

Din sökning på "*" gav 534541 sökträffar

Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymers for Flexural Strengthening of Concrete Beams : Rupture Failure Mode.

This study provides direct design equations that can be used for FRP reinforced beams with a rupture mode of FRP rupture. An analytical perspective to simplify calculations by developing exact and approximate set of closed form equations is used. This paper is collaboration between the Department of Civil engineering at Kansas State University in Manhattan Kansas and the Department of Structural E

Fuktinducerad deformation i limträ.

Calculated deformations in glulam beams caused by moisture are based on linear moisture profile, this does not reflect reality. This report contains of a study where the moisture induced deformations are measured in three different test setups, simulating more realistic moisture exposure. After the beams are seasoned in RH 30 and 95 % the climate was changed, one group was in a moistening phase an

Utvärdering av nyutvecklat gipsskivesystem.

Danogips has introduced tongued and grooved gypsum boards which can be used regardless of the distance between the studs in the framework. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the material properties of the new gypsum product and compare it to conventional gypsum walls. Literature studies and three different experiments are carried out. The stiffness of the construction is measured by applying a

Utformning av byggnader för säkerhet mot fortskridande ras.

A progressive collapse implies a structural failure initiated by a local damage which subsequently develops, as a chain reaction, into a failure of either the entire structural system, or only a part of it. The collapse of the Ronan Point building in London 1968 prompted numerous efforts to develop structural design criteria to prevent progressive collapse. Improved design procedures with the inte

Strength tests of shell bedded autoclaved aerated concrete.

In this master thesis, the properties of shell bedded autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) are investigated. There are reasons to believe that the values for flexural, compressive and shear strength in the Swedish regulations are on the low side. The work within this master thesis consists of determining the characteristic values based on experimental tests. The test results indicate that the values

Analys av svängningar i prefabricerade betongbjälklag : teori och praktik.

Problems considering vibrations influence on comfort and health have been known for long and extensive efforts have been carried out to describe them. However, the appearance of these problems in the appliance of concrete slabs is a new phenomenon which started to arise due to the development of prestressing. For this thesis some of the existing knowledge has been applied to determine the maximal

3D-visualisering av småhus.

This Master Thesis has been written in coliabaration with Modulenthus and Lund Institute of Teclnology. This thesis has two pm-poses: To show how a VR-mode! best can be created by evaluating different programs and to examine the compatibility between ADT and Archicad.

Automated modelling and optimization of a ratioed logic inverter utilizing nanowire-based transistors

Trenden för miniatyrisering av mikroelektronik närmar sig gränsen för vad som är möjligt att uppnå med konventionell kiselteknologi. En teknik, med potential att pressa utveckling mot allt mindre komponenter, är nanotrådstransistorer. I detta examensarbete studeras implementering av dessa transistorer i digitala kretsar. En fullständig analys av en krets innebär flera påföljande steg, innefattandThe continuing trend of electronic miniaturization is approaching a critical limit for conventional silicon based technology. Transistors based on nanowires are an interesting concept that might extend this trend deeper into the nano-scale domain. In this work, the usage of nanowire-based transistors is studied in the context of digital circuit design. The authors propose a complete workflow from

ERP-projekt - Ett företags försök till helintegrering

I det moderna affärsklimatet är det svårt att klara sig utan någon sorts informations eller affärssystem. En av de vanligaste typerna av dessa system är ERP-system, som ämnar stödja företags verksamhet genom att samla all information på en plats. Att arbeta med implementering av ERP-system är ett stort och svårt åtagande som går ofta fel. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på varför detta ske

Dammprojektet Sanxia : en studie av ett av Kinas mest kontroversiella byggprojekt

Denna uppsats är en studie av Sanxiadammen vid Yichang i den kinesiska Hubeiprovinsen. Jag redogör inledningsvis för hur projektet började och slutade, i syfte att ge läsaren de basfakta som behövs för att lättare komma in i den huvudsakliga texten. Även miljöpåverkan som ett resultat av de miljöfarliga utsläpp som förekommit i Yangzifloden har studerats för att bättre förstå konsekvenserna av damThis essay describes the effects that have come from the construction of the Sanxia Dam, Yichang, Hubei province. I begin with a brief description of how the dam project started and ended, in order to give the reader the basic knowledge that is needed for a better understanding while reading the rest of the text. Focus lies on the project's impact on the environment, such as the pollution of t

Diasporic Pakistani Masculinities: Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of Contemporary Pakistani Immigrant Men in Sweden

The aim of this paper is to investigate the following three main research questions. A) How do Pakistani men define masculinities? B) How do they reflect on the role of religion, socio/cultural practices in the construction of masculinities in Pakistani context? C) How do Pakistani men define themselves in two different contexts (Pakistan and Sweden)? To answer these research questions, I have emp

Simulation of the Human Footsteps Induced Floor Vibrations

How people walk is very individual and even their personal style of walking may change throughout their lives. But it could be that the people of the same sex with the same height, weight and age would have a way of walking with great similarities in terms of feet angle and length of the stride. This project examined the geometric walking pattern experimentally of 150 men between 170 and 190 cm. E

Flexibel – mobil – intensiv: utvärdering av en mellanvårds arbetsmodell genom tre fallstudier

A treatment model for intermediate care in child and adolescent psychiatry is described within the framework of theories, models, treatment programmes and empirical knowledge shaping its current format. Application in practice is illustrated by three case studies, which are discussed with a view to further development of the treatment model and its included interventions. Treatment results are pre

Who watches the watchmen and do they need watching?

This thesis examines the independence of the UN treaty bodies, both in its entirety and the autonomy of the individual treaty body members. Since independence is very difficult to measure empirically, this paper uses the theoretical framework of Principal-Trustee theory as a tool by which the independence can be understood. This instrument allows us to examine the independence of the treaty body s

Tolkning av försäkringsvillkor

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur försäkringsvillkor ska tolkas när tvist om detta uppstår mellan försäkringstagaren och försäkringsbolaget. Det finns inget klart svar på denna fråga men en rad tolkningsmetoder har utvecklats genom praxis. Till skillnad från vid vanlig avtalstolkning har den subjektiva tolkningsmetoden inte någon framträdande betydelse vid tolkning av försäkringsvillkoThe aim of this paper is to examine how insurance provisions are to be interpreted in the event of a dispute over them arising between the insured and the insurer. There is no clear answer to this question but a number of methods for interpretation have been developed in case-law. As opposed to the traditional interpretation of contracts, the subjective method of interpretation has no important ro

Camera Tracking Using A Dense 3D Model

Abstract In this thesis we present a method for tracking a depth sensor and building a 3D model in real-time. The tracking will be done using the current estimated 3D model. We will show that this approach gives more accurate results and is more robust than the well-known KinectFusion approach. It will also be shown how to colourise the 3D model in real-time. In this work we will study different e

Att utesluta eller icke utesluta, det är frågan - Om upphandlande enheters handlingsmöjligheter vid misstanke om att ett upphandlingsförfarande föregåtts av en anbudskartell

I takt med att det offentliga i allt större utsträckning väljer att köpa in varor och tjänster från marknaden ökar också risken för anbudskarteller. I arbete med att förhindra och beivra uppkomsten av dessa otillåtna samarbeten kompletteras upphandlingslagstiftningen av konkurrensrätten. Den förstnämnda kan i detta hänseende sägas reglera den miljö vari vilken anbudskarteller uppkommer medan den sAs the public sector increases the sourcing of goods and services from the market place rather than providing them in-house, the risk for collusive behaviour in the form of bidding cartels increases. To prevent such illegal collaboration, public procurement law are supplemented with competition law. The role of the public procurement law is to regulate the environment where cartels may emerge, whi

Is EU facing increasing export competition as a result of trade with low income countries?

The concern raised in this paper is whether the cone of diversification for EU to its low income trading partners has become more similar over time, as this would imply a risk for a Stolper- Samuelson effect. In order to assess this risk, the methodology in this paper is designed to capture any rising similarities of EU to its trading partners since a Stolper- Samuleson effect infers that the good

Utvärdering av programvaror för numerisk simulering av negativa portryck

Pore water pressure is defined relative to atmospheric pressure and it is cero kPa at the water table. Under the water table the pore water pressure rises linearly at a hydrostatic pressure distribution and above the water table it sinks. How the pore water pressure profile above the groundwater table develops in practice depends on the soil water content. The relationship between water content an