

Din sökning på "*" gav 535961 sökträffar

Ordningsvakter i det offentligas tjänst - 3 § Lagen om ordningsvakter och den kommunala ordningshållningen

Nedanstående undersökning har som syfte att undersöka hur det samhälleliga användandet, framförallt gällande den kommunala tillämpningen, av ordningsvakter i det offentliga rummet förhåller sig till regleringen av rättsinstitutet som kom till i slutet på 1970-talet? Undersökningen uppnår detta genom att utföra en historisk tillbakablick i syfte att förklara varför Sverige är i princip ensamt i värThe purpose of the study below is to examine how the societal use, especially regarding the municipal application, of police ordained private security guards in the public sphere relates to the regulation of this legal institution that came into being in the late 1970s? The study achieves this by conducting a historical review in order to explain why Sweden is basically alone in the world in apply

Emotions matter: Raising awareness about the importance of emotions for sustainability students and their well-being

Due to the focus of their study program, environmental and sustainability students are vulnerable to experience negative emotional impacts, potentially affecting their mental health. This thesis contributes to increased understanding of emotions and emotional resilience in relation to the climate crisis by examining experienced emotions, studying the power students have over their emotions, and po

Is there a collision between the EU Charter and the obligation to notify that intermediaries with legal professional privilege have under DAC 6?

The thesis explores the Directive 2018/822 of May 2018, also known as DAC 6, and the obligation to notify that it placed on intermediaries with legal professional privilege. The research conducted aims at answering the question if the notification obligation brought by DAC 6 is in conflict with EU primary law, namely, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The DAC 6 was the fift

A detailed study on Amazon Forest structure and mortality rates through LPJ-GUESS vegetation model

Nowadays it has become relevant for scientists to understand the impact of tropical forest structure on the Global Carbon Cycle. Dynamic vegetation models have been developed to pursue this issue, specifically by improving algorithms that could analyze the allometry, biomass content and mortality rate of each singular simulated plant individual and how this responds to climate change, management aCompetition between neighbouring trees has a big impact on their growth. Trees have different strategies to deal with competing neighbours. Some grow quickly and tall, overshadowing neighbouring trees, but die young (Georges K., 2015). Others grow more slowly, but outlive the fast-growing ones and cast shade on them over a longer period. These interactions have a strong influence on the dynamics o

Medias gestaltning av högerextremism och islamism online

The initial purpose of this study was to answer an overall question and two related sub-questions, based on framing theory and Martha Crenshaw's theory of terrorism through a combined qualitative and quantitative content analysis where the empirical material has been developed from 40 articles from the four largest digital newspapers in Sweden. The overarching question can be answered by sayin

Den dualistiska relationen - Barnmorskans upplevelse av att ha doula närvarande vid förlossningen

Det förekommer att doulor är närvarande vid förlossningar i Sverige. Det saknas studier i Svensk kontext hur detta påverkar barnmorskors arbetsmiljö. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa barnmorskans upplevelse av att ha en doula närvarande på förlossningen. Metoden var en kvalitativ intervjustudie med tolv barnmorskor som analyserades med tematisk analys av Braun och Clarke. I resultatet framko

An Urban Development with local characteristics and Urban Farming as drivers for the design

The project explores the application of urban farming in a high-density urban area while considering local characteristics. The site is located on Xiamen Island, China. China has a long history with agriculture since ancient times. However, with the economic growth and urban sprawl from the 1970s, the farming lands are gradually taken by the modern urban blocks. The urban planning did not consid

Maskinöversättningens risker: en studie av hur översättningsbyråer använder maskinöversättning i översättningsprocesserna och hur de hanterar risker som kan uppstå i samband med detta

Denna uppsats studerar hur översättningsbyråer använder maskinöversättning i översättningsprocesserna och hur de hanterar risker som kan uppstå i samband med detta. Studien har utförts i form av intervjuer med nyckelpersoner på ett antal större översättningsbyråer som är aktiva på den skandinaviska marknaden. Av resultatet framgår att översättningsbyråerna i studien främst betraktar maskinöversätt

Yrken i förändring

Automation och ny teknik är aspekter som i allt högre grad genomsyrar organisationers arbetssätt. De berör såväl användandet av informationssystem som förändringar av olika processer. Nyttjandet av dessa bedöms medföra en större interaktion mellan människa och maskin inom framtidens smarta arbetsplatser. I uppsatsen undersöks hur organisationer som implementerat ny teknik och automation hanterat a

The Rise of Cryptocurrencies as an Investment Hedge. The Shift from Traditional Investment Hedges: Can Cryptocurrencies Replace Bonds as an Investment Hedge?

This thesis uses a dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model to investigate the correlation between major cryptocurrencies, US government bonds and the S&P 500 and MSCI World indices in order to establish the hedge, safe haven and diversifier properties of cryptocurrencies. While US Treasuries have exhibited negative correlation and hedging properties against equity risk for decades, recent

Revolution eller reformation? : historisk orientering kring Sveriges vägval 1809

Denna uppsats undersöker fem centrala aktörer kring händelserna mellan statskupp och antagandet av en ny regeringsform i Sverige 1809. I traditionell historieskrivning, främst förespråkad av Fredrik Lagerroth, har dessa händelser beskrivits som en revolution. Syftet med denna uppsats relaterar till forskningsproblemet och motsatsförhållandet mellan Sveriges ”revolution” 1809 och andra revolutionerThis study examines five key actors in the events between the coup and the adoption of a new constitution in Sweden in 1809. In traditional historiography, mainly advocated by Fredrik Lagerroth, these events has been described as a revolution. The purpose of this study relates to the research problem and understanding of Sweden's "revolution" in 1809 and other revolutions such as the

Primordial Gravitational Waves and ultra-light Dark Matter in a complex singlet extended Standard Model

In this thesis, the consequences of extending the internal symmetries of the standard model with a complex singlet scalar field, are investigated in terms of dark matter phenomenology and the possibility of primordial gravitational wave detection utilizing space based laser interferometry. The scalar potential of the model is constructed with a Z2 symmetry, which allows for the retainment of a lin

The Self and the Group - Identity-making among political activists in northeast Italy

This thesis focuses on representation modes among Italian political activists, engaged in multiple fights against globalization and neo-capitalism, by illustrating how participants in the Italian no-global movement build their identity. Through a number of interviews and participant observation, which build the empirical ground of this study, the activist and the group are juxtaposed, their role i

Reminding You to Purchase

The study aims to analyze the effect of nostalgia marketing on consumers’ purchase intention by investigating if nostalgia has a relationship with purchase intention, and if self-referencing has an interacting effect on the relationship. The research is conducted in a quantitative method with a deductive approach, designed as a cross-sectional experimental study containing four separate web-based

Crowdsourcing as a resource in archival institutions : a study of archivists’ views on usefulness and reliability in user generated metadata

The aim of this thesis is to identify archivists’ attitudes towards crowdsourcing to see how they relate to modern archival theory and science. The study focuses on reliability, functionality and potential in user generated metadata. Crowdsourcing in the archival profession is connected to our increased internet use and the general digitalization of society, but it is also a result of a paradigm s

Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performace approach:s påverkan på aktivitetsutförande hos strokepatienter

Bakgrund: Stroke är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till kroniska funktionsnedsättningar. Stroke kan orsaka dödsfall men också leda till motoriska och kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar, som i sin tur kan påverka deras aktivitetsutförande i vardagen samt ge en känsla av försämrad delaktighet. Syftet: Att kartlägga vilka effekter interventionen The Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational PerformanBackground: Stroke is one of the most frequent causes to chronic disabilities. Stroke can cause death but also cause impairment of motor and cognitive functions, this can affect their daily occupational performance and give a sensation of lessened participation. Purpose: To review the effects of the intervention Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) on everyday occupatio

Grundläggande rättigheter i konflikt? – En utredning av förhållandet och gränsdragningen mellan upphovsrätten och handlingsoffentligheten i svensk rätt

När en allmän handling samtidigt utgör ett upphovsrättsligt verk uppstår en normkonflikt mellan handlingsoffentligheten och upphovsrätten. Genom de så kallade scientologimålen på slutet av 90-talet belystes att handlings-offentligheten kunde utnyttjas för att sprida upphovsrättsliga verk mot upphovspersonens vilja. Scientologimålen gav upphov till en omdiskuterad sekretessbestämmelse beträffande uWhen a public document simultaneously constitutes a copyright protected work, a conflict of norms arises between the right to access public documents and copyright. The so-called Scientology cases in the late 1990s highlighted that the right to access public documents could be used to disseminate copyrighted works against the originator’s will. The Scientology cases led to a controversial secrecy

Rannsakan av diskretionära beslut om husrannsakan - en kritisk utredning av institutet husrannsakan ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

I arbetet med att utforma och lagstifta om tvångsmedel vägs intresset av att utreda brott mot intresset av rättssäkerhet. Under de senaste decennierna har flertalet reformer antagits inom straffprocessens område som inneburit utvidgade befogenheter för de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna. Dessa reformer har skett på bekostnad av de enskilda i form av rättighetsinskränkningar. En lagändring år 2006 gIn the legislative process the state’s interest in an efficient crime control is balanced against the individual’s right to personal integrity. The last few decades, a number of reforms regarding criminal procedures has been implemented, granting law enforcement more powers at the expense of the individual’s personal integrity. A change in the law in 2006, made it possible in certain cases for law

Den insiktsfulle huvudmannen - En undersökning av tillitsfullmaktens insiktsrekvisit och dess skadeståndsrättsliga följder

Högsta domstolen har i sitt avgörande NJA 2014 s. 684 etablerat en fullmaktstyp som ibland går under benämningen ”tillitsfullmakt”. Fullmakt – rätten att företräda annan med bindande verkan för denne – kan enligt denna praxis grundas på befogad tillit som alternativ till viljeförklaring. I mångt och mycket kan avgörandet ses som en vidareutveckling av tidigare praxis på området. Det har dock tillfIn case number NJA 2014 s. 684, The Supreme Court of Sweden has established a form of power of attorney that is sometimes referred to as trust-based. According to said case law, power of attorney – the right to represent someone else with legal effect – can be based on founded trust instead of a declared will. To a large extent, the court ruling can be considered a continuation of previous relevan