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Minnesord Paul Åström
Jason D. Slone: Theological Incorrectness. Why Religious People Believe What They Shouldn’t
New temporary internal introducer shunt for brain perfusion during total endovascular arch replacement with in situ fenestration technique.
Complete endovascular arch replacement by in situ fenestration technique requires maintenance of cerebral perfusion during the fenestration procedure by an extracorporeal femoral-carotid bypass. The bypass has the disadvantages of being invasive, requiring a pump and shunting blood extracorporeally. This report describes bench testing and an in vivo experimental animal setup with an endovascular,
Recension av: Världshistoriens största slag
Hypertension and genome-wide association studies: combining high fidelity phenotyping and hypercontrols.
Among the common complex diseases, hypertension has been particularly unlucky in the recent surge of positive results from genome-wide association studies. We summarize the evidence that would support continuing the effort in the hunt for a genetic basis for hypertension. The problems facing the genetic studies for hypertension are not unique, but phenotypic characterization, heterogeneity and hig
Barn, fattigdom och social barnavård
Changes to a Municipal Workplace
Det är en recension av en bok som handlar om omvandlingen av Köpenhamns elverk från kommunalt affärsverk till konkurrensutsatt bolag verksamt inom EU. En viktig aspekt är de anställdas anpassning till denna förändring.
Mysores fall
Robotar som hjälpmedel för funktionshindrade - en marknadsöversikt
Medieval Settlement History and Political Geography in Northern Sweden - a Reply to Eljas Orrman
Kulthuset i Uppåkra
Inventory control in environments with short lead times
Methods currently used for inventory control in industry are with few exceptions developed more than forty years ago. This is for instance the case with methods like reorder point sys-tems, cover-time planning and material requirements planning (MRP). Lead times at that time were typically several weeks and months and order quantities covered typically de-mand over several months. Since then both
Dansk Skattehistorie
Brittisk film – inte längre på bettet
Multivariate and Multiscale Monitoring of Wastewater Treatment Operation
In this work extensions to principal component analysis (PCA) for wastewater treatment (WWT) process monitoring are discussed. Conventional PCA has some limitations when used for WWT monitoring. Firstly, PCA assumes that data are stationary, which is normally not the case in WWT monitoring. Secondly, PCA is most suitable for monitoring data that display events in one time-scale. However, in WWT op
Constraint Programming Methods for Optimization of Single Shortest Path Routing
In this thesis, we propose methods based on constraint programming (CP) for solving an optimization problem in telecommunications, the single shortest path routing problem. The problem is to find optimal values for a set of routing configuration parameters in a shortest path routing protocol, for a given network. With optimal parameters, traffic is routed through the network in a way which is opti
Oscillator-strengths For Resonance Transitions In Neutral Selenium and Tellurium Derived From Time-resolved Laser Spectroscopy
We have measured radiative lifetimes for selenium and tellurium resonance levels by using short pulse laser excitation in differentially heated resonance cells. We obtained tau(3S1 Se I) = 2.9(5) ns and tau(3S1 Te I) = 3.1(5) ns, which together with branching ratio values given by Ubelis and Berzinsh yield the absorption oscillator strength f(abs)(Se I, 196.0 nm) = 0.074(16) and f(abs)(Te I, 214.3
Fria Freja del 1: Före datoriseringen
Physical limitations on the scattering of electromagnetic vector spherical waves
Understanding the interaction between electromagnetic waves and matter is vital in applications ranging from classical optics to antenna theory. This paper derives physical limitations on the scattering of electromagnetic vector spherical waves. The assumptions made are that the heterogeneous scatterer is passive, and has constitutive relations which are on convolution form in the time domain and