Din sökning på "*" gav 533191 sökträffar
Book Review
High resolution relaxed upwind schemes in gas dynamics
Electrical properties of three-terminal InAs nanowire junctions
Teaching Evaluations at the Introductory Finance Course at Lund University: a Comparison of the Course Experience Questionnaire and a Traditional Evaluation Approach
New many-body approach to photoemission and spectral functions
Participation and Commercial Structures in Children's Virtual Worlds
Sampled-Data L∞ Smoothing: Fixed-Size ARE Solution with Free Hold Function
No title
Neural Nets, Early Vision, and Motion Control
Experimental test-bench development using force control with industrial robots for the analysis of the mechanical response in car seats
Modern safe and high-quality products not only need to have desired properties in terms of geometry, material, features, etc. from a position-interaction point of view. Also compliance, deflection, impact and safety features depending on force-interacting properties are of (increasing) importance. As a key such example, the mechanical response of car seats has been studied, including the contact f
Beta-Decay Properties of Ni-72 and Cu-72
Design of a New Preinjector for the MAX Recirculator to be Used in EUROFEL
Conversion as a Theme in Literature: Some Examples from Swedish Fiction. Presentation av forskningsprojektet ”Omvändelser: Nedslag i svenska romaner under hundra år”, History of Religion Seminar, University of Birmingham, den 11 juni 2001
Abstract not available.
Chen Guidi and Wang Chuntao: Zur Lage der Chinesischen Bauern: Eine Reportage
Danieltexterna avslöjar Guds hemliga tjänare
Behov av mät- och reglerutrustning i svensk livsmedelsindustri
Fotoninducerade kärnreaktioner över pionproduktionströskeln
[abstract missing]
Exclusive final states in diffractive excitation
In this paper we describe a formalism for generating exclusive final states in diffractive excitation, based on the optical analogy where diffraction is fully determined by the absorption into inelastic channels. The formalism is based on the Good--Walker formalism for diffractive excitation, and it is assumed that the virtual parton cascades represent the diffractive eigenstates defined by a defi
Wallanderland. Film- och litteraturturism i Ystad
Estetisering av platser i syfte att genom affärsutveckling skapa mervärde har blivit en allt viktigare syssla för lokala entreprenörer inom turistbranschen. Genom att ge en plats en särskild aura lockas investerare att investera, människor att bosätta sig där och fler besökare att komma (Löfgren 2005). Turismen kan ses som ett praktiskt tillägnande av litteraturen och filmen, en läsakt som blir fy