

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

Optimering av IPC kontroller - Kvalitetssäkring och kostnadseffektivisering

IPC-kontroller (In-process Controls) är kontroller som utförs i produktion för att säkerhetsställa kvalitet. På TePe Munhygienprodukter AB (TePe) fanns ett stort behov av att utvärdera, analysera och optimera IPC-kontroller i deras produktion vilket motiverade detta examensarbete. TePe hade omfattande problem gällande kassation av stora mängder defekta produkter samt avsaknad av tydliga instruktioIn-process Controls (IPC) are controls performed to ensure quality in production. At TePe Munhygienprodukter AB (TePe) there was a need to evaluate, analyze and optimize the IPC:s in their production which was the motivation for this master thesis. TePe had extensive problems regarding the disposal of large amounts of defect products and the absence of clear instructions describing the execution o

Performance Communities: An Affective Approach to Community Building through Performing Arts

In this research I aimed for grasping an understanding of how community performance projects serve for building communities through bodily assemblies and affect. I conducted an ethnographic research based on two different performance projects in Malmö. I have used participant observation, embodied ethnography and semi-structured interviews as research methods. Doing so, I attempted to comprehend w

Husvill i sekelskiftets Stockholm: en utforskande undersökning av kommunal fattigvård och hemlöshet

This is an explorative study of source material that has not been studied before, journals from Asylerna för husvilla in the beginning of the 20th century Stockholm. Asylerna för husvilla was a municipal organisation which was a part of the public poor relief in Stockholm at the time and offered temporal lodging, ”asyler”, for homeless people. The study is a quantitative study of the people who st

Marknadsanalys av energilösning med solceller och batteri - Ett batteris påverkan på egenanvändningen av solel samt på systemets lönsamhet

Sverige har som mål att, år 2040, ha ett helt förnybart elsystem. Idag utgör solceller ungefär 0.2 procent av den totala elproduktionen, men deras marknadsandel ökar hastigt, och antas ha potentialen att leverera 5-10 procent av elproduktionen år 2040. Till följd av den växande solcellsmarknaden har även energilagring, i form av batteri, blivit allt intressantare eftersom man med batterier kan ökaSweden aims to have a completely renewable electricity system by 2040. Today, photovoltaics (PV) account for about 0.2 percent of total electricity production but are estimated to have a potential to deliver between 5 and 10 percent of total electricity production in 2040. The expansion of the PV market share has already started and is increasing rapidly. Because of the growing PV market, energy s

Organizational Politicking: An Empirical Study on its Application to Communication Practitioners

Organizational politicking (OP), otherwise known as workplace politics has for many decades been a deeply subverted topic in the management literature due to its widely negative credo. This study aims to investigate OP and its uncharted utilization within the communication profession drawing upon the empirical foundation of 15 qualitative in-depth interviews with communication practitioners in var

Hantering av teknisk skuld i små- och mikroföretag

Teknisk skuld är ett begrepp som innebär att framtida kostnader kommer att uppstå för de som väljer att ta genvägar i utvecklingsarbetet. Teknisk skuld liknas ofta vid finansiella lån och be-höver inte vara negativt så länge skulden hanteras och inte blir för stor. Den tekniska skulden löses av ”code refactoring” vilket innebär att koden förändras utan att funktionaliteten gör det. Små- och mikrof

Looking at the Two Sides of the Equation - How Servitisation Affects the Sustainability-oriented Innovation Adoption Dilemma

Research question: How does servitisation affect the adoption of sustainability-oriented innovations (SOIs)? A qualitative study on the role of servitisation on barriers and drivers for SOI adoption. Methodology: The methodological framework for this research is a qualitative multiple case study following an abductive approach. The agricultural industry was used as an empirical tool to conduct th

AI vid rekrytering

Människor präglas av omedveten bias, vilket kan vara ogynnsamt i rekrytering för att de bäst lämpade kandidaterna kan väljas bort på andra grunder än deras kompetens. Således har det blivit allt mer förekommande att företag använder AI för att göra objektiva bedömningar. Däremot har det visat sig att AI kan resultera i motsvarande problematik med bias som vid traditionell rekrytering. Sådan proble

Designprinciper för utveckling av låginteraktiva infotainmentsystem

Infotainment har under de senaste åren blivit ett allt större område inom informations- och kommunikationsteknik. De största användningsområdena för begreppet är inom bilindustri och kollektivtrafik, varav det förstnämnda är ett område som studerats i stor utsträckning av interaktionsdesigners och forskare. Eftersom infotainmentsystem i bilar bygger på en hög grad av interaktion mellan förare och

Integration av ERP-och CRM-system: En kvalitativ studie på varför vissa företag inte integrerar ERP-och CRM-system

Företag har historiskt sett spenderat stora summor på att förvärva ERP-system till verksamheten. En del företag ser även ett värde i att komplettera med IT-stöd för CRM. Att det finns flera skäl till att vissa företag investerar i ett ensamstående CRM-system istället för i en integrerad modul i ERP-system har bekräftats av tidigare forskning. Att däremot avstå från att integrera CRM-och ERP-system

Better together: The Role of Leadership on Radical Innovation Implementation

Innovation implementation is the process in between the decision to adopt an innovation until its full routinization in the organization. Based on literature gaps found on the correlation between leadership and innovation implementation, but also between leadership and radical innovation (Denti & Hemlin, 2012), the authors aim to understand “How does leadership play a role in radical innovatio

(Ine)quality of air and water - A political ecology approach to a multilevel analysis of individual- and country-level factors impacting people’s experience of environmental quality in their community

The purpose of this study is to examine inequalities in terms of air and water quality in a cross-national study comparing determinants at both individual and national level using a subjective measurement. This study explores how uneven development and economic inequalities within and between countries affect people’s experience of environmental problems (i.e. poor water and air quality) in their

Energy Consumption and Light Interference Study for the Concept Smart Mirror

This thesis deals with the study of how the Smart Mirror fares compared to other information oriented devices in three areas: Energy consumption, light interference from the mirror foils and general performance of the computer system. The development of Smart Mirrors has mainly been focused on usability, whilst research in performance and light interference is lacking. The project, contains compos

The communicative power of Agenda 2030 - A qualitative text analysis on how the SDGs function as aspirational CSR talk

Conventional research on CSR communication takes on a managerial approach. This approach view CSR action as more important than CSR communication, and therefore risks losing valuable insights in the potential of CSR communication. A new line of communication scholars claim that CSR is essentially aspirational talk, and that speech is also action. This thesis questions this theoretical foundation b

Customer’s perceptions in Last-mile delivery service

Purpose – Increasingly, last mile logistics is driven by customer-oriented strategies that requires better understanding of customers’ perceptions. This thesis views last-mile delivery as a service and aims to examine the relation of logistics service quality and other constructs used in service management literature to measure customers’ perception. Built on the operational definition of perceive

Introducing a new Waste Hierarchy Tax in Sweden: A General Equilibrium Analysis

The European Commission has recognised the need for a transition to a circular economy paradigm which promotes resource efficiency and sustainable waste management. To achieve such transition, there is a need to introduce new policy instruments that leads to waste management improvements. Quantitative macroeconomic modelling in this area is still scarce and provides few insights about the conseque

Förskolan i biblioteksplanen: ett sätt att legitimera folkbibliotekets verksamhet?

In the light of reports of decreasing litteracy among Sweden’s youth, several public studies indicate the importance of promoting reading at an early age. In this context, library activities directed at preschools has been pointed out as especially important. Although there is presently no requirement for preschools to have access to a school library, which is the case for elementary schools, the

Latent Space Growing of Generative Adversarial Networks

Maskininlärning har de senaste åren bidragit till starten på ett omfattande paradigmskifte mot ett smartare och mer uppkopplat samhälle. Det här examensarbetet bidrar till den utvecklingen genom att öka förståelsen kring hur bilder på ansikten kan representeras så att ansiktsdragen hos personen blir naturligt beskrivna i representationen. Resultatet är ett system som kan generera verklighetstrognaThis thesis presents a system, which builds on the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework, with the focus of learning interpretable representations of data. The system is able to learn representations of data that are ordered in regards to the saliency of the attributes, in a completely unsupervised manner. The training strategy expands the latent space dimension while appropriately adding