

Din sökning på "*" gav 533213 sökträffar

Omhändertagande och rehabilitering vid främre korsbandsskador ur ett svenskt och österrikiskt perspektiv - en kvalitativ pilotstudie

Background: Anterior cruciate ligament injury is a common knee injury and the treatment may be surgical and/or conservative. Different studies have shown surgical and conservative treatment, respectively, as the best intervention. Therefore it is uncertain which treatment is preferable. When searching in PubMed, no articles were found describing the thoughts and experiences of orthopedists and phy

Rehabilitering i ett låginkomstland - En pilotstudie angående rehabiliteringspersonals åsikter om rehabilitering på Haiti

Bakgrund: Personer med funktionshinder är en utsatt grupp i låginkomstländer. För att kunna uppnå bästa möjliga fysiska förmåga hos personer med funktionshinder så att de kan vara en aktiv del av samhället behövs omfattande rehabiliteringsinsatser. På Haiti råder en kritisk obalans mellan behovet av rehabilitering och landets förmåga att tillhandahålla dessa tjänster. Syfte: Att undersöka hur reh

Chinese land reform:property rights and land use

Is China’s “property rights” legislation, which distinguishes transferable “property rights” and inalienable “land ownership”, a new concept that is unknown before, or a pragmatic reversion to the individual property rights system abolished by the communist revolution? This study claims that the latter is a better exposition. As part of a “socialist market economy”, such a reversion is manifested

Genusskapande i tv-spelsvärlden

Genom att studera ett tv-spel med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod vill jag vissa på hur genus skapas inom spelets dramaturgi. Genom att beskriva min emperi och testa denna mot genusteorier vill jag vissa på en skev framställning av könen där mannen är centrerad och kvinnan lämnad till pereferin.

Increasing high recycling rates

In Sweden, household waste is separated at the source, making the success of the recycling system largely depending on the active participation of households. In a well-established recycling system with functioning recycling infrastructure and information, the conditions for ‘recyclers’ and ‘non-recyclers’ are akin, indicating the external conditions, recycling infrastructure and information, not

Social Mobile Apps - A Case Study of Carlsberg’s CrowdIt

Social Mobile Apps: A Case Study of Carlsberg’s CrowdIt Purpose/Originality/Value: Through an analysis of the Carlsberg’s CrowdIt-App, the case study whishes to draw attention to three conceptual areas, which have received scant attention,namely social mobile application (app), culture, and strategic mobile campaigning. While some prominent Public Relations and Communication Management scholars ha

Post-Liberal Regionalism in Latin America - A Case Study of Venezuela as a Petro-State.

Since 1910, the major income of Venezuela comes, from the oil exploitation industry which is connected to the consolidation of the nation-state. This oil wealth has throughout history influenced its relations with countries in the Americas, United States and the rest of the world. This case-study examines Venezuela as a petro-state and its impacts on Latin American post-liberal regionalism and po

Making the right decisions?

This theory testing study investigates the decision-making of the member states in the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO, using a game theoretical approach. Game theory has its origins in political philosophy and can thus be valuable when analysing the behaviour of states in international regimes. Through using the specific game theory model Stag Hunt, this study aims to examine if such a model c

Big Data in Financial Markets: Using Search Volume Data for Market Trading Strategies

This paper examines the relationship between Big Data and two financial assets. This is achieved through replication of the portfolio method proposed by Preis, Moat and Stanley (2013) which examines and tests the relationship between search engine query volumes and financial markets. Collecting data from 98 different search terms, this paper extends the study by applying the strategy to two new fi

Pilot Contamination and Mitigation Techniques in Massive MIMO Systems

A multi-antenna base station (BS) can spatially multiplex a few terminals over the same bandwidth, a technique known as multi-user, multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO). A new idea in cellular MU-MIMO is the use of a large excess of BS antennas to serve several single-antenna terminals simultaneously. This so-called "massive MIMO" promises attractive gains in spectral efficiency with

Trädlevande skalbaggars spridningsmöjligheter: En studie kring stadsträden som spridningselement i Lunds stad

Spridningsmöjligheterna för fyra arter av hotade eller sårbara trädlevande skalbaggar i Lunds stad är bristfälliga. För att bibehållandet av livskraftiga populationer är det av stor vikt att individerna har möjlighet att sprida sig mellan de livsmiljöer som träden utgör. Därför ökar betydelsen av ett bevarandearbete som integreras med stadens samhälleliga planering så att befintliga träd som är väUrban trees are of great value as habitat and as elements for dispersal of many biological organisms. Hence, tree inventories are an important step for local municipalities in the effort to promote urban biodiversity of organisms dependent of trees for dispersal and survival. Lund is one of the municipalities which have carried out a comprehensive tree inventory. The purpose of this study is, on b

Packet Ray Tracing with the ARM NEON Architecture

The ray tracing algorithm has long been used to create near photorealistic images and even simple ray tracers can simulate effects such as shadows, reflections and refractions where other methods struggle. Today, the state-of-the-art CPU ray tracers are typically those that are able to efficiently leverage datalevel parallelism at the instruction level by using SIMD extensions to allow the process

Has Abe boosted Japanese confidence enough to get out of stagnation? An early evaluation of Abenomics

The Japanese economy has since the beginning of the 1990’s suffered from a prolonged period of economic stagnation. Known as the Lost Decade, but extending its influence well into the 2000’s and beyond, many attempts has been made to reverse the stagnation. The latest of these has come to be known as Abenomics and is headed by incumbent Prime Minister Shinzō Abe. In this essay we investigate wheth

Arbetsterapi i gymnasiesärskolan

I Sverige är det få arbetsterapeuter som arbetar inom skolan. Enligt studier skulle arbetsterapeuter tillsammans med andra yrkeskategorier kunna bidra till utveckling av skolverksamheten. Inga tidigare studier har identifierat vilka aktivitetsproblem elever med multihandikapp har i sin skolmiljö. Syftet var att identifiera aktivitetsproblem samt dess orsaker hos elever med multihandikapp på en gym

Financing Distributed Renewable Energy Deployment

The current market of financing mechanisms to support distributed solar energy within the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region is infant and as such has not been described or analysed appropriately. Within Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt this research firstly identified and described the contextual background of these four countries and how they impact on financing mechanism deployment

Modal Testing and Structural Identification

Bridges have been built around the world for at least 3000 years and have made it possible for man to travel over obstacles like valleys and rivers, which has contributed to the rapidly growing infrastructure we have today. Efforts made to save materials and reduce production costs have led to lighter and slender structures, which in turn can cause dynamic problems where the bridge is sensitive to

Environmental and economic analysis of renewable energy producing systems with a focus on wooden towers as components of wind-solar systems -The Dali PowerTower case study

This paper aims at assessing the economic features and the environmental impact of a wooden tower used in wind-solar renewable energy generating systems. The life cycle assessment method and return on investment method were used in order to achieve the objectives of the study. Two types of towers were used in the analysis: an impregnated wooden tower and an untreated one. Besides wood, the tower i