

Din sökning på "*" gav 532949 sökträffar

Prototypmetoder för hornhögtalare

The aim of this project was to investigate suitable prototyping methods to be used during the development of horn loudspeakers. Different methods were tested to investigate how well they replicated the original loudspeaker based on acoustical performance. The methods were also evaluated based on other requirements such as cost, manufacturing process and ability to handle complexes shapes. The meth

Den svåraste frågan - En kvalitativ studie om sjukhuskuratorers upplevelse av att ställa frågan om våld i mötet med patienter och anhöriga

The purpose of this study was to analyze hospital social workers experiences of asking patients and relatives about violence within the family. This study was based on a qualitative research design where we interviewed six hospital social workers at two children's hospitals located in the southern part of Sweden. We analyzed the collected data with selected theoretical perspectives about profe

Spin correlations in top quark pair production at the Large Hadron Collider

In this work we investigate the spin correlation effect of the interference between signal and irreducible background events present in top quark pair production at the LHC at LO in the dilepton channel. To simulate the high energy proton-proton collisions of the LHC, MadGraph5_aMC@NLO framework is used as an event generator. The spin correlations are explicitly measured via the lepton kinematics

“Ofta skrattar man typ bort det för att man är van” – En kvalitativ intervjustudie om normalisering av hot och våld hos socialsekreterare på ekonomiskt bistånd

Work-related threats and violence is a common problem that many social workers have to handle frequently. The definition of this phenomenon is ambiguous and social secretaries have to learn how to handle these types of situations. This bachelor thesis will focus on how they perceive this and how they cope with it, as well as the consequences of their perceptions and coping strategies. To answer th

”Många elever tycker det är väldigt jobbigt även om de inte är talrädda” En intervjustudie om lärares perspektiv på gymnasieelevers talrädsla samt på muntlig framställning i förhållande till demokratiuppdraget

Ur ett demokratiskt perspektiv är muntlig framställning viktigt eftersom förmågan att göra sin röst hörd är såväl en rättighet som en skyldighet i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Dessutom är muntlig framställning ett krav för att elever i gymnasiet ska bli godkända i svenska. Att talrädsla är vanligt förekommande bland gymnasielever är således problematiskt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka läTranslated title: “Many students find it difficult even if they do not suffer from speech anxiety”: An interview study on teachers’ perspectives on upper secondary school students’ speech anxiety and on oral presentations in relation to the democratic mission From a democratic perspective, oral proficiency is important since the ability to make one’s voice heard is a right as well as a responsibi

Decarbonising through climate legislation, The effects of five instruments available to governments

The main goal of the Paris agreement is to hold global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. A goal which requires a rapid peak and decline of global emissions. With the adoption of the Paris agreement, countries submitted Nationally Determined Contributions making national climate legislation a key tool for how to reach the goal. While the response so far has failed to reduce global emissions, climate

Utforskning av digitalt hjälpmedel för förbättrad munhygien hos kognitivt sjuka i hemvården

A growing population with increasing life expectancy means that the proportion of cognitively ill people is increasing. This puts pressure on the home care service due to lack of time and resources, which leads to a decline in the well-being and quality of life of care recipients. A consequence of cognitive illness is memory loss, which leads to everyday chores such as toothbrushing often being fo

"Vi har ju bemött dem som liksom vem som helst i övrigt" - En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella inom missbruksvården förhåller sig till kön och sexualitet i sitt arbete

The aim of this study is to analyze how professionals in swedish substance abuse care relate to gender and sexuality in their work. The aim was furthermore to explore how they experience their competence regarding these issues as well as how it affects their treatment and work. The empirical material consists of six semi-structured interviews with professionals of health and rehabilitation clinics

“Juste, fasen – jag läste ju socionomprogrammet!“ – En kvalitativ studie om nyexaminerade socionomers professionsidentitet

Swedish social workers are generalists and on the broad field of work are often employed with different titles. The profession of social workers is therefore considerably difficult to define. What does this mean for the social workers’ professional identity at large? The aim of this study was to give account to how newly graduated social workers experience and reason about their professional ident

Toward finding peremptory norms and obligations erga omnes

Jus cogens norms and obligations erga omnes are concepts within international law that are often used to reinforce legal claims. This thesis aims to assess to what extent invoking these concepts, along with their reinforcing capabilities, is justified in specific cases. In order to achieve this, the thesis first gives an overview of the theoretical debate surrounding the concepts of jus cogens no

Creating A Chicken Analogue with Mycoprotein

To meet the growing demand of meat alternatives, this project was dedicated to creating a chicken analogue prototype with mycoprotein. Within the project, two approaches of alginate gelation, external (diffusion) crosslinking and internal crosslinking, were studied in this particular food matrix. Using the external crosslinking method, the effects of major ingredients on the texture, structure and

Restprodukter inom skrotbaserad stålindustri – en fallstudie av Uddeholms AB. Värdeskapande materialströmmar och industriell symbios för ökad samhällsnytta

Hur kan restmaterial från stålindustrin användas för att minska uttaget av naturresurser? Ett vanligt användningsområde av exempelvis stålslagg är som konstruktionsmaterial vid sluttäckning av deponier. Genom att använda slagg för detta ändamål kan mängden deponerat material minska, samtidigt som man kraftigt minskar behovet av vanligt täckmaterial, såsom grus och jord. Stålslagg kan även användasA variety of excess material is produced in the processes used in the scrap-metal based steel industry. The largest stream of material, by volume, is steel slag. Since slag material has very different properties and wide differences in its chemical composition its usage can be found in different sectors. The increased understanding of slag and its properties has made companies less prone to divert

Patienters upplevelser av svårigheter under sin tid i intensivvård. En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Patienter inom intensivvård upplever många svårigheter och utmaningar under sin vårdtid. Törst, smärta, mardrömmar och hallucinationer liksom förlust av autonomi och ångest är tidigare beskrivet. Vidare har det framkommit att stressfulla minnen från intensivvård ökar risken för att patienter skall utveckla posttraumatiskt stressyndrom efter utskrivning från intensivvårdsavdelning. S

En kvantitativ studie om intelligent kameraövervakning utifrån personens subjektiva inkomstnivå

The aim of this study is to examine different subjective income levels perceptions of security in relation to intelligent camera surveillance. The police argue that the intelligent surveillance cameras will increase the experience of feeling secure. Camera surveillance was a controversial practice even before the implementation of AI and its implementation means that "smart" functions ca

Ett politiskt spel om olika verkligheter. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av en riksdagsdebatt om gängkriminalitet.

Gängkriminaliteten låg i mars 2022 i topp tre viktigaste valfrågor för väljare inför valet. Regeringen lade 2019 fram en 34-stegsplan för att bekämpa den gängkriminella situation som råder i Sverige och av förslagen att läsa, ses i vissa grund i den vetenskapliga forskning som finns, samtidigt som en del förslag går rakt emot den. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den kriminalpolitiska situ

Does Sustainability Matter? Analysis of the Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Financial Markets in the Context of Acquisitions

The concept of sustainable investing has gained importance in recent years, considering the growing share of sustainable investments compared to the total volume of global investments. The rise of sustainable investment has not only led to changes on the part of investors, but also to changes of a strategic nature on the part of companies. In this context, Green Mergers and Acquisitions represent

Vittnessäkerhet – En kvalitativ studie om åtgärder och sociala normer hos ett antal polisanställda

The aim of this study is to determine how employees at the Swedish police describe witness security measures, how well these perform as well as their connection to legislation. Furthermore it aims to understand these chosen individuals' social norms about witness security and the existing measures. To provide a background on the subject certain concept definitions were made and the relevant le

Avsättning av Black Carbon i sediment från Odensjön, södra Sverige

Black Carbon är resultatet av ofullständig förbränning av fossila bränslen och biomassa. Partiklarna blir luftburna i samband med förbränning och sprids över hela jorden. Utsläpp och spridning av BC är problematiskt, eftersom partiklarna har stor påverkan på människors hälsa och miljön. Metoder för utvinning och kvantifiering av BC ur olika material finns. I studien används en variant av CTO-375-mBlack Carbon is the product of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass. The particles become airborne during combustion and are effectively distributed all around the world. The release and distribution of BC is of concern because of the effect it has on our health and the environment. To be able to separate BC from sediment and quantify the amount, different methods have been developed.

“PS. If I go missing... i have been banned again” - A netnographic study of users’ opposition to algorithmic censorship of the female body on Instagram

As algorithmically-driven content moderation has become a common feature of social media platforms to suppress communications deemed undesirable, scholars have started to examine users’ relations to algorithmic systems and problems of machine bias and governmentality. While most researchers have focused on the negative aspects of censorship, few have explored the possibilities of users to oppose a

Var ligger närmaste skyddsrum? En kvantitativ studie om gymnasieelevers oro i förhållande till nuvarande krigssituation i Ukraina

Everyone feels worried from time to time, it is a natural reaction to events in life. On the other hand, being worried for long periods of time can affect your health. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about children and youths' concerns, by studying high school students' perceived worry about the war in Ukraine. The study also examines a relationship between sex