Din sökning på "*" gav 529380 sökträffar
Mirroring the Masses? A Cross-National Comparison of Civil Society Elite Composition
This chapter explores the composition of civil society elites and to what extent this differs from the general population, what we call the ‘civil society elite-masses gap’. While the civil society elites are, from a normative point of view, expected to be representative of the general population in terms of their social composition and attitudes, professionalisation and elitisation of civil socie
Introduction: Advancing a New Research Agenda on Digital Disruption in Diplomacy
This article introduces the special issue on digital disruption in diplomacy. We propose a new research agenda, advancing novel conceptualisations and empirical insights into the hybrid nature of contemporary diplomatic practices in a broad range of areas such as peace-making, inter-state signalling, domestic politics, digital communication, public diplomacy and popular culture. Emphasising the ma
Serine racemase modulation for improving brain insulin resistance : An Editorial Highlight for “Deletion of serine racemase reverses neuronal insulin signaling inhibition by amyloid-β oligomers”
This Editorial highlights an interesting study in the current issue of the Journal of Neurochemistry in which Zhou et al. report new data showing that the ablation of serine racemase increases local insulin production in neurons of the hippocampus. The authors explored some of the possible mechanisms mediating the interaction between dampening production of D-serine and the local synthesis of insu
Modification of purinergic signaling in the hippocampus of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Diabetic encephalopathy is a recognized complication of untreated diabetes resulting in a progressive cognitive impairment accompanied by modification of hippocampal function. The purinergic system is a promising novel target to control diabetic encephalopathy since it might simultaneously control hippocampal synaptic plasticity and glucose handling. We now tested whether streptozotocin-induced di
Judisk tolkningstradition gör Bibeln angelägen i vår tid
Recension av Caterina Stenius essäsamling Sanningen är alltid större – En essä på sju famnars djup, Vasa Scriptum, 2022.
Room to Grow and the Right to Say No: Theorizing the Liberatory Power of Peace in the Global South
This article builds on feminist and decolonial perspectives and engages with political geography literature to rethink the way that peace and violence are understood in the Global South. Building peace that is coherent with planetary and ecological limits and that does not further direct structural violence necessitates breaking with the extractivist model of development that benefits growth and a
Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries : A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship
The current study investigates attitudes toward one form of sex for resources: the so-called sugar relationships, which often involve exchanges of resources for sex and/or companionship. The present study examined associations among attitudes toward sugar relationships and relevant variables (e.g., sex, sociosexuality, gender inequality, parasitic exposure) in 69,924 participants across 87 countri
En kartläggning av arbetsterapeutens arbete med vuxna som lever med övervikt eller obesitas
Bakgrund: Övervikt och obesitas är ett växande problem i samhället och anses vara ett folkhälsoproblem. Över hälften av Sveriges befolkning lever idag med övervikt eller obesitas. Arbetsterapeutens roll är att stödja individer i förändringsarbete för att främja hälsa och möjlighet till deltagande i meningsfulla aktiviteter. Syfte: Litteraturöversikten syftar till att kartlägga faktorer som arBackground: Overweight and obesity is increasing and are regarded as public health problems. Currently, over half of Sweden's population lives with overweight or obesity. The occupational therapist's role is to support individuals in the process of change to promote health and facilitate participation in meaningful activities. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to outline facto
Förordningsförslaget “AIA” - Kommissionens förslag till AI-förordningen i relation till AI-genererad marknadsföring
Vi lever i en värld där artificiell intelligens inte är bortom räckhåll i science fiction- filmer, utan en del av vår vardag i allt större utsträckning. Tekniken utvecklas drastiskt och juridiken hänger inte med. På grund av den stora påverkan som artificiell intelligens har på EU medborgares liv och de risker som tekniken hotar med, pågår nu ett förfarande för en rättsakt om harmoniserade regler We live in a world where artificial intelligence is not beyond reach in science fiction-movies, but rather a part of our daily life. The technology is drastically developing and the world of law cannot follow. Due to the big impact that artificial intelligence has on EU citizens, and the risks that may threaten, there is an ongoing procedure regarding harmonized rules on AI. The initiative has a p
Developing a protocol for 3D-printable bioink from decellularised porcine tissue
Administration av T-celler via en artificiell vävnadsrekonstruktion är en lovande metod för att behandla inoperabla tumörer. Traditionella vävnadsrekonstruktionsmaterial saknar den komplexitet som finns hos det extracellulära matrixet (ECM), där celler vanligtvis lever. Ett alternativ är då att använda decellulariserat ECM (dECM) som material när man skapar den artificiella vävnadsrekonstruktionenT-cell administration via a scaffold is a promising tool for treatment of inoperable solid tumours. Traditional scaffold materials lack the complexity of the extracellular matrix (ECM) that cells normally grow in. An alternative is to instead use decellularised ECM (dECM) from biological tissue to create the scaffold. By making the scaffold via 3D-printing, its construction can also be a part of m
Att häkta eller inte häkta, det är frågan - En kritisk granskning av det svenska häktningsförfarandet och bristen på alternativ
Det svenska häktningsförfarandet har i decennier fått återkommande kritik från internationella organisationer angående lagreglernas utformning i förhållande till Europakonventionen. Trots den kritik som riktats har få förändringar gjorts. Häktning har konstaterats vara det tvångsmedlet som är mest ingripande för individen då den enskildes rättigheter inskränks på ett betydande sätt, trots det häktFor decades, the Swedish remand institute has received repeated criticism from international organization regarding unwillingness to follow the ECHR legislation about pre-trial detentions. Despite the criticism, few changes have been made. Pre-trial detention has been found to be the coercive measure that is the most intrusive for the individual as the individual's rights are significantly res
Dendrokronologisk analys av Tåstarps kyrka, Ängelholms kommun, Skåne - komplettering 2023
Dendrokronologisk analys av vraket Constantia
Dendrokronologisk analys av en återbrukad bjälke i klocktornet i Brunflo, Östersund
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från Hakarps kyrka, Växjö stift
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från Jerusalem kvarn, Röttle by söder om Gränna
Svalbards nya klimat
GDPR Compliance in EU-US Data Transfers - Examining the impact of the EU Commission’s 2023 adequacy decision on surveillance risks
Internationella dataöverföringar stödjer den globala ekonomin, underlättar internationellt samarbete och främjar ekonomisk expansion. Denna ökade produktivitet innehåller dock risker, nämligen stora risker för kränkningar av den personliga integriteten. I en tid som domineras av tekniska framsteg har regeringar, inom EU och i tredjeländer, potential att överträda individers integritet på en nära gInternational data transfers serve to support the global economy, facilitating international collaboration and economic expansion. However this increased productivity comes at a cost, namely amplified personal data privacy and security risks. In an era dominated by rapid technological advancements, the clandestine actions of intelligence agencies have the potential to infringe upon the privacy and
A temporal Hawkes process model for shooting occurrences in Sweden
The Hawkes process, also referred to as a self-exciting point process, is a class of point processes where the intensity is conditioned on previous events. More specifically, an event occurrence excites the process, temporarily increasing the probability of more events occurring. One application of Hawkes processes is to model occurrences of crimes, such as burglaries or shootings. The present the