

Din sökning på "*" gav 532077 sökträffar

Samhälle och funktionsnedsättningar : en kvalitativ studie om inkludering av funktionsnedsatta i det balinesiska samhället

Society and disability - A qualitative study of inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Balinese society The aim of this study was to examine factors in the Balinese society that affected the life situation of persons with disabilities and what factors contributed to creating limitations and opportunities for them. The purpose was also to examine whether inclusion and exclusion could happen

“Do they feel welcome when returning home? Intuitive Law of Internationally Mobile Students: The Case of the Russian Global Education Program”

By exploring the Russian Global Education Program as a case of outward student mobility policy created through and backed by law, the author of this thesis analyses the impact of the legal dimension of said program on students’ return and employment decisions from the viewpoint of the socio-legal theory and methodology developed by Leon Petrazycki (1867-1931). Based on the analysis conducted herei

A Study of Transdiagnostic Mediators of Emotional Disturbance in Psychiatrically-Referred Adults: The Role of Distress Tolerance, Anxiety Sensitivity and Intolerance of Uncertainty

In an effort to improve our understanding of the etiology and treatment of disorders involving symptoms of anxiety and depression, researchers have set out to identify psychological traits that may leave an individual vulnerable to experiencing intense negative emotional reactions. Included among these vulnerabilities are a person’s ability to tolerate negative emotional states (Distress Tolerance

Automated Entry System using Multi-Object Tracking

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning - Automatiskt ingångssystem med hjälp av flerobjektsspårning Tänk om de dörrar du passerar vet vart du är på väg? Med en kamera och bildbehandling visar vi att man kan spåra människor och förutse deras rörelse. Detta ger stora energibesparingar och ökad komfort. Automatiska dörrar är något de flesta kommer i kontakt med dagligen, på jobbet, gymmet eller i matvIn this thesis we employ computer vision methods in order to extend and improve the functionality of automatic doors. This thesis is based around the implementation of a door entrance system which uses information from detected pedestrians to make qualified decisions regarding door activation. This can lead to a reduced amount of unnecessary openings which will reduce the energy consumption of bui

BIM i förvaltningen

The study has shown that BIM is used extensively throughout the entire construction process, with clear benefits and optimizations. The broad usage of BIM shows that all areas have streamlined and become less costly. BIM is well established in the construction process with an exception for the facility management phase. The benefits in the facility management area are well studied but not introduc

Nedskrivning av goodwill på Stockholmsbörsen

Syftet med studien är att redogöra för bakomliggande faktorer som kan driva bolag att besluta om nedskrivning av goodwill. Därtill ämnar studien undersöka huruvida det går att påvisa ett samband mellan nedskrivning av goodwill och earnings management. Forskarna använder en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Studien undersöker nedskrivning av goodwill för bolag listade på Stockholmsbörsen unThe purpose of the study is to investigate underlying factors that might have a connection to impairment of goodwill. In addition, the study scrutinises if there is any association to be found between impairment of goodwill and earnings management.The authors used a quantitative method with a deductive approach. The study examined companies listed on Nasdaq Stockholm which made an impairment of go

Vi gör det mesta materialet själva - En studie om behovet av pedagogiska läromedel i Musikproduktion

Denna studies syfte är att identifiera om det finns ett behov av att utforma läromedel för lärare i Musikproduktion, och hur lärare arbetar med denna kurs idag. Detta har undersökts dels med en enkätstudie samt kvalitativa intervjuer med två pedagoger som undervisar i Musikproduktion på två gymnasieskolor. Litteraturgenomgången belyser vilka behov som finns i skolan idag där perspektiv på elever, The aim of this study is to identify if there is a need to produce educational materials for teachers in “Musikproduktion”, and how teachers work with this course today. This has been done partly through a survey study and qualitative interviews with two teachers in music production in two Swedish upper secondary schools. The literature review explores the need that exists in schools today where p

Incorporating the Managers‘ Perspective - A Multidimensional Approach to the Research-Practice Gap

The present study aims to contribute to the research-practice gap debate by addressing the understudied managers’ perspective. Based on a theoretical framework, it incorporates the managers’ stance on four dimensions previously debated by scholars, namely perceived relevance of the research-practice gap, stakeholder relationships, reasons for the gap and research utilization. The small-scale explo

One More Cup of Coffee – Mundane Consumption of Everyday Consumer Goods

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how consumers relate to coffee, and what the consumption means to them. Existing research is demonstrating two contradictory perspectives of coffee as a mundane product. Due to the inconclusive research results this paper seeks to generate a more advanced understanding of how consumers relate to mundane coffee consumption as well as to understan

Förvar, utvisning och säkerhet: En diskursanalys om den svenska statliga diskursen om förvar och utvisning 1997-2012

Swedish migration politics is going through a radical change in 2016 when restrictive temporary laws are accompanied by governmental plans of deporting up to 80,000 people the coming year. This thesis takes a hold of these changes and investigates how the political ambition of deporting a radically increased amount of people has been made possible. More specifically, the thesis examines how the Sw

Analysis of the Temporal Variability of Positive Degree Day Factors

Hur stor effekt har den globala uppvärmningen på de Arktiska isarna? Hur stor del av isarna skulle smälta om temperaturerna i Arktis steg med en grad? Med hjälp av Positive Degree Day metoden kan vi svar på dessa frågor. Tänk dig en framtid där havsnivåerna har höjts med flera meter. Om den arktiska isen smälter är detta en framtid vi med största säkerhet kan komma att mötas av. Kommer ditt hus aThe surface mass balance determines the growth or decay of an ice sheet, by taking the difference between accumulation and ablation. In this thesis snow and ice ablation is related to 2m-temperature through the positive degree day method. The positive degree day method takes into account the ablation rate of snow and ice and the number of measurements with temperature above freezing level in order

Normförhandlingen av den narcissistiska kulturen på sociala medier

Normförhandlingen av den narcissistiska kulturen på sociala medier” är skriven utav Alice Karlsson på Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds universitet. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur existensen av en narcissistisk kultur som norm på sociala medier förhandlas i publikens reaktioner av Essena O’neills avvikande video. O’neill spenderade flera år med att framställa sin ide

No title

Titel: Integrationens tvetydighet: En retorisk analys av trepartsförhandlingarna (2016) om arbetsmarknadsintegration mellan den danska regeringen och arbetsmarknadens parter. Författare: Alexander Stevns Jensen Handledare: Rouzbeh Parsi Denna studie undersöker hur debatten om integration fördes mellan den danska regeringen och arbetsmarknadens parter fram till underskriften av trepartsavtalet om Title: The Ambiguity of Integration: A rhetorical analysis of the three-part negotiations (2016) about labor market integration between the Danish Government and the agents of the Labor Market. Author: Alexander Stevns Jensen Supervisor: Rouzbeh Parsi This study investigates how the debate about integration was negotiated between the Danish Government and the agents of the Labor Market during th

Energy Landscapes for Interaction Networks: a Logic-based Approach

Stamceller är en typ av celler som ännu inte har specialiserat sig till en bestämd roll i kroppen, utan kan omvandlas till vilken celltyp som helst. Detta gör dem mycket användbara vid läkning av exempelvis hjärnskador, eftersom vuxna nervceller inte återbildas. Tyvärr är stamceller svåra att utvinna, och kommer de från en annan individ riskerar de dessutom att stötas bort av mottagaren, som vid bWe define a mathematical method that, given the form of an interaction network, defines an energy as a function of the state of the network. When combined with a suitable entropy, it yields a free energy that gives rise to the dynamics of the network, allowing solutions and optimal paths to be efficiently found. This is done primarily with the gene regulatory networks governing cell reprogramming

Psykologyrkets baksida? En undersökning av compassion fatigue bland psykologer.

Compassion fatigue kan drabba yrkesverksamma inom vårdgivande yrken som arbetar med traumapatienter. Symtomen på compassion fatigue är både fysiska, emotionella och arbetsrelaterade och innefattar bland annat empatisk utmattning och reducerad förmåga att bära patienters lidande. Dessa egenskaper påverkar psykologer inom vården. Psykologer är en yrkesgrupp vars sjukskrivningsstatistik har ökat undeCompassion fatigue can affect professionals in health care who work with trauma patients. The symptoms of compassion fatigue are physical, emotional and work- related and include, inter alia, empathic fatigue and reduced ability to carry the suffering of the patients. These qualities affect psychologists in health care. Psychologists are a professional group whose sick leave statistics has increas

Designing transdisciplinary sustainability science : a comparative analysis of a transdisciplinary research framework and design thinking

Sustainability science has to solve some of the most complex problems of our times. So far, the field of sustainability science is more known for its promises than its solutions. It is successful at creating knowledge but is lacking in terms of developing actionable knowledge. The transdisciplinary process incorporates practitioners and the people for whom the solution is intended in the research

Can public spending on family policy help to shield fertility rates during economic downswings? (A European case study, 2000-2013).

Economists from Malthus to Becker have long since proclaimed that as economic hardship increases, fertility is likely to decrease. Relatively few studies have considered the impact of the recent financial crisis upon fertility rates. This study analyses fertility rates across sixteen European countries at a national level, and analyses whether or not public family policy spending helps to shield f

Management Control System as a Package in Growing Startups

Today, growing start-ups create most of the new jobs. The use of management control systems (MCS) increases as the company grows. This leads the company to abandon the personal management and implement a more professional agenda using MCS. However, the challenge for implementing MCS in a growing start-up is more difficult to predict than a company with a longer business cycle. Therefore, it is int

God man för ensamkommande barn – ett ställföreträdarskap som fyller en god funktion?

Föreliggande uppsats syfte är att undersöka i vad mån svensk rätt tillgodoser asylsökande ensamkommande barns rätt till en ställföreträdare under asylprocessen och vid ett eventuellt beslut om uppehållstillstånd. Uppsatsen tillämpar rättsdogmatisk metod. Syftet besvaras utifrån frågeställningar som ämnar ge svar om vilken rätt som föreligger till en ställföreträdare, vilken funktion den gode manneThe aim with this essay is to investigate how Swedish law accommodate unaccompanied children with a representative during the asylum process and if asylum are approved. Unaccompanied children are defined as children under 18 years of age who have been separated from both parents and are not being cared for by an adult who, by law or custom, is responsible for doing so. International conventions

Investigation of Aerosol Influence on Operational Weather Forecasts

Blir det regn imorgon? Att svara på denna fråga är en av meteorologernas största utmaning. Detta är på grund av att formationen av nederbörd beror av olika faktorer, varav många sker på en sådan liten skala att inte ens dagens kraftfullaste datorer kan beräkna ekvationerna som beskriver dessa processer. Något som har en viktig roll vid nederbördsformation är olika typer av partiklar i atmosfärLow precipitation events are difficult to predict due to the many processes taking part in formation of precipitation. An additional challenge is that many of the processes act on a smaller scale than what weather models can resolve. The aerosol impact on the state of the atmosphere is an example of one of these processes. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of sea salt aerosols on