

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Distribution of different fibre types in human skeletal muscles. I. Method for the preparation and analysis of cross-sections of whole tibialis anterior

The aim of this study was to examine whether small biopsy specimens are representative of the whole human skeletal muscle or whether the different fibre types are unevenly distributed at different depths of the muscle. Ten micrometre thick cross-sections of whole human tibialis anterior were prepared using LKB PMV Cryo-Microtomes with a stroke length of 160 to 480 mm and the sections were stained

IL-3 and IL-4 activate cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases 3 (PDE3) and 4 (PDE4) by different mechanisms in FDCP2 myeloid cells

In FDCP2 myeloid cells, IL-4 activated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases PDE3 and PDE4, whereas IL-3, granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), and phorbol ester (PMA) selectively activated PDE4. IL-4 (not IL-3 or GM-CSF) induced tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin-receptor substrate-2 (IRS-2) and its association with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K). TNF-alpha, AG-490 (Janus kinase inhibitor),

Ocular and scleral alterations in gene-targeted lumican-fibromodulin double-null mice.

PURPOSE: To elucidate the role of leucine-rich proteoglycans lumican and fibromodulin in the sclera. METHODS: Lumican- and fibromodulin-null heterozygous mice were intercrossed to obtain wild-type (Lum(+/+)Fmod(+/+)), lumican-null (Lum(-/-)Fmod(+/+)), fibromodulin-null (Lum(+/+)Fmod(-/-)), and double-null (Lum(-/-)Fmod(-/-)) littermates. Axial length was measured on enucleated whole eyes, and ocul

Soft Tissue Sarcoma Patterns multiplicity, heterogeneity and growth characteristics

Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) represent a group of rare and heterogenous tumors that optimally should be diagnosed and treated within multidisciplinary teams. This thesis has studied various aspects ? pathological, genetical, and clinical ? of STS. In study I, we demonstrated that 20% of the patients in a population-based series of 818 STS developed second primary malignancies. An increased risk of

Särskolebarn i integrerad skolbarnsomsorg

Popular Abstract in Swedish Huvudtanken i svensk välfärdspolitik är att genom generella åtgärder skapa ett samhälle tillgängligt för alla medborgare. Det är därför viktigt att undvika segregering och särlösningar och i stället höja normalverksamhetens standard. Fritidshemmets mål och uppgifter är desamma för alla barn och kvaliteten i verksamheten ska vara så hög att alla barns behov tillgodoses. The main idea behind the Swedish welfare state is to create a society accessible to all citizens by using to general measures. It is, therefore, important to avoid segregation and special solutions, and instead increase the standard of normal activities. The objectives and tasks of day centres for school-age children are the same for all children and the quality of the operations should be of a st

Method for analysis of methyltetrahydrophthalic acid in urine using gas chromatography and selected ion monitoring

A method for the determination of methyltetrahydrophthalic acid (MTHP acid), a metabolite of methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (MTHPA) in human urine, was developed. The investigated MTHP acid was obtained by hydrolysis of a commercial MTHPA mixture, composed of three major isomers. These were synthesized and identified as 3-methyl-delta 4-tetrahydrophthalic anhydride, 4-methyl-delta 4-tetrahydro

Harvesting spatially distributed populations

Spatial structure has a paramount influence on population dynamics. This has until recently been neglected in harvesting theory. In this paper, we demonstrate how source-sink and habitat selection theory can provide guidance for harvesting spatially structured populations. We also show how harvesting can affect the spatial distribution of the exploited resource, which has consequences for the desi

Home care with regard to definition, care recipients, content and outcome: systematic literature review.

In spite of the fact that home care has grown considerably during the last few years and will continue to grow even more in the future, home care as a phenomenon and a concept is not clearly defined. The aim of this study was to review the empirical literature for the description of home care as a phenomenon and as a concept, especially with regard to who the care recipients are, what actions and

Using the KM visual acuity chart for more reliable evaluation of amblyopia compared to the HVOT method

Purpose: To evaluate a new letter matching visual acuity (VA) chart (the KM chart) for children aged 5-7 years, designed as a Monoyer-based chart, in order to obtain a better consistency between school and preschool VA recordings. Methods: Visual acuities were assessed using three methods: the HVOT, KM and Monoyer charts. Comparisons were made between the KM method versus the HVOT and Monoyer meth

Modelling the influence of pH, temperature, glucose and lactic acid concentrations on the kinetics of lactic acid production by Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis ATCC 19435 in whole-wheat flour

A kinetic model of the fermentative production of lactic acid from glucose by Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis ATCC 19435 in whole-wheat flour has been developed. The model consists of terms for substrate and product inhibition as well as for the influence of pH and temperature. Experimental data from fermentation experiments under different physical conditions were used to fit and verify the model.

Workup for child neuropsychiatric disorders in adults often desirable - Functional disabilities can give rise to social maladjustment

So-called child neuropsychiatric disorders (ADHD/DAMP, autism spectrum disorders, Tourette's syndrome) are being recognized with increasing frequency in child and adolescent psychiatry. Through follow-up studies, case reports and autobiographical accounts it has become evident that these disorders often persist into adulthood, and the need for diagnostic evaluation of adults is increasing. The Neu

Vibrational modes of oxygen dimers in germanium

Infrared absorption of as-grown, heat-treated and electron irradiated Ge crystals enriched with either O-16 or O-18 oxygen isotopes has been studied. Vibrational absorption bands at 780, 818 and 857 cm(-1) (741, 776 and 811 cm(-1)) are assigned to di-oxygen complexes (dimers) in Ge: O-16 (O-18). This assignment is based on an analysis of positions and isotopic shifts of the lines as well as on an

Neutrophil-associated activation markers in healthy smokers relates to a fall in DL(CO) and to emphysematous changes on high resolution CT

Smoking is a risk factor for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but there are no good indicators for early identification of subjects who will develop symptomatic COPD. The aim of this study was to investigate inflammatory mechanisms related to changes in lung function and emphysematous changes on high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) in 'healthy' smokers. Subjects were

Thermal models of buildings : determination of temperatures, heating and cooling loads : theories, models and computer programs

The need to estimate indoor temperatures, heating or cooling load and energy requirements for buildings arises in many stages of a buildings life cycle, e.g. at the early layout stage, during the design of a building and for energy retrofitting planning. Other purposes are to meat the authorities requirements given in building codes. All these situations require good calculation methods. The main

Micromechanical Modelling of Wood and Fibre Properties

Wood is a material with mechanical properties that vary markedly, both within a tree and among trees. Moisture changes lead to shrinkage or swelling and modify the mechanical properties. In the present study both experimental and numerical work concerning the stiffness and the hygroexpansion properties of wood and of fibres and variations in them is presented. The experimental work involves both