

Din sökning på "*" gav 534706 sökträffar

KlimaSeniorinnen and the Question(s) of Causation

In my blog post, I turn to a more technical aspect of the judgment, namely the question of causation. I will untangle the analytical gymnastics that the Court performs regarding this question. I will argue that the reasoning regarding causation is confusing and that it is not clear how specifically the ‘real prospect’ test is applied for finding a breach.

En kartläggning av förlossningsförberedande information från barnmorskor på barnmorskemottagningar.

Med utgångspunkt från mödrahälsovårdens basprogram avgör barnmorskan vad det är för information som ska delges under barnmorskemottagningens föräldrautbildning. Barnmorskans arbete ska främja de blivande föräldrarnas delaktighet genom information och möjligheten till informerat val. Specifik förlossningsförberedande information om exempelvis valmöjlighet av förlossningsplats hittas endast som bify

Planhushållning i garderoben : Modejournalistik under andra världskriget

I spåren av ransonering och materialbrist under andra världskriget uppmanade modetidningarna svenskarna att hushålla med sina resurser och planera nyinköp noga. I stället för att som vanligt locka med nya varor rådde de nu läsarna att återbruka och sy om sina befintliga plagg. Men ju längre kriget pågick desto tydligare syntes en längtan efter mer flärdfullhet, färg och glädje i modet.

Authorship, activism and creative struggles : Peter Watkins’ The Journey revisited

Based on research in the archive of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society in Stockholm, this article sheds light on the complex production history behind Peter Watkins’ fourteen-and-a-half-hour documentary Resan (The Journey) (1987). Set in a dozen countries around the world, the film presents a complex web of thematic tropes about global peace, consistently highlighting the connection between

Notes on Fitting and Analysis Frameworks for QENS Spectra of (Soft) Colloid Suspensions

With continuously improving signal-to-noise ratios, a statistically sound analysis of quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) spectra requires to fit increasingly complex models which poses several challenges. Simultaneous fits of the spectra for all recorded values of the momentum transfer become a standard approach. Spectrometers at spallation sources can have a complicated non-Gaussian resoluti

Förstföderskors upplevelser av delaktighet vid medicinska interventioner i samband med födsel på sjukhus.

Bakgrund: De senaste två decennierna har medicinska interventioner i samband med födsel ökat globalt. Förstföderskor har en högre incidens av medicinska interventioner än omföderskor. Vid rutinanvändning av medicinska interventioner ökar risken för att kvinnors delaktighet negligeras, vilket kan leda till en negativ förlossningsupplevelse. Det saknas studier om hur förstföderskor upplever delaktig

A GIS assessment on the feasibility of onshore solar and wind energy development in Hong Kong

While the government of Hong Kong has acknowledged the need to increase renewable energy contributions in its fuel mix, the implementation of renewable energy projects in the region is constrained by complex topography and limited land availability. To overcome these challenges, a pragmatic solution is devised through the use of a site suitability analysis which expedites the identification of

Publishing strategies and professional demarcations : Enacting media logic(s) in European academic climate communication through open letters

The mediatization concept rests on the increasing centrality of media in everyday spheres. Within academia, mediatization is explored in various ways, such as through the use of social media, news media, and researchers' adoption of certain media logic(s). While many studies focus on media logic(s) as an explanatory device, it can also be seen as a contextual relationship between actors enacted fo

Where are the missing boatyards? Steaming pits as boat building sites in the Nordic Bronze Age

Abstract in GermanDas Boot gilt als ein herausragendesSymbol der nordischen Bronzezeit, dargestellt in Tausendenvon Felsbildern und auf vielen Metallgegenständen in ganzSkandinavien. Paradoxerweise sind direkte Hinweise aufdiese Boote rar, und die Orte, an denen Boote gebaut wurden,bleiben größtenteils schwer fassbar. In diesem Artikel schla-gen wir vor, dass die sogenannten Kochgruben entlang derThe boat stands out as a prominent symbol of the Nordic Bronze Age, depicted at thousands of rock art sites and on several metal objects throughout Scandinavia. Paradoxically, direct evidence of these boats is scarce, and the locations where boats were constructed remain largely elusive. In this paper, we put forth the proposition that many ostensibly mislabelled cooking pits along the coast might

Interlaboratory study of the operational stability of automated sorption balances

Automated sorption balances are widely used for characterizing the interaction of water vapor with hygroscopic materials. These instruments provide an efficient way to collect sorption isotherm data and kinetic data. A typical method for defining equilibrium after a step change in relative humidity (RH) is using a particular threshold value for the rate of change in mass with time. Recent studies

Simulation and Modelling of Solar Dryer in COMSOL: Analysis of Airflow

"Solar Food: Reducing post-harvest losses through improved solar drying" is a project that is a collaboration between Lund University and the Royal University of Bhutan, financed by the Swedish Research Council. The goal of the project is to improve the quality and decrease post-harvest losses of food in rural Bhutan and Nepal through low-cost, efficient solar-powered food dryers. In th

Nationalekonomin i kristider

Ämnet nationalekonomi omfattar många områden.Här ska jag lägga fokus på ett av dessa, nämligen makroekonomi. Makroekonomen studerar och förklarar fenomen som konjunktursvängningar, tillväxt, arbetslöshet, ränta, växelkurser, löner och inflation. Makroteorin ligger till grund för förslag om hur samhällsekonomin kan styras genom stabiliseringspolitik. Denna består traditionellt av två grenar: finansÄmnet nationalekonomi omfattar många områden.Här ska jag lägga fokus på ett av dessa, nämligen makroekonomi. Makroekonomen studerar och förklarar fenomen som konjunktursvängningar, tillväxt, arbetslöshet, ränta, växelkurser, löner och inflation. Makroteorin ligger till grund för förslag om hur samhällsekonomin kan styras genom stabiliseringspolitik. Denna består traditionellt av två grenar: finans

Epigenetics of the non-coding RNA nc886 across blood, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in offspring exposed to diabetes in pregnancy

Background: Diabetes in pregnancy is associated with increased risk of long-term metabolic disease in the offspring, potentially mediated by in utero epigenetic variation. Previously, we identified multiple differentially methylated single CpG sites in offspring of women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), but whether stretches of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) can also be identifi

Insulin resistance and its relationship with long-term exposure to ozone : Data based on a national population cohort

The relationship of ozone (O3), particularly the long-term exposure, with impacting metabolic homeostasis in population was understudied and under-recognised. Here, we used data from ChinaHEART, a nationwide, population-based cohort study, combined with O3 and PM2.5 concentration data with high spatiotemporal resolution, to explore the independent association of exposure to O3 with the prevalence

Health benefits of oat (Avena sativa) bioactives. Acute and second-meal effects of oat polar lipids and beta-glucans.

The global prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes andcardiovascular diseases, continues to increase. Dietary habits are the most significant contributingmodifiable factor in this context. A healthy diet must thus form part of successful preventive strategies tocombat cardiometabolic diseases.Oats are a sustainable cereal, rich in potential health-promoting bio

ALG13-Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (ALG13-CDG) : Updated clinical and molecular review and clinical management guidelines

ALG13-Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (CDG), is a rare X-linked CDG caused by pathogenic variants in ALG13 (OMIM 300776) that affects the N-linked glycosylation pathway. Affected individuals present with a predominantly neurological manifestation during infancy. Epileptic spasms are a common presenting symptom of ALG13-CDG. Other common phenotypes include developmental delay, seizures, intell