Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar
The road not taken - Killer Acquisitions, the changing nature of merger regulation and constitutional legitimacy in the modern EU
With the recent Illumina/Grail judgement and subsequent prohibition, more and more scholars within the EU are starting to pay attention to killer acquisitions and are considering them as a growing problem. However, solutions to these problems must still be legitimate in accordance with the purpose, values and ideals of the EU. This is done through analysing whether or not the judgements in the I
Letter of intent - mer än bara en avsikt?
I dagens affärsliv, med anledning av att ingåendet av ett avtal ska löpa så smidigt som möjligt, har det utvecklats olika typer av förhandlingsinstrument. Ett sådan instrument är ett s.k. letter of intent. Genom ett letter of intent kan parterna i det prekontraktuella skedet manifestera sin avsikt om att i framtiden ingå avtal. Syftet med ett letter of intent kan sägas vara att på ett ändamålsenliIn today's business world, to ensure that the conclusion of the agreement runs as smoothly as possible, various types of negotiation instruments have been developed. One such instrument is a letter of intent. Through a letter of intent, the parties can manifest their intention to enter into agreements in the future at the pre-contractual stage. The purpose of a letter of intent can be said to
From curse to opportunity: Mediation of natural resource conflicts
Digital kunskapsdjungel : mångfalden av perspektiv på vitt snus
This study explores the social phenomenon of white nicotine pouches and the knowledge claims surrounding it. The scientifically established knowledge about the harmful effects of nicotine is not considered in the study as an isolated message but rather as one message among several others. The overarching framework in the study is social epistemology, which investigates how social aspects play a cr
The production of recombinant 6LZE_A and NS2B-NS3 in E. coli
Even though the first coronavirus pandemic was registered in 1965, SARS-CoV-2 was better acknowledged when it caused the worldwide pandemic in 2019 in which millions of individuals lost their lives. Due to its facile way of spreading from one individual to another, the number of infected cases has gone up to more than 750 million to this day. DENV is a very dangerous virus due to its asymptomatic
Sveriges historia är full av män i kvinnokläder
Resolving Quantum Interference Black Box through Attosecond Photoionization Spectroscopy
Multiphoton light-matter interactions invoke a so-called "black box"in which the experimental observations contain the quantum interference between multiple pathways. Here, we employ polarization-controlled attosecond photoelectron metrology with a partial wave manipulator to deduce the pathway interference within this quantum 'black box"for the two-photon ionization of neon atoms. The angle-depen
Factors assessed in the first year of a longitudinal study predict subsequent study visit compliance : the TEDDY study
Background: Compliance with a study protocol is central to meeting its research goals. In longitudinal research studies, data loss due to missed visits limit statistical power and introduce bias. The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study is a longitudinal multinational (US, Finland, Germany, and Sweden) investigation of children at risk for type 1 diabetes (T1D) that se
Fragmented reindeer of Stállo foundations : A multi-isotopic approach to fragmented reindeer skeletal remains from Adámvallda in Swedish Sápmi
This study focusses on the fragmented remains of unburnt reindeer skeletal elements found at three Stállo foundations and a hearth at Adámvallda in inland northern Sweden and Sápmi. Stállo foundations are usually identified as Sámi settlement sites for reindeer hunters or as the remains of an early Sámi pastoral society; however, the finds are scarce and often fragmented. In this study, I aim to s
Augmentation Strategies for Self-Supervised Representation Learning from Electrocardiograms
In this paper, we investigate the effects of different augmentation strategies in self-supervised representation learning from electrocardiograms. Our study examines the impact of random resized crop and time out on downstream performance. We also consider the importance of the signal length. Furthermore, instead of using two augmented copies of the sample as a positive pair, we suggest augmenting
Credible and knowledgeable Enforcers
In many of Sweden’s major cities, the majority of apartments in the suburbs are managed and owned by municipality-owned public housing companies. A number of these suburbs are defined by the National Operations Branch (NOA) of the Swedish Police as vulnerable or particularly vulnerable. These definitions are based on the level of influence of criminal behavior within the areas. This study aims to
Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution
Pollution by chemicals and waste impacts human and ecosystem health on regional, national, and global scales, resulting, together with climate change and biodiversity loss, in a triple planetary crisis. Consequently, in 2022, countries agreed to establish an intergovernmental science-policy panel (SPP) on chemicals, waste, and pollution prevention, complementary to the existing intergovernmental s
Networks of Interlocking Leaders: Exploring the Links and Identifying the Elites in four European countries
This chapter aims at analysing the inter-organisational networks emerging from interlocking leaders among the most resourceful, national-level civil society organisations (CSOs) in four European countries. By comparing four different country contexts, we analyse differences in the characteristics of networks, find different mechanisms that seem to structure organisational links across the cases, a
Vi är inte idioter : Klimat, ekonomi, demokrati
Om människan ses som kund istället för som medborgare undergrävs demokratin. Detta försvårar nödvändiga insatser mot klimathotet.
Plasma tumour necrosis factor-alpha-related proteins in prognosis of heart failure with pulmonary hypertension
Aims: Patients with heart failure (HF) exhibit poor prognosis, which is further deteriorated by pulmonary hypertension (PH), with negative impact on morbidity and mortality. As PH due to left HF (LHF-PH) is among the most common causes of PH, there is an urge according to the 2021 European Society of Cardiology HF guidelines to find new biomarkers that aid in prognostication of this patient cohort
Biologisk mångfald i våra sinnen och i vår omtanke om miljön
The consolidated European synthesis of CO2 emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom : 1990-2020
Quantification of land surface-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and their trends and uncertainties is essential for monitoring progress of the EU27+UK bloc as it strives to meet ambitious targets determined by both international agreements and internal regulation. This study provides a consolidated synthesis of fossil sources (CO2 fossil) and natural (including formally managed ecosystems
Effekterna av en sammantagen och allsidig bedömning: En kombinerad dokumentanalys och enkätundersökning om Ämnesbetygsreformens princip för betygssättning
Föreliggande examensarbete grundar sig på den nya principen för betygssättning som infördes i samband med riksdagens klubbande av Ämnesbetygsreformen den 23 februari 2022. Syftet med arbetet var att ta reda på vilka intentioner som låg bakom den nya principen för betygssättning och vilket effekt den nya principen har och har haft för svensklärares bedömningsarbete. För att uppnå syftet kombinerade