

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Urban Food Systems Strategies in Latin America – A Tool for Local Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals?

This study aims to examine how local governments originated from the global South, through Urban Food System Strategies (UFSS), are realizing global sustainability priorities as outlined by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study is based on the policy analysis of three Latin American UFSS, with the aim to detect synergies and connections between the UFSS and the SDGs. The primary c

Gut-brain axis: Dietary regulation of intestinal and blood-brain barrier function

It is known that consumption of high fat diet may lead to gut dysbiosis and increase intestinal permeability by altering gut microbiota composition. However, metabolites from dietary fiber fermentation, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) may prevent these changes. SCFAs are of great importance in maintaining colonic integrity, and exerting anti-inflammatory function as signaling molecules. The presen

Att växa upp i familjehem: en kvalitativ studie av självbiografier

The aim of this study was to examine former foster childrens’ personal portraits about their upbringing in foster care. Focus have been on relational and emotional aspects of the foster care placement and how the examined people of this study cope with their surroundings. I have used a qualitative content analysis on four different autobiographies in order to answer the questions of this study. T

Feministiska teorier och cam-girls : en studie om det digitalas möjliggörande och risker för cybersexarbetare

This study’s aim is to investigate the digital aspects of camming and what possibilities, risks and threats cam-girls face. Furthermore the study intends to examine the feministic possibilities and aspects of camming and if pornographic material produced by cam-girls can be considered feminist porn. Therefore several feminists and their approaches to technology, sex work and pornography are discus

Socialsekreterare, kollega, chef och relationen dem emellan : En kvalitativ studie om påverkansfaktorer vid socialsekreterarens bedömning och beslutsfattande i barnavårdsärende

Many children are being investigated every year within the Swedish social services and criticism has been directed at the investigations' lack of quality and legal certainty in recent years. The criticism is also about how different Swedish municipalities assess and investigate. How can these differences be explained? What are the grounds for the assessments? This is the background to this qua

Controlling Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems with Waiting Time Fill Rate Constraints

The purpose of this project was to investigate if, how, and in what ways service criterias based on customer waiting times may be used for analytical multi-echelon inventory optimization by the company Syncron. The project also aimed to generate some insights in what impact different parameters may have on achieving the target customer order waiting time fill rate. This was in part achieved throu

Reflektion om spegelfasen i Russian Doll

I uppsatsen genomförs en närläsning av ett avsnitt i den amerikanska Netflix-serien Russian Doll utifrån den psykoanalytiska termen spegelfasen. Spegelfasen utvecklades av psykoanalytikern Jaques Lacan och har efter hans presentation på 1930-talet kommit att utvecklas och appliceras bland annat på filmer och serier. I analysen kommer spegelfasen appliceras på avsnitt sju ”The Way Back” och undersöThe author of this essay conducts a close reading of the American Netflix series Russian Doll and applies the psychoanalytical term the mirror stage on the series characters and premise. The mirror stage was presented by psychoanalyst Jaques Lacan during the 1930’s and ever since Jaques Lacan presented his theory, it has been applied to both life and movies. In the analysis of this paper the autho

Genrebredd i flöjtundervisning – en kvalitativ intervjustudie kring flöjtpedagogers undervisning på musik- och kulturskola

När jag hade flöjtlektioner på kulturskola värderades inte musiken efter genrer. Min upplevelse var att flera olika genrer förekom lika ofta på lektionerna. När jag senare sökte in till musikhögskolan och var tvungen att välja genre rubbades denna bild och jag frågade mig vad min roll som flöjtpedagog kommer vara. Ska jag nischa mig inom en genre, eller ska jag kunna lära ut lite av varje? SyftetWhen I had flute lessons at the community school of music and art, music was not valued according to genres. My experience was that several different genres were equally common in the lessons. When I later applied to Malmö Academy of Music, and had to choose a genre, this idea was disrupted and I asked myself what my role as a flute teacher would be. Should I specialize myself within a genre, or s

Exploring Collaborative Mobile Storage Units in the Humanitarian Supply Chain

När din logistik är permanent temporär behövs temporärt permanenta lösningar. För lager innebär det ofta tält. Hur används dessa tält och vilka utmaningar finns? Det försöker vi lista ut! Antalet humanitära katastrofer i världen ökar ständigt. Orsaker varierar från människa till natur, men en aspekt av konsekvenserna är ofta densamma: utsatta människor. Det internationella engagemanget för att koThis thesis is an explorative single case study on the United Nations Logistics Cluster with the purpose to explore the usage of collaborative Mobile Storage Unit (MSU) warehouses in terms of determining their activities’ and decisions’ connection to the disaster management cycle, as well as their challenges’ connection to the contextual factors of the humanitarian supply chain (HSC). It attempts

Peruvian Parents’ Support in Relation to Their Daughters’ Post-secondary Education Pursuit

I Peru påverkas beslutet att utbilda sig på eftergymnasial nivå, för både män och kvinnor, i hög grad av familjen. Särskilt på landsbygden är ojämlikheten hög, där kvinnor i mycket högre utsträckningen än män tenderar att inte vidareutbilda sig. Syftet med denna studie var därmed att undersöka hur föräldrastöd angående döttrars eftergymnasiala utbildning påverkas av tre variabler, baserade på sociIn Peru, the decision of pursuing higher education for boys and girls is dependent on one’s family. Especially in rural areas, the inequalities are high and girls are far less likely than boys to attend post-secondary education. Therefore, this study explored how parental support in relation to one’s daughter’s post-secondary education is influenced by three variables, based on the social cognitiv

Hydrus-1D as a tool to understand contamination of an aquifer: A case study in the Central Valley of Cochabamba

In water resource management, it is of importance to be able to predict how different activities might contaminate aquifers. For this kind of application, numerical modelling of water and solute transport can be a useful tool. The purpose of this study was to investigate if one-dimensional numerical modelling (Hydrus-1D) of water in the unsaturated zone of the subsoil is useful to assess the trans

Urban Ataxia:CY

Over the last four decades, the extended usage of cars for the daily mobility of people inwards and outwards the city of Limassol has taken over a huge part of the public space and formed a nature of urban ataxia (lack of order).Environmental pollution, social isolation, cultural stall and economical failure have become collateral consequences, at increasing rates and at high cost to all living be

Arrangement of space inside Ölandic ringforts. A comparative study of the spatial division within the ringforts Eketorp, Sandby, and Ismantorp

In the Iron Age AD, ringforts were constructed on the Swedish island Öland. Most of them contained a settlement inside. The remains of 15 of these ringforts are still preserved in the landscape. This thesis gives a general overview of the known and the possible Ölandic ringforts and their historical and constructional context, before analysing and comparing the settlements inside the ringforts Eke

Forecasting the USD/SEK exchange rate using deep neural networks

This thesis is about predicting the average ten minute closing bid price of the USD/SEK exchange rate by applying deep learning methods. First, the time lag method is applied for the vanilla Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) to undertake one-step prediction. Secondly, three univariate Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models are used to undertake one-step and multi-step prediction. Each network is theo

Exploring the LASSO as a Pruning Method

I många däggdjurs hjärnor pågår en process som kallas "synaptic pruning", som går ut på att göra sig av med hjärnans mindre använda kopplingar. Likt detta kallar man processer för ta bort överflödiga objekt från neuronnätverk för "pruning". Ett av de ursprungliga sätten att åstadkomma detta var det så kallade "optimal brain damage", som definierade ett sätt att sorterIn this study, the efficiency of various pruning algorithms were investigated, with an emphasis on regularization methods. Pruning is a method which aims to remove excess objects from a neural network. In particular, this included the LASSO (Least Asbolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) and the extensions derived from it, which were compared with other methods, including optimal brain damage an

Belöningars effekt på närmandebeteende vid ångestsyndrom hos barn och ungdomar

Uppsatsens övergripande syfte var att undersöka hur belöningar påverkar barn och ungdomar med (n = 30) och utan (n = 31) ångestsyndrom avseende tendens att närma sig aversiv stimulering. Närmandebeteende har visat sig vara en viktig faktor vid grundforskning om ångest, men hade aldrig undersökts i en klinisk population. Bättre förståelse för denna process har potential att kunna användas för utvec