

Din sökning på "*" gav 533333 sökträffar

I det sociala medborgarskapets skugga : Rätten till socialbidrag under 1980- och 1990-talen

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sociala rättigheter och socialt medborgarskap är begrepp som ofta används för att beskriva den svenska välfärdsstaten. I ett internationellt perspektiv utpekas den svenska välfärdspolitiken som generell, generös och nästintill universell. Men i början av 1990-talet genomgick den svenska välfärdsstaten en djup kris. Arbetslösheten steg snabbt och sysselsättningen sjönk. Universalism, social rights and social citizenship are often considered as key concepts to describe the Swedish welfare state. However, in the beginning of the 1990s, the Swedish welfare state experienced a severe economic recession. In only a couple of years, the unemployment rate increased sharply as well as the number of social assistance recipients. These changes constitute the background for

Well-known trademark protection. A comparative study between the laws of the European Union and Vietnam

Popular Abstract in Undetermined The thesis is written within the project Strengthening Legal Education in Vietnam.Well-known trademarks have been recognized as one of the most important types of trademark in the trademark system as reflected in both national law and in international treaties. The legal regime of well-known trademark protection has been continuously enhanced and developed over time due to the increasing importance of well-known trademarks becoming known to a worldwide public as well as develop

Brittiska fiktioner : Intermediala studier i film, tv, dramatik. prosa och poesi

Denna bok handlar om hur en stor litterär tradition, den engelska, gestaltats på film. Med nedslag i Tennysons klassiska dikt ”The Charge of the Light Brigade”, Lord Byrons och paret Shelleys förment liderliga leverne, litteraturen som filmatiserad propaganda under det andra världskriget, Dickens’ roman Great Expectations och Shakespeares drama Macbeth besvaras frågor om hur filmen både tillvarata

Enzyme-Based Amperometric Biosensors in Flow-Systems for Biomolecule Detection

Popular Abstract in Swedish Analytisk kemi innefattar metoder för bestämning av den kemiska sammansättningen hos prover och ämnen. En kvalitativ metod ger information om den atomära eller molekylära sammansättningen medan en kvantitativ metod ger numeriska värden på hur mycket det finns av en eller flera av de komponenter som ingår i ett prov. En kombination av de båda metoderna är ofta önskvärd dAmperometric enzyme based biosensors were designed, developed and characterised in flow systems. Solid graphite and carbon paste electrodes were used as support for enzyme immobilisation. Both mediated and direct electron transfers between redox enzymes and electrodes were utilised for biosensor construction, as well as coupled enzyme systems. Special emphasis was placed on the optimisation of bio

Clinical and Experimental Aspects of Phonetogram Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett fonetogram är ett diagram som beskriver röstfunktionens status genom att visa extremvärden av ljudtrycksnivå som funktion av grundtonsfrekvens. Tillvägagångssättet är att försökspersonen uttalar en vokal, i denna avhandling genomgående vokalen [a], på en given tonhöjd så svagt och så starkt som möjligt inom hela röstomfånget. Provet utföres i ett ljudisolerat rum meA phonetogram is a diagram displaying sound pressure levels (SPL) of softest and loudest possible phonation over the entire fundamental frequency range (F0) of a voice. Female singers mean phonetogram had a significantly higher upper contour than female nonsingers. When reading at various voice levels female singers produced markedly higher mean equivalent sound pressure levels (Leq) and mean rel

Case Study on Risk Analysis for Critical Systems with Reliability Block Diagrams

This paper presents a practical risk analysis method for critical, large-scale IT systems in an organisation. The method is based on reliability block diagram modelling and was adapted to fit the requirements of governmental organisations and to reduce the effort required to capture complex failure behaviour. Through the use of different failure categories the risk analysis can be simplified, the

Mergers of Authorities in Central Government: Role Ambiguities and Blame-Avoidance

Mergers of autonomous executive authorities in central government have become increasingly common, in particular in the Nordic countries. As compared to private sector mergers, the role of the principal (the central Government and its ministries) is more obscure in these mergers, this chapter argues. When problems arise in a merger, the ministry can take a step back and shift to a stakeholder posi

Om Sanning och Rätt

"It is not the eyes that fool you, it’s not the ears that can’t hear It’s the darling conceptions of your time that makes you feel this way" Detta sjunger 1600-talsastronomen Galileo Galilei i denna artikel i FRAMTIDSBOKEN, och artikeln kretsar, precis som alla sex ingående artiklar, kring konceptuella problem knutna till vår tid och ett samhälle som är mer och mer uppkopplat. Dessa dilemman är