

Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar

Nano-structuring for molecular motor control

The interaction of self-propelled biological molecular-motors and cytoskeletal filaments holds relevance for a variety of applications such as biosensing, drug screening, diagnostics and biocomputation. The use of these systems for lab-on-a-chip biotechnology applications shows potential for replacement of microfluidic flow by active, molecular-motor driven transport of filaments. The ability to c

Filmhäftet 109 : 1990-tal

Temanummer om film på 1990-talet. Innehåll: Ledare (Michael Tapper), En kompassriktning i den moraliska snårskogen: Den brittiska filmens 1990-tal (Robert Murphy), Om den nya vågen och Dogma95 i dansk film: Är det bara en skakig kamera och en suddig bild som avgör? (Birger Langkjaer), Nittiotalism: En snitslad bana genom tio år av dramaproduktion på SVT (Anders Åberg), Kriminalfilmer i 1990-talets

Filmhäftet 114 : Film & historia II

Innehåll: Ledare (Michael Tapper), Pedanten åker till Hollywood: En rådgivande akademikers roll (Kathleen M Coleman), Gladiator (Alexander MacGregor), Orson Welles som historiker, Orson Welles som historia: Citizen Kane, RKO 281 och Cradle Will Rock (Arthur M Eckstein), Det brinner en eld: Gustaf Molander och andra världskriget (Bengt Forslund), Michael Haneke: Bortom alla kompromisser (Robin Wood

Word accents and phonological neighbourhood as predictive cues in spoken language comprehension

The present contribution presents event-related potential (ERP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) findings related to the processing of Swedish word accents. These results are then discussed and further analysed in the context of models of word activations and phonological neighbourhoods. It has previously been seen that word accents (either a low tone (accent 1) or a high tone (acc

Regional variation in climate change winners and losers highlights the rapid loss of cold-dwelling species

Aims: Climate change is known to drive both the reshuffling of whole assemblages and range shifts of individual species. Less is known about how local colonizations and extinctions of individual species contribute to changes at the community level. Our aim was to estimate the contribution of individual species to a change in community composition attributed to climate change and to relate these sp

Real life testing of a hybrid PEM fuel cell bus

Fuel cells produce low quantities of local emissions, if any, and are therefore one of the most promising alternatives to internal combustion engines as the main power source in future vehicles. It is likely that urban buses will be among the first commercial applications for fuel cells in vehicles. This is due to the fact that urban buses are highly visible for the public, they contribute signifi

Host Selection by Bark Beetles: Playing the Odds in a High-Stakes Game

Bark beetles face challenges and trade-offs during host selection, imposed by lethal tree defences, lower nutrition and higher competition in less well-defended trees, scarcity and ephemeral distribution of susceptible hosts, limitation of suitable hosts to one beetle generation, and relatively short lifespan and vulnerability of adults during host searching. Beetles contend with these challenges

A dynamic approach for the impact of a toxic gas dispersion hazard considering human behaviour and dispersion modelling

The release of toxic gases due to natural/industrial accidents or terrorist attacks in populated areas can have tragic consequences. To prevent and evaluate the effects of these disasters different approaches and modelling tools have been introduced in the literature. These instruments are valuable tools for risk managers doing risk assessment of threatened areas. Despite the significant improveme

Localization of Tamoxifen in Human Breast Tumor by MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Background: Tamoxifen is used in endocrine treatment of breast cancer to inhibit estrogen signaling. A set of strati‐ ed ER‐positive and ER‐negative tumor sections was subjected to manual deposition of tamoxifen solution in order to investigate its spatial distribution upon exposure to interaction within thin tissue sections. Methods: The localization of tamoxifen in tumor sections was assessed by

Filmhäftet 119 : Skräck

Innehåll: Ledare (Michael Tapper), Amerikanska mardrömmar: Robin Wood och 1970-talets amerikanska skräckfilmsvåg (Olof Hedling), Självspeglande fasor: Skräckfilmen 1980-2001 (Michael Tapper), Monster med rötter i arbetarklassen: Intervju med George Romero (Richard Porton), Apocalypse Now?: George Romero och de levande döda (Robin Wood), Från monstermamma till "tredje könet": Kvinnlig abjektion i D

Material Constitution is Ad Hoc

The idea that two objects can coincide—by sharing all their proper parts, or matter—yet be non-identical, results in the “Problem of Coincident Objects”: in what relation do objects stand if they are not identical but share all their proper parts? One solution is to introduce material constitution. In this paper, I argue that this is ad hoc since, first, this solution cannot be generalized to solv

Film International Issue 5

Contents: Against and for Irreversible (Robin Wood), War and Images: 9-11 (Evans Chan), Interview with Alvin Sargent: Pursuit and Destination (Patrick McGilligan), Lettin His Wish Provide the Occasion: Fred Astaire in Top Hat (Jeffrey Crouse), Samuel Fuller (Tag Gallagher). Reviews: books, dvds, films.

Film International Issue 1

Contents: Editorial (Michael Tapper), Ingmar Bergman's Writings and Films (Maaret Koskinen), The Perfect Money Machine(s): George Lucas and Steven Spielberg (Jon Lewis), Genre Films and Cultural Myth (Barry Keith Grant), Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder and Postwar American Cinema (William Rothman), Peter Watkins: Culloden x 2 (Nicholas J Cull/John R Cook). Reviews: books, films.

Filmhäftet 113

Innehåll: Ledare (Michael Tapper), Intervju: Jan Troell (Michael Tapper & Jon Dunås), Apparaturbetraktelser: Tåget och filmen i Jan Troells Här har du ditt liv (Jon Dunås), Avan-Pop: Nya perspektiv på Hong Kong-filmen (Mats Björkin), Intervju: Tsui Hark (Jan Lumholdt), Paul Verhoeven: En polemisk introduktion till tre filmer - Showgirls, Starship Troopers, Hollow Man (IQ Hunter), Beaver Las Ve

Non-coding RNAs in Prostate Cancer: From Discovery to Clinical Applications.

Prostate cancer is a heterogeneous disease for which the molecular mechanisms are still not fully elucidated. Prostate cancer research has traditionally focused on genomic and epigenetic alterations affecting the proteome, but over the last decade non-coding RNAs, especially microRNAs, have been recognized to play a key role in prostate cancer progression. A considerable number of individual micro

BRCA2 Polymorphic Stop Codon K3326X and the Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers

Background: The K3326X variant in BRCA2 (BRCA2∗c.9976A>T p.Lys3326∗rs11571833) has been found to be associated with small increased risks of breast cancer. However, it is not clear to what extent linkage disequilibrium with fully pathogenic mutations might account for this association. There is scant information about the effect of K3326X in other hormonerelated cancers. Methods: Using weighted lo

Consistent response of bird populations to climate change on two continents

Global climate change is a major threat to biodiversity. Large-scale analyses have generally focused on the impacts of climate change on the geographic ranges of species and on phenology, the timing of ecological phenomena. We used long-term monitoring of the abundance of breeding birds across Europe and the United States to produce, for both regions, composite population indices for two groups of