

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Are Immigrants choosing other Universities than Natives? - comparing the composition of students at Lund and Malmö University

Abstract The purpose with this study is to look into whether there is a difference in the reputa-tion/status of the university immigrants and native Swedes choose. The composition of stu-dents at two universities is compared, Malmö University and Lund University. The objective is to investigate whether there are more immigrants, first- and/or second generation, studying at Malmö University compare

En studie av ett företags val av återförsäljare

En fallstudie av fallföretaget Thule. Vid penetration på ny marknad med existerande produkter, är det viktigt att granska eventuella samarbetspartners i form av återförsäljare. Thule vill in på sporthandelsmarknaden då man uppskattar att man förlorar 2/3 av dess potentiella kunder genom att inte finnas där idag. Vi kommer i vår studie således att undersöka 4 av de sportkedjor vi finner mest lämpli


Författare: Marcus Karlsson, Anis Kheder and Zahir Muqurai Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att förstå hur subkulturer värderar och tar sig an varumärken samt förstå hur dess konsumtion kan förhålla sig till adoptionsprocessen. Frågeställningar: Vilka är de bakomliggande faktorerna till att en subkultur adopterar varumärken? Hur kan adoptionsprocessen förhålla sig i en subkultur som casualkultur

Why Do Emerging Economies Increase Their Military Spending? Comparing the BRIC Countries from 1990 to 2010

The aim of the study is to investigate the motives behind emerging economies' military spending. More specifically, answering the question: Why do emerging economies increase their military spending? It does so by analyzing the BRIC countries (Brazil, India, Russia, and China).Drawing from earlier study, it firstly develops an analytical framework consists of three hypotheses, then applies the

The Double Feedback Model of Neural Control of Locomotion: Is Immature Behavior Needed to Develop Mature Behavior?

Computational modeling is a commonly used method to understand, predict and explain for instance the organization of neuronal connectivity. Here it is applied to the problem of the development of the neural control of locomotion. Locomotion, e.g. walking and swimming, can be characterized as an alternate activation of opposing muscles and is controlled by central pattern generators, CPGs, in the s

Brachytherapy of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Lip MDR to PDR Treatment Conversion

En vanlig typ av behandling vid cancer är strålbehandling. Tekniken har utvecklats mycket de senaste åren och med ny teknik kommer bättre behandlingsresultat och bättre skydd mot strålningen. När det är dags att byta ut en äldre behandlingsteknik mot en nyare är det en del faktorer som måste undersökas. Detta arbete undersöker just de möjligheterna vid en ny typ av behandling för läppcancer. StrIntroduction: From 1988 – 2004, patients with squamous cell carcinoma in the lower lip were treated with medium dose rate (MDR) 192Ir wires using a manual afterloading tech-nique. An average of 3 wires were used, each with a mean length of 36 mm (range 27 – 65 mm) and a mean dose rate of 4.5 Gy/h (range 1.8 – 8.7 Gy/h). The average prescribed dose was 21.5 Gy (range 21.0 – 32.6 Gy) at the 85% isod

Collimation technique for HPGe-detector gamma spectrometry in intense radiation fields

The aim of this master thesis was to develop a rotation-based collimation system for large coaxial high-purity germanium detectors for use in intense radiation fields. A collimator was constructedformed as a cylinder surrounding the detector, with a 90° slit opening to the detector. The rotational asymmetry caused by the slit was used to trace the direction of the incident gamma rays as well as re

Last Minute Bidding on Tradera

In online auctions bidding frequency tends to increase towards the last minutes of the auction. This thesis investigates why bidders might choose to engage in last minute bidding, sniping, in Tradera auctions (Tradera is a Swedish subsidiary of eBay). Tradera uses a hard-close rule and a second-price rule. In hard-close auctions the dead-line occurs at a specific time, after which new bids are not

Black Jack - A New Perspective on Protean Career within Management Consulting

Title: Black Jack: A New Perspective on Protean Career within Management Consulting Seminar Date: June 1, 2011 Course: BUSM18 Degree Project in Managing People, Knowledge and Change- Master Level Authors: Victoria Jezierski, Teigan Margetts & Susan Sjölund Advisor EHL: Stephan Schaefer & Katie Sullivan Advisor VCT: Sverre Spoelstra Keywords: Career, protean career, traditional career, mana

Real-time dynamic MLC tracking for inversely optimised arc radiotherapy

Purpose: Radiotherapy of moving tumours is a great challenge in cancer treatment. The moving target will lead to “dose-smearing” of the planned dose distribution and a need for larger margins. To reduce the dose to the surrounding healthy tissue, while still ensuring full coverage of the target, other methods for motion compensation is needed. Inversely optimised arc radiotherapy, where the treatm

Bid-Ask Spread Dynamics - A Market Microstructure Invariance Approach

The theory of Market Microstructure Invariance proposed by Kyle and Obizhaeva (2010) is presented and tested on spread data for bond futures. The data used are transformations from over 150,000 observations of futures on German government debt securities (Schatz and Bund) and 10-year US treasury notes. To account for the possible presence of long memory processes, we perform a GPH-test that displa

Assessing Emergency Capacity – Emergencies in Iceland’s Search and Rescue Region

The capacity of an emergency response system is a deciding factor in its design and development, as well as its consequent success. Given this perspective, it is obvious that it is meaningless to do a risk analysis of a system without examining or knowing its capacity first. But how is capacity evaluated? A literature study was done to find existing methods and it revealed that capacity is a conce

Promoting Human Rights in China through Education : An Empirical Impact Evaluation of the Swedish Approach from Student Perspectives

Using a master’s-level human rights program funded by Sweden at Peking University, this case study sought to explore the connection between legal education and social change as influentially advanced by the Law and Development Movement (LDM) and now reflected in various donor-funded law and governance projects in China. To evaluate the program’s underlying assumptions of change, the study examined

Valuation of agricultural estates

This thesis treats the effects of various factors on the price development of agricultural estates in Sweden. An econometric approach is used to determine the impact, the factors included are chosen with regards to extensive interviews with people with industry insights and long experience of the business. The purpose is to describe and analyze the price development over time. Our results indicate

Individers reaktioner i förändringsprocesser.

Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva och analysera individers reaktioner i förändringsprocesser och omfattar en presentation av två perspektiv. Inledningsvis presenteras ett Change Management perspektiv, där motstånd, såsom t ex kritik mot förändringen, via en omfattande litteraturstudie visat sig vara den dominerande synen på individers reaktioner i förändringsprocesser. Motstånd är därtill något s

The Competitive Advantage Analysis of the Telecommunication Corporation after the Restructuring of China’s Telecommunications Industry in 2008 : Case study of China Mobile Communication Corporation

China has the world’s largest telecommunication market and the competition in this market is becoming fiercer among corporations. To survive and increase market shares, competitive advantages are the key factors each corporation strives for. As one of the representative companies in the industry, China Mobile established in 2000, with its competitive advantages, has expanded rapidly and led to hug

Kernel methods for smoothing of options- implied volatility

In today’s financial markets, the estimation of implied volatility of options plays an important part. Through the options prices, the implied volatility shows the size of market movement that is anticipated by the market’s participants. It is used as a benchmark for pricing all kind of assets and an erroneous number can be very costly. There are several methods for estimating and establishing pat

Enforcement of laws regulating domestic work - a case study of South Africa

I juni 2011 antog ILO konventionen om goda villkor för hushållsarbetare. Konventionen fastställer anställningsvillkor och arbetsrättigheter för hushållsarbetare. Hushållsarbete sker, till skillnad från andra former av arbete, i privata hem utan insyn från det offentliga och är ofta ett ensamarbete. Detta innebär att hushållsarbetare riskerar att bli utsatta för missförhållanden och exploatering. KIn June 2011, the Domestic Workers Convention was adopted in the ILO. The Convention establishes minimum conditions of employment and labour rights for domestic workers. In contrast to other types of work, domestic work takes place in private households, in isolation and hidden from public insight. This makes domestic workers vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. The Domestic Workers Convention ob