

Din sökning på "*" gav 534696 sökträffar


The project started with the question “why wouldn’t a disabled or old person want it to look nice at home?” Many assistive products on the market are designed in a way that doesn’t fit the interior trends, which is an issue for several reasons. By the aesthetics assistive products possess, the users get labeled as people who are sick and abnormal. The brief was then created and the goal was to des

Production of small, switchable, bispecific antibodies with EF1 and EF2-tagged scFvs

Producing small, bispecific antibodies Proteins are molecules which come in all shapes and sizes, found in every living being. They are translated from the DNA found in the cells of every organism, and every single protein has different characteristics, which allow them to carry out a number of varied functions. Some proteins emit colors, some proteins move ions in the cell, some proteins receive

The Humane School

My diploma project is a design proposal for a Rudolf Steiner School in Sirende, a village 12 km outside Kitale Town, Kenya. On Initiative taken by the anthroposophical association Föreningen Sofia in Sweden, a Steiner school opened in Sirende in year 2008. Today the school is in a very bad condition with over crowded classrooms and poor sanitary conditions. The need for a new school building is ur

En resa i ruset - en rättshistorisk och samtida undersökning av uppsåtsbedömningen vid självförvållad berusning

En närmast evig fråga i den svenska straffrätten är hur uppsåtsbedömningen ska utföras vid gärningspersoner påverkade av självförvållad berusning. Svensk rätt har genom historien antagit olika ståndpunkter i frågan vilka i uppsatsen utreds genom ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv. Det rådande rättsläget undersöks genom en rättsanalytisk rättsfallsanalys av 32 hovrättsdomar från 2018. RättsfallsundersöA nearly never-ending question within the Swedish criminal law is how to assess the intent of a self-induced intoxicated offender. The Swedish legal system has during the legislative history adopted multiple positions in the topic which the essay seeks to investigate in the context of legal development. The current legal position is investigated through an analytical case study of 32 rulings from

Avdrag för underskott i utländska fasta driftställen inom Europeiska unionen: En analys av EU-domstolens restriktionsprövning

Det direkta beskattningsområdet har en särskild ställning inom EU-rätten då medlemsstaterna själva i stor utsträckning utformar sin skattelagstiftning. Trots medlemsstaternas relativt starka självbestämmanderätt måste lagstiftningen som utformas fortfarande iaktta och respektera de grundläggande friheterna. Intressemotsättningar som uppstår mellan å ena sidan medlemsstaternas behörighet till att bIn the field of direct taxation Member States have retained broad sovereignty which makes it a special area within European law. The European Union and its organs lack taxing powers with regard to direct taxes, but the powers retained by the Member States must nevertheless be exercised consistently with the fundamental freedoms of the European Union. This gives rise to tension between two opposing

How lizards make diamonds - the evo-devo of Anolis pattern formation

Ett intressant mönster och hur det uppstod Många djur har vackra mönster. Huggormens svarta zigzag, lodjurets fläckar och abborrens mörka tvärband är bekanta mönster för de flesta av oss. Men varför har djur de mönster som de har? Den vetenskapliga gren som försöker förstå varför djur ser ut på de vis de gör kallas för evolutionsbiologi. En av de första evolutionsbiologerna var Charles Darwin. HaAnimal color patterns are ecologically significant but developmentally complex traits. By understanding how they develop we can predict why some patterns evolve while others do not. Diamonds are an interesting set of patterns exhibited by many reptiles. The brown anole lizard has a female polymorphism, some females have a chevron pattern while others have a diamond-shaped pattern. Here, I show tha

Vid förnuftets utkanter. Förhållandet religion-vetenskap i svensk idé- och lärdomshistoria, 1936–1987

The interest of religion in the academia of history and the history of ideas has held an unobtrusive and modest position during modernity. Often, religion and its influences, was regarded as something waning, something that was about to disappear. Instead science would become the foremost guiding light upon which most historians would focus their gaze. This essay aims to examine how article-author

Interception on the High Seas - An Alternative to Elude the Principle of Non-Refoulement?

Extraterritoriella gränskontroller används för att kontrollera migranter utanför statens eget territorium. Detta kan göras med syftet att undgå de skyldigheter som är fastställda i internationell flyktingrätt. Ursprungsstaten och den förväntade destinationsstaten kan ingå bilaterala överenskommelser kring extraterritoriella gränskontroller, vilket samarbetet mellan Italien och Libyen är ett exempePre-border controls can be used to control the movement of migrants outside of the state’s territory and thereby avoid obligations the that is stated in international refugee law and human rights. Extraterritorial migration management are often settled through bilateral agreements between the state of origin and the prospect destination country. The cooperation between Italy and Libya constitutes

Requirements and implications of a new fiber-based kitchen and laundry appliances packaging: A case study at IKEA

The case company endeavors to be fossil free by 2030. In order to achieve that objective, the current packaging solution for kitchen and laundry appliances containing EPS plastic must be replaced with a packaging built on only fiber-based materials. This master thesis is focusing on identifying the packaging requirements for a replacement and how these requirements influence the packaging material

Modellering och driftoptimering av laststyrning i fjärrvärmesystem

Värmebehov är beroende av rådande temperatur och väder samt kunders förbrukningsmönster. Detta ger upphov till varierande fjärrvärmelast och en konsekvent mer komplicerad värmeproduktion. Denna studie har undersökt potentialen för laststyrning, då byggnader utnyttjas som värmelager under kortare tid. Arbetet har fokuserat på modellering och utveckling av styrregler för laststyrningsmodellen samt iHeat load is dependent on outside temperature and weather as well as consumer habits. This leads to a variation in heat load and consequently a more complicated production. This study investigated the potential of demand side management, using load shifting and utilizing buildings for thermal storage. The work focused on modelling and developing operating conditions as well as implementation in di

Nomad - A study on furniture you don‘t hate moving with

We live in a world where people move in-between countries every day, every month, every year. Family, work, education, those are only some of the motivators for getting out of the comfort zone and starting a new adventure, sometimes even abroad. This dissertation investigates students and how they handle the furniture of their private living spaces during their time in academic mobility. Academic

Creating Energy in Music: Investigating how the sense of drive can be created in the musical composition

This thesis investigates how the sense drive is created in music and how these techniques can be used as compositional tools. Three methods were used to find this result. First method was to do an interpretative analysis of four songs in the metal genre, drawing a curve describing how the drive was experienced to progress throughout each song. Second method was perceptual examinations, asking part

Back to basics: Nya insikter av att återupptäcka och återgå till grundteknikerna för violin

I detta arbete återgår författaren till grundtekniken och undersöker hur detta påverkar spelet. Ämnen som tas upp är vibrato, stråkteknik, koordination och styrka i vänsterhand samt hur dessa korrelerar med varandra.In this project the author goes back to basics and revisits old exercises to see how this impacts the playing. Subjects as vibrato, bow technique, coordination and strength in the left hand is discussed.

En kreativ process

Hanna Ågren (ka) En kreativ process - strategier för att stimulera skapande. Idén bakom mitt arbete var att undersöka om, och hur, jag kan påverka min kreativa process inom kontexten musikskrivande. Frågeställningen uppkom efter funderingar kring hur de förväntningar och praxis som finns i ett specifikt sammanhang, här i fallet som elev på musikhögskolan, påverkar mitt konstnärliga arbete. Jag vi

Living in Transit: Experiences of asylum seekers with the Swedish asylum process

This thesis examines the experiences of asylum seekers in Sweden with the Swedish asylum process. Using an ethnographic research approach, asylum seekers are asked what their main issues of concern are during the asylum process? Understanding their experiences will help social workers and volunteers to improve the support they offer to asylum seekers.

A legal study into the EU’s approach towards exit taxation

The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the EU’s and CJEU’s approach towards exit taxes by finding guidance on how the exit tax rules shall be made to be considered as compatible with the requirements of EU law. The EU law’s presumption of establishing an internal market without boundaries at the frontiers prohibits national measures which hinder, inter alia, the market access. Therefore, the EU’s

Access to Social Justice: the Intersection of Homelessness and Migration in Europe. A Multiple Case Study of Italy and Sweden

This study maps the intersection of homelessness and migration in Europe by focusing on Italy and Sweden; in the study, ‘Europe’ is defined by the Schengen Common Area Agreement, by the Common European Asylum System and by the Dublin Regulation. Using Kimberlé Crenshaw’s Intersectionality as one of its main theoretical reference points, the study argues that different dimensions of power relations

The Business Case for Board Gender Diversity: Evidence from Swedish Firms

Gender diversity has gained a lot of attention in the corporate governance literature, reaching conflicting results whether board gender diversity has an impact on financial performance. As a consequence, we set out to investigate how board gender diversity affects financial performance through innovation using a mediation technique. We constructed three hypotheses grounded in the resource depende

NIB - A visualization tool for feature-level multi-omic data based on global metrics

NIB - Visualisering av biologins många ansikten. Livsvetenskaperna är ett samlingsnamn för forskningsgrenar som studerar biologiskt liv och dess förutsättningar. Området har vuxit snabbt de senaste åren och stora landvinningar har gjorts med ny teknisk utveckling. Teknikerna är dock behäftade med viss osäkerhet, då det kan vara svårt att skilja biologiska fynd från tekniska störelement. Jag har dLife-sciences have developed at a rapid pace during recent years. From experiments investigating single molecules such as proteins or single genes to large scale projects mapping entire organisms in one single experiment. However, data generated from this kind of large scale projects need to be interpreted and integrated with the base of prior knowledge in an efficient, reliable and correct way. T