

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Autoantibodies to autonomic nerves associated with cardiac and peripheral autonomic neuropathy.

OBJECTIVE—This study examines whether autonomic nerve autoantibodies (ANabs) are associated with development of autonomic neuropathy using a prospective study design. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—A group of type 1 diabetic patients were followed prospectively with regard to autonomic nerve function on four occasions. At the third examination, 41 patients were tested for ANabs (complement-fixing au

Experimental Studies of Separated Flow and Heat Transfer in a Ribbed Channel

The main concern of this thesis is to experimentally investigate the turbulent flow and heat transfer in a ribbed channel. Such flows are encountered in many engineering applications, e.g., gas turbine cooling. In order to highlight the physical mechanism of flow separation, only one wall of the channel is fitted with periodic ribs. The inter-rib spacing is set such that the reattachment is allowe

Adaptive Blood Velocity Estimation in Medical Ultrasound

This paper investigates the use of data-adaptive spectral estimation techniques for blood velocity estimation in medical ultrasound. Current commercial systems are based on the averaged periodogram, which requires a large observation window to give sufficient spectral resolution. Herein, we propose a novel data-adaptive method to form the blood velocity spectral estimate. The method is evaluated u

Nordic Reference Interval Project Bio-bank and Database (NOBIDA): a source for future estimation and retrospective evaluation of reference intervals

In the Nordic Reference Interval Project 2000 (NORIP) serum, Li-heparin plasma and EDTA buffy coat were collected at 102 laboratories in 5 Nordic countries from healthy individuals aged 18 years or more and evenly distributed for laboratory, gender and age. Multiple aliquots of these samples from each of about 3000 persons are now stored at the Nordic Reference Interval Project Bio-bank and Databa

Antenna signal correlation and its relation to the impedance matrix

Theory is presented that extends the analysis to signal correlation between any antennas in an array of elements. It is generalised to include non-identical elements and arbitrary load termination of passive antenna ports. The method is related to the power balance concept and based on the antenna impedance matrix.

Remote imaging laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and remote cultural heritage ablative cleaning

We report, for what we believe to be the first time, on remote imaging laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Measurements have been performed by using a tripled Nd:YAG laser working at 355 nm with 170 mJ pulse energy, with an expanded beam that is focused onto a target at 60 m distance. The LIBS signal is detected by using an on-axis Newtonian telescope and an optical multichannel analyzer.

Interstitial laser coagulation versus transurethral resection of the prostate for benign prostatic enlargement - A prospective Randomized study

Objective: Interstitial laser coagulation (ILC) of the prostate is a minimally invasive method for treating symptomatic benign prostatic enlargement (BPE). We performed a prospective randomized study to compare the clinical outcomes of ILC and transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Material and Methods: Between December 1997 and February 2000, 38 patients with moderate-to-severe symptomat

Indoor Environmental Factors and its Associations with Asthma and Allergy Among Swedish Pre-School Children

Popular Abstract in Swedish En mängd epidemiologiska studier har visat att fuktskador i bostaden eller på arbetsplatsen ökar risken för olika typer av hälsobesvär, t.ex. astmatiska och allergiska besvär. Exakt vad som emitteras och orsakar dessa symptom i fuktskadade byggnader är inte känt, men både kemiska och mikrobiologiska agens är misstänkta. Vidare finns behov av bättre metoder för att identIt has been shown in a large number of scientific studies that living or working in a building with mould and moisture damage increases the risk for asthmatic and allergic symptoms. However, there is a need to establish more valid methods to obtain a more nuanced picture of the wide range of different types of moisture related problems. Furthermore, the causal relationships and the biological mech

H-2(He-3, t)2p reaction at 2 GeV

The exclusive H-2 (He-3, t)2p reaction has been studied at 2 GeV for energy transfers up to 500 MeV and triton angles up to 3.4degrees. The protons were measured in the large acceptance magnetic detector DIOGENE, in coincidence with the forward tritons detected in a dedicated magnetic arm. The energy transfer spectra extend well above the pion threshold. However, in the region of Delta excitation,

Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Formation of Ionized Gases in Spark Ignition Engines

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna studie är ämnad åt att undersöka joniseringsprocessen i gaser, både teoretiskt och experimentellt. Arbetet är speciellt riktat mot att utöka förståelsen för detta fenomen i förbränningsrummet av en förbränningsmotor. Den intensiva joniseringsprocessen som uppstår till följd av den antändande gnistan har studerats såväl som den svagare joniseringsprocessen som är rThe processes that govern the formation, existence and consumption of ions in gases have been studied both experimentally and theoretically. The aim of the work is targeted at increasing the understanding of these phenomena in the working gases inside an engine. Both the cause and the application of ionized gases inside the cylinder of a spark ignited (SI) engine has been studied. The spark disch

Molecular mapping of epitopes involved in ligand activation of the human receptor for the neuropeptide, VIP, based on hybrids with the human secretin receptor

Receptors for the neurotransmitter and neuroendocrine peptides, vasoactive intesinal peptide (VIP) and secretin, both belong to the Type B subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors. This group is evolutionally as well as structurally distinct from the much larger Type A, or rhodopsin-type, subfamily. We have mapped the ligand-activating epitopes of the human VIP1 receptor by the use of hybrid recep

Assimilation or coarticulation? Evidence from the coordination of tongue gestures for the palatalization of Bulgarian alveolar stops.

Three issues are considered in this report —are assimilation and coarticulation the same process or different, are they achieved by feature spreading or by coproduction, and what level or levels of neuromotor planning or production do they represent? Tongue gestures analysed from an X-ray motion film of Bulgarian speech are presented as examples of what the tongue is made to do in speech and of ho

ELISA on a microchip with a photodiode for detection of amphetamine in plasma and urine

A rapid and sensitive assay was developed for the detection of amphetamine in plasma and urine. The method relies on the principle of competitive ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). A flow microchip with a total volume of 7 µL was used for the development of a chemiluminescent ELISA technique. Solutions, samples, and the chemiluminescence substrate were injected by a flow system, and a phot