

Din sökning på "*" gav 536921 sökträffar

The spread of product development methodology: Exploring drivers and barriers in Swedish industry

The outcome of Design, Innovation and Product development research is often manifested as recommendations in the form of methods, but these do not always find their way into industrial application. This paper elaborates on drivers and barriers for the spread of product development methodology based on 41 interviews with managers, designers, developers and knowledge brokers. Results indicate a rang

Productive efficiency in the iron and steel sector under state planning : The case of China and former Czechoslovakia in a comparative perspective

State-ownership has often been discussed as one of the major causes of poor industrial energy efficiency performance. This paper utilizes long-run historical data on the energy and material use in one specific industrial sector – the iron and steel production – in countries with both central-planning and market-based system, with a particular focus on former Czechoslovakia paralleled with the deve

Valideringens Janusansikte : – Branschorganisationernas förhållningssätt till validering, SeQF och generiska kompetenser

I forskningsrapporten presenteras en kvalitativ intervjustudie med företrädare för branschorganisationer (sakkunniga som representerar arbetsgivarsidan) inom privat sektor som totalt representerar drygt hälften av samtliga sysselsatta i Sverige.Syftet är att studera branschorganisationers förhållningssätt såväl till egna system för validering av den enskildes reella kompetensprofil som till generi

User value and usability of a web-based mindfulness intervention for families living with mental health problems

Mental health problems affect the patients and their families, who may also need therapeutic interventions. Mindfulness interventions have shown beneficial health effects for clinical and healthy populations. A web-based mindfulness intervention was tailored to address families' needs of support and tested in a pilot intervention study. The aim of this study was to explore the participants' experi

Evolution of Mammography Screening : From Film Screen to Digital Breast Tomosynthesis

Mammography population screening has been implemented based on evidence of efficacy from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Substantial technical developments have witnessed an evolution from screen-film mammography (SFM) to full-field digital mammography (FFDM), and more recently to digital breast tomosynthesis as a potential screening modality. Mammography's technical evolution calls for consi

Prolonged Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors as Stricture Prophylaxis in Infants with Reconstructed Esophageal Atresia

Introduction Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are used as prophylaxis, guarding against anastomotic stricture (AS) in the aftermath of reconstructed esophageal atresia (EA). The incidence of stricture formation was studied in this setting, comparing outcomes of 3- and 12-month PPI prophylactic regimens. Patients and Methods Patient characteristics (gestational age, birth weight, prevalence of chromo

Hypoxia regulates global membrane protein endocytosis through caveolin-1 in cancer cells

Hypoxia promotes tumour aggressiveness and resistance of cancers to oncological treatment. The identification of cancer cell internalizing antigens for drug targeting to the hypoxic tumour niche remains a challenge of high clinical relevance. Here we show that hypoxia down-regulates the surface proteome at the global level and, more specifically, membrane proteome internalization. We find that hyp

Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_action)

If we are being-of-the-world, how can we ever avoid participation? From this question Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_ action) unfolds. It invites to engage in an ongoing continuum of entanglements, where the moment of connection is unavoidable. This invitation demands that we are attentive to our mutual co-constitutiveness, that we take responsibility for what gets excluded as we

Global self-esteem and the processing of positive information about the self

We examined undergraduate participants' (N = 98) self-related cognitive response to positive information about the self and how this response is related to global self-esteem and trait anxiety. Positive information about the self was defined as information that attributes positive qualities to the self or positive experiences for the self. The responses were measured by an open-ended questionnaire

Regional institutions and their impact on the connectedness of firm’s innovation networks

This article is an in-depth comparative case study of six leadingmanufacturing firms in the Great Zurich region of Switzerland and the Sichuanprovince of China. It employs innovation system approach, institutionalthickness framework and social network analysis to investigate the regionalinstitutions of the two regions and their impact on the connectedness of the casefirms’ internal and external in

A Fiscal Revolution? Progressivity in the Spanish tax system (1960-1990)

The main objective of this paper is to calculate the distribution of the tax burden across income levels in Spain between 1960 and 1990. The chosen period covers the final years of Franco’s dictatorship and the first ones of the present parliamentary regime, and is thus meant to explore how political change was reflected on taxation. Does transition entail a fiscal revolution? Here is one case stu

Merging Features from Green’s Functions and Time Dependent Density Functional Theory: A Route to the Description of Correlated Materials out of Equilibrium?

We propose a description of nonequilibrium systems via a simple protocol that combines exchange-correlation potentials from density functional theory with self-energies of many-body perturbation theory.The approach, aimed to avoid double counting of interactions, is tested against exact results in Hubbard-type systems, with respect to interaction strength, perturbation speed and inhomogeneity, andWe propose a description of nonequilibrium systems via a simple protocol that combines exchange-correlation potentials from density functional theory with self-energies of many-body perturbation theory. The approach, aimed to avoid double counting of interactions, is tested against exact results in Hubbard-type systems, with respect to interaction strength, perturbation speed and inhomogeneity, an

Surface microdialysis on small bowel serosa in monitoring of ischemia

Background Ischemic injury of an organ causes metabolic change from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. It has been shown in experimental studies on the heart and liver that such conversion may be detected by conventional microdialysis probes placed intra-parenchymatously, as well as on organ surfaces, by assaying lactate, pyruvate, glucose, and glycerol in dialysate. We developed a microdialysis pro

'Of which no trace remains' : Percy Shelley's other 'lyrical drama' and the inception of Hellas

Hellas, a Lyrical Drama (1822), Percy Bysshe Shelley’s response to the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence, remains one of the most neglected of his major works. Even less attention has been paid to Shelley’s series of attempts to write about the Greek cause, which he then abandoned before he began work on Hellas in the autumn of 1821. This essay seeks to redress that neglect. It examines a