

Din sökning på "*" gav 529438 sökträffar

Mellandomens processekonomiska betydelse - Dess konflikt med den successiva relevansens princip

I och med Högsta domstolens beslut i NJA 2019 s. 802 blev den successiva relevansens princip till etablerad praxis. Den successiva relevansens princip ställer upp en turordning som domstolen måste följa vid prövningen av målets frågor. Genom 17 kap. 5 § andra stycket rättegångsbalken ges domstolen samtidigt en möjlighet att pröva en fråga särskilt, innan resten av målets frågor. Om en för målet avWith the Supreme Court's decision in NJA 2019 p. 802, the principle of successive relevance became established practice. The principle of successive relevance establishes a sequence that the court must follow when examining the issues in the case. On the other hand, Chapter 17, 5 §, second clause of the Code of Judicial Procedure allows the court to examine one issue before the rest of the iss

The Versatile Touchpoint: User-generated content as a new touchpoint in the customer journey

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how a new touchpoint has emerged due to the customers or potential customers sharing their customer journeys on social media through user-generated content. Methodology: This paper takes a qualitative approach where netnography research has been conducted to collect data on the social media platform TikTok. After the collection process, the d

Anonyma vittnen i Sverige - Införandet av anonyma vittnens påverkan på rättssäkerheten

Med tanke på den ökade gängkriminaliteten i Sverige under de senaste åren har en stor debatt kring anonyma vittnen skapats och fått stor uppmärksamhet. Inte minst efter att vi fick en ny regering under hösten 2022 som genom Tidöavtalet har lovat att införa ett system med anonyma vittnen. Sverige är ett av de få länderna i EU som inte tillåter anonyma vittnen i dagsläget men det kommer sannolikt atConsidering the increased gang-related crime in Sweden in recent years, a significant debate on anonymous witnesses has emerged and gained considerable attention. This is particularly notable following the formation of a new government in the autumn of 2022, which, through the Tidö Agreement, has pledged to introduce a system of anonymous witnesses. Sweden is one of the few countries in the Europe

The Formula to Success

Research question: How does the consumer-brand relationship evolve between fans and highprofile sport teams? Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to understand how the consumer-brand relationship evolves between fans and high-profile sports teams, more specifically, Formula 1 teams. It will explore the triadic relationship that exists with other consumers in addition to the dyadic relationship betw

...de dödas kroppsliga forms uppståndelse och ett evigt liv. - En undersökning av Origenes syn på kroppens uppståndelse

In this essay, I will examine what Origen of Alexandria believed about the resurrection of the body. Origen was condemned as a heretic at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, one of the main reasons for this was that he was said to deny the physical resurrection of the body. Due to the condemnation of Origen, the work of copying his works was also stopped, with the result that many of Orig

The Overstory: A Blueprint for Cultural Change in the Anthropocene

Within the field of ecocriticism, there is an ongoing discussion about climate change fiction and the capacity for literature to inspire cultural change in relation to the climate crisis of the Anthropocene. Relatively new novels explore the inherent conflict between consumerist features of contemporary human culture and scientific facts regarding human impact on life on Earth. In Richard Powers P

Är det meningsfullt? En kvalitativ studie som belyser arbetstagares upplevelse och dess betydelse för arbetsmiljöarbete

Arbetstagare och deras arbetsmiljö är ett ständigt aktuellt ämne som diskuteras i olika sammanhang. Det framkommer också dystra bilder vilka signalerar undermålig arbetsmiljö runt om på en del av landets arbetsplatser. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka arbetstagares upplevelser och dess betydelse för arbetsmiljöarbetet. Mot bakgrund av det ställs frågor kring vad som påverkar arbetstagares

Understanding passive film degradation and its effect on hydrogen embrittlement of super duplex stainless steel – Synchrotron X-ray and electrochemical measurements combined with CalPhaD and ab-initio computational studies

The passive film stability on stainless steel can be affected by hydrogen absorption and lead to microstructure embrittlement. This work shows that the absorption of hydrogen results in surface degradation due to oxide reduction and ionic defect generation within the passive film, which decomposes and eventually vanishes. The passive film provides a barrier to entering hydrogen, but when hydrogen

Baseline structural MRI and plasma biomarkers predict longitudinal structural atrophy and cognitive decline in early Alzheimer’s disease

Background: Crucial to the success of clinical trials targeting early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is recruiting participants who are more likely to progress over the course of the trials. We hypothesize that a combination of plasma and structural MRI biomarkers, which are less costly and non-invasive, is predictive of longitudinal progression measured by atrophy and cognitive decline in early AD, pro

Establishing credibility in the HRM-line manager relationship: Towards a better understanding of fundamental collaboration

The credibility of HRM has been put into question, essentially since the birth of the HRM rhetoric in the 1980's. This paper argues that line management plays a crucial role in proving the credibility of HRM, weighing the current status of the credibility relationship within the context of a multinational construction organization. The purpose of this research thus lies in the attempt to under

“well for starters this isnt the mona lisa” : Virtuella reproduktioner av verkliga konstverk på museet i Animal Crossing: New Horizons

In this thesis I conduct a study on the real-world artworks exhibited in the museum in the Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The in-game museum features an art exhibition consisting of virtual recreations of 43 different artworks from the 19th century all the way back to ancient times. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the museum as a phenomenon is portrayed in the

No title

This master's thesis is about how three museums, the Glyptoteket in Copenhagen, the National Museum in Oslo and the Munch Museum in Oslo, have in each case shown their work with difficult history and how newspapers have portrayed the debate related to the museums' actions. Using critical discourse analysis and authorized heritage discourse, I have carried out a case study in which I examin

Det vita snuset, wellness och femininiteter : en semiotisk bildanalys av hur wellness och femininiteter framställs och konstrueras för att marknadsföra vitt snus på Velo, ZYN och Loops Instagram-konton

B-uppsatsen, Det vita snuset, wellness och femininiteter - En semiotisk bildanalys av hur wellness och femininiteter framställs och konstrueras för att marknadsföra vitt snus på Velo, ZYN och Loops Instagram-konton, är skriven av Hanna Thomasson Dykert och Tilde Strömberg Rye i ämnet Medie- och Kommunikationsvetenskap, vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet. Uppsatsens h

Ett skyddsrum för kulturarvet? : En komparativ undersökning av Riksarkivets och Rigsarkivets krisberedskap

This master’s thesis aims to investigate how crisis preparedness is conducted in the Swedish and Danish archive sector and specifically the national archives in Sweden and Denmark. The research questions asked are: 1. Which crisis consciousness do the Swedish and Danish national archives have? 2. In which way does the formal frameworks control and affect crisis preparedness in Sweden and Denmark?

Refrigerator ownership and child health and nutrition in low- and middle-income countries

Undernutrition and diarrhea cause stunted growth and poor child health. Refrigerators allow consumption of perishable foods and reduce food contaminations causing diarrhea. This study used 188 Demographic and Health Surveys from 66 low- and middle-income countries with adjusted regressions and coarsened exact matching, comparing children within the same neighborhoods and narrow groups of household

COVID-19 and Incentives of Higher Education

What incentives do Swedish University students have to pursue higher education? If and how are these incentives affected by the COVID-19 pandemic? This study aims to investigate incentives of Swedish university students and possible influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on said incentives. This research is based on a qualitative survey and interviews that will contribute with nuanced reflections of t