production from second-generation feedstocks require pretreatments, such as the removal of ash metals in crude oil, to improve the catalytic performance in the process. The aim of this work was to purify lipid crude oil, derived from black soldier fly larvae (BSFL), from calcium by dry washing using ion exchange resins. Commercially available ion exchange resins
Impact of Building Geometry, Window Types, and Materials on Daylighting Performance of Livestock Buildings
The availability and quality of natural light in livestock buildings affect the welfare and productivity of animals and their caretakers, while affecting the energy performance of the buildings. This study investigated the impact of different building properties on daylight conditions of livestock buildings. The study was conducted via parametric daylight simulations in Climatestudio. Firstly, bui
Bioenergins historik och framtid
Skogen som energikälla
Study protocol for leaving care—A comparison study of implementation, change mechanisms and effectiveness of transition services for youth
Introduction Youth placed in out-of-home care is a large and highly vulnerable group at high risk of negative developmental outcomes. Given the size and extent of negative developmental outcomes for youth placed in out-of-home care, interventions to help this vulnerable group navigate successfully towards independent living and promote wellbeing across a spectrum of outcome areas are needed. To da
Jordbruk och bioenergi
Avfall och biprodukter som energikällor
Fjärr- och kraftvärmesektorns framtida utveckling
Industrin – högvärme via el eller bioenergi?
Transportsektorns utveckling
Understanding the Influence of Different Sample Sizes and Sample Techniques on Accuracy Assessment of Land Cover Mapping : Case Study of Salatiga city, Indonesia
Remote sensing data has been proven capable and efficient as a powerful resource for large-scale land cover mapping. However, a map is considered acceptable with the required accuracy value. The problem related to sampling is how the sample amount and sample technique affect the accuracy of the land cover mapping. Furthermore, the accuracy assessment for mapping usually only utilizes accuracy meas
Biogent kol i nya produkter
Psychometric Properties of the Swedish Version of the Compassion Scale
Objectives: An increased interest in the phenomenon and process of compassion, in both clinical and non-clinical psychological research, has been seen in recent decades. In these contexts, compassion is frequently understood as a felt response to the suffering of others that involves caring and seeing the universal nature of human suffering, as well as an authentic desire to ease the distress. Bas
Perspektiv på bioenergi : Biomassans framtida roll i en föränderlig värld
Bioenergi spelar idag en stor roll i det svenska energisystemet ur klimat- och energisäkerhetssynpunkt men vilken roll kan inhemsk bioenergi komma att spela framöver för att Sverige ska bli ett fossilfritt samhälle med nettonollutsläpp 2050? Syftet med detta arbete är att utifrån olika perspektiv beskriva viktiga förutsättningar, skeenden och förändringar som kan spela roll för utveckling av inhem
Flood risk assessments—Exploring maturity and challenges in Sweden
Floods are destructive to society. Hence, to assess and manage flood risk is imperative. Flood risk assessments require several layers of analysis, from flood hazard to societal impact. This paper explores the maturity level and challenges related to three components of a comprehensive risk assessment: flood hazard, direct consequences, and indirect consequences. This is achieved by introducing an
Temporal trends and transmission dynamics of pre-treatment HIV-1 drug resistance within and between risk groups in Kenya, 1986–2020
Background: Evidence on the distribution of pre-treatment HIV-1 drug resistance (HIVDR) among risk groups is limited in Africa. We assessed the prevalence, trends and transmission dynamics of pre-treatment HIVDR within and between MSM, people who inject drugs (PWID), female sex workers (FSWs), heterosexuals (HETs) and perinatally infected children in Kenya. Methods: HIV-1 partial pol sequences fro
Genome assembly and annotation of seven litter decomposing fungi
Nedbrytarsvamparnas arvsmassa ger oss ökad kunskap om deras Livsstil Saprotrofiska nedbrytarsvampar spelar en mycket viktig roll i kolets kretslopp. De får näring och energi genom att bryta ned dött växtmaterial i marken, till exempel döda kvistar och löven som faller på hösten. I nedbrytningsprocessen frigörs kol och andra näringsämnen som tas upp av svamparna, men kol avges även till atmosfären