Din sökning på "*" gav 398743 sökträffar
Structural reliability analysis of concrete dams - design concepts
What Can a Monument Tell?
Om monument över Raoul Wallenberg i Sverige och Ungern.
Den internationella ockupationsrättens politiska teologi
Legal limitations on the communication between the parties in public procurement of PPP
The European public procurement regulation has been described as a restrictive force on PPP projects, especially in countries which employ a strict interpretation of the directives. One major limitation brought forward has been the restrictions on negotiations during the procurement procedure. In the literature it has been suggested that the negotiation would improve PPP performance because it all
Lergodset från Rønne : en studie i hantverkets förvandling
Computerization of the Control Function in a Process Industry: A Case Study
Computerization of control room functions changes the work for the operators to a great extent. Their mental picture of the process, their possibilities to control the process for productivity and quality, the work content, the physical and the social working environment are examples of conditions which are changed one way or another. In order to be able to control the computerization process in a
Ge folkbildningen ett andra liv!
The beauty of silicon micromachined microstructures interfaced to MALFI-TOF mass spectrometry
Astrologen – alkemisten – profeten
SPSS steg för steg
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)
Service Orchestration with OPC UA in a Graphical Control Language
Production plants need to be set up and reconfigured faster to fulfill increasing market demands. Highly flexible automation systems are needed and a promising approach is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which has recently received much attention in both academia and industry. OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA), the next generation of the de facto standard for interoperability in the automation
Att tänja gränser
Kommunikationsträning i civilingenjörsprogrammen
At the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, two of the engineering programmes have decided to strengthen and systematise the students’ communication training during the curriculum. The project addresses two different levels: the engineering teachers of the programme are offered further education while the programme managers are responsible for the progression during the curriculum. The teach
Björn Apelkvists doktorsavhandling Moderskonflikten i Lars Noréns åttiotalsdramatik
Out of the National Closet: Show Me Love
This article deals with the question of heteronormativity, or more precisely, how heteronormativity pertains to the reception of the Swedish film by Lukas Moodysson, Show Me Love (Fucking Åmål).
Influence of flow maldistribution on the pressure drop and water condensation in a 100 kw PEM fuel cell stack
The Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell has been investigated for a long time because it has a high power density, low emission, wide choice of fuel sources, etc. However, the performance of a stack of PEM cells degrades with respect to that of a single cell. This is mainly due to the introduction of the manifold in which supplies the reactants to individual cells. The manifold can induce an
Valleys of Hope and Despair
Floodwater harvesting for artificial recharge of groundwater - estimation and prediction for arid Iran
Popular Abstract in Swedish Regnvatteninsamling genom översvämningskontroll för artificiell grundvatteninjektering är en traditionellt använd metod i arida och semiarida Iran. Metoden har använts under flera tusen år för att öka andelen vatten som kan användas till jordbruksproduktion. Under de senaste 100 åren har emellertid mycket av den traditionella kunskapen om dessa metoder fallit i glömska Groundwater depletion in arid and semiarid areas is of increasing concern. Increasing water demand due to increasing population and climate change impacts have intensified the water shortage problems and put further stress especially on groundwater. Water harvesting techniques have been traditional solutions to water scarcity problems in the arid and semiarid Middle East for thousands of years. Th