

Din sökning på "*" gav 533213 sökträffar

Sprickor i anläggningskonstruktioner av betong : bakomliggande orsaker, bedömning och möjliga åtgärder

Inom den Svenska byggindustrin har Betonghandboken Material länge tjänat som ett naturligt val av hjälpmedel för ingenjörer som har stött på ett betongtekniskt problem. Den senaste utgåvan av Betonghandboken material publicerades 1994. Detta gör att många av de kunskaper vi har idag inom betongområdet går outnyttjade då man använder sig av Betonghandboken. Det finns ett behov att sammanfatta de ku

Leads Companion - En Androidapp för säljarna på Telavox

This report describes a bachelor thesis project realized as the final exercise in the Computer Science program at Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Campus Helsingborg. The thesis work was done as an Android app-development project at Telavox in Malmö, a company active in the IP-Telephony business. The purpose of the project was to develop an Android application to be used by the sellers at the company. The

Between dreams of papers and a house: Everyday life of Albanian undocumented migrant women in Greece

This research draws attention to the way undocumented Albanian immigrant women experience their everyday life in Greece. Which are the structural factors experienced by Albanian undocumented immigrant women that defines their everyday life in Greece and what strategies are used by these women in order to resist these macro-structural factors. Qualitative interviews were held with 11 undocumented A

The Rise of the Sharing City: Examining Origins and Futures of Urban Sharing

With more than half the world’s population living in ever more economically productive cities, and urbanisation continuing apace, large-scale environmental problems resulting from unsustainable, excessively consumption-focussed life styles are doomed to happen. Meanwhile large amounts of equipment and infrastructure are barely used. The recently emerged Sharing City concept combines the benefits o

How do macroeconomic factors affect capital structure? The case of Swedish firms

Using unbalanced panel data for the sample period 2002-2012, this study investigates the relation between macroeconomic factors and the capital structure of 233 Swedish companies. Using the Random Effects model, this paper identifies the macroeconomic determinants that affect the capital structure of Swedish firms. We find that the leverage measures are positively related to the GDP Growth rate, I

Down and out: Macroeconomic shocks and child health in the Dominican Republic

This paper investigates the association between infant mortality and macroeconomic shocks in the Dominican Republic, using the 2002 and 2007 Demographic and Health (DHS) surveys. The article starts by reviewing the recent evolution of macroeconomic and social indicators in the country, as well as infant mortality trends calculated from the DHS surveys. It then proceeds to estimate logit and s

Classification of supplied components

Bakgrund: Elektroniktillverkaren The Company implementerade för 4-5 år sedan en ABC-klassificeringsmodell för klassificering av de komponenter som de köper in. Nu vill företaget utmana den nuvarande modellen och utvärdera om de använder korrekta parametrar för klassificering, för att undersöka om det finns möjlighet till förbättring. Därför efterfrågar The Company en ny modell som baseras på den tBackground: The electronic manufacturing company The Company implemented a new model for ABC classification of supplied components about 4-5 years ago. Today, they want to challenge this model and evaluate if they have been using the correct parameters, or if improvement can be made. They wish for a new model that is based on the theory in field, to make a comparison with the existing model. The p

Structural and individual obstacles in delayed institutional adaptation and implementation of environmental policies : environmental procrastination : save the world another day

While evidence for man-made Climate Change has continuously increased, we witness insufficient changes in governmental policies. In many countries, even popular support for Green parties has decreased. This phenomenon reminds on an individual level of the psychological concept of procrastination. To overcome this problem, it seems necessary to broaden our understanding of this phenomenon and devel

Building a business case for the environment: What's strategy got to do with it?

Under an action research paradigm, this thesis project explores the business potential of an environmental strategy and assesses the formulation of such a strategy implemented by an automotive original equipment manufacturer. Because of the heterogeneous nature of a company’s approach to environmental issues due to inter alia managerial conducts and company culture, this article provides an in-dep

Towards Ecosystem-Based Protection of Marine Environments - Investigating the scope for marine reserves in Northern Europe under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

European oceans are in a poor state – only 10% of marine habitats and 2% of marine species show favourable conservation status. This is largely attributed to an intense pressure from industrial human activities at sea. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) from 2008 is an attempt to better protect marine environments in the European Union (EU) by enforcing an Ecosystem-Based Management (E

Aviation Biofuel Production in Sweden

Civil Aviation is one of the fastest growing sectors on earth, for which emissions currently account for between 2 and 3% of the global total (International Air Transport Association, 2013). Decarbonising the aviation sector is a key challenge on the international agenda, for which sustainable alternative fuels stand as playing a future role. Biofuels for aviation (biojet) have shown to be energy

Design av nätaggregat med semi-variabel switchfrekvens

Uppdraget från EC Solutions gick ut på att konstruera en nätaggregatsprototyp. Ett designkrav var att nätaggregatet skulle likna ett traditionellt vägguttag. Istället för elkontakt skulle aggregatet ha plats för 2 USB-portar för laddning av olika elektroniska apparater. Då produkten riktades mot vanlig konsumentmarknad ställdes kravet att den skulle kunna massproduceras till ett rimligt pris. Exam

Steering towards more cycling in Tallinn Assessing policy’s role in promoting urban cycling in “new cycle cities”

A growing trend in cities around the word is to promote cycling to make them a more livable place to live in. Many big cities in Europe such as London, Paris, and Vienna have started to consider cycling not only as a mode of transport but also as a way to reduce pollution and congestion problems. Cities with long cycling culture such as Copenhagen and Amsterdam started decades ago a shift from a c

Implementation of a Funds Transfer Pricing model with stochastic interest rates

The subject of Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP) is widely known within the banking in- dustry, despite this there is a lack of consensus on how to allocate the costs and benets to the users and suppliers of liquidity. A common practice in nancial institutions, in particular before the nancial crisis, was to charge business units a liquidity charge that was based on the average or the historic cost of

Effects of inbreeding on expressed phenotypic plasticity in the freshwater snail Radix balthica

Påverkar sexuell förökning möjligheten att försvara sig? Den vanliga dammsnäckan, Radix balthica, är en hermafroditisk sötvattenssnäcka med ett välutvecklat försvarssystem mot predation från bland annat fisk, så som ruda. Om snäckorna får växa upp i en omgivning med dofter från fisken så kommer den att utveckla en skalform som är rundare med tjockare väggar och större skal öppning än vad den skulIn this study I have investigated the variance in a phenotypically plastic defence trait in the common pond snail (Radix balthica). This species is known to develop a predator induced shell shape when exposed to cues of predatory fish such as the crucian carp (Carassius carassius). My aim was to investigate if this snail species would have a higher level in expressed predator induced shell shape i

The Landscape is changing-Icelandic state owned enterprises and corporate social responsibility (CSR): Assessing Landsvirkjun´s CSR strategy

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly required of companies. However, CSR at state owned enterprises(SOEs)has not received much attention in the CSR literature. This thesis has the objective to add to knowledge on CSR of Icelandic SOEs. The objective led to three research questions: Q1. How do internal and external factors, affect the implementation and communication of CSR at stat

The Marketisation and Privatisation of Education through the EU’s “New Generation” Free Trade Agreements? A Case Study of the Possible Consequences of Including Education into the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

Significant positive and negative consequences across the entire spectrum of issues are expected from the much debated Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This study investigates thoroughly the potential consequences for the education sector based on primary sources of the EU’s objectives and reflections for the TTIP negotiations. It approaches the possible consequences from the

Lomma Green Map - En studie om medborgarinvolvering i Lomma kommun

In Sweden, municipalities are key players in the environmental work to achieve the ambitious energy and climate goals that are set. For Sweden to be able to meet the national environmental targets that are set to 2020 requires that all the actors in Sweden cooperate. For citizens, these goals mean that lifestyle changes are required, which includes consumption, transport and the use of resources.

Ett industriellt perspektiv på EU:s handel med utsläppsrätter - Den handlande sektorn i Skåne

In this study I contribute with a perspective of how the European Emission Trading System (EU ETS) has affected the measures to reduce the emissions of carbon emissions in the trading sector in Skåne. To evaluate the effects of EU ETS and see if it has led to emission reductions in Skåne, I have conducted interviews with representatives from each sector and made a complementary web survey with the