

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Self-Organized Community Institutions: A Way to Strengthen Local Social Sustainability? A Case Study of PGS Viêt Nam

Over the last years, the conventional agricultural system has increasingly been pointed out as one of the most problematic sector for the environment and the global public health. At the same time, the organic farming sector has more and more been presented as a sustainable answer to that problem. However, its implementation comes with numerous challenges, such as the procuration of a third-party

Analysis of cytokine expression in avian peripheral blood in response to malaria infections

The outcome of malaria infections in humans and mice, including the symptoms experienced by the host, the clearance of the parasite, and the host survival; is highly dependant on the balance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory immune mechanisms. Cytokines, which are signalling molecules involved in cell-cell communication, play a central role in such balance. Given the limited knowledge abo

Börsbolag, dess aktieägare och vilka andra

En rad omfattande företagsskandaler har skett under de senaste åren. Är den klassiska synen på att enbart motivera högre befattningshavare genom incitamentsprogram för att maximera aktieägarvärdet förlegat? Kan detta tankesätt tillhöra det förflutna, där framtiden innehåller incitamentsprogram som inkluderar företagets alla intressenter. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur börsnoterade företags

Friluftsliv i Skåne - tillgängligt för alla?

Academic research affirms the positive health effect of outdoor recreation. It reduces blood pressure, obesity and stress. In 2012 the Swedish government formulated the Objectives for Outdoor Recreation Policy which aim was to strengthen the accessibility to outdoor recreation opportunities for the people of Sweden. This paper aims to examine the accessibility to outdoor recreation opportunities

Analysis of a genome-wide microscopy screen for regulators of lysosomal stability

Lysosomes are cell organelles in charge of degradation. Lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) causes the leakage of cathepsins and other digestive enzymes into the cytosol from lysosomal cavities. This usually causes the initiation of cell death. LMP can be triggered by many stimuli and this could potentially be used in new therapeutic approaches for removing cancer cells. However, excessive L

Making Sense of Multivariate Data: An Iterative Design of the Visualization and Interactions with Parallel Coordinates

Data är en stor del av dagens samhälle och genom att analysera datan kan man se trender och få ut information. De flesta problem beror oftast på fler än två variabler då en korrelation mellan bara två variabler sällan beskriver hela sanningen. Data som består av mer än två variabler kallas för multivariat data. Men hur bör man gå tillväga om man vill visualisera sådan data och vilka verktyg bör maThere exists today vast accumulations of data that we don't always know what to do with. Qlik is a company that specializes in the visualization of data and specifically in being able to offer as many different types of charts as possible to their customers. Parallel coordinates is a chart that efficiently can visualize multivariate data and this master thesis is about developing such a chart

Constructing a Skill Set of a Project Manager: Essential Management & Leadership Soft Skills in Project-Driven Industries

This study aimed to identify which management and leadership soft skills project managers in project-driven industries are required to have, to contend with complexity and change. To gain a holistic understanding, this knowledge was generated through four different research methods: literature research, interviews with twelve experts across the automotive and IT industries, interviews with five cl

Ekonomistyrningssystem- en global homogenitet? En jämförelseanalys av ekonomistyrningssystem mellan kulturella regioner

Syfte: Syftet är att identifiera likheter och skillnader för ekonomistyrningssystem mellan olika kulturella regioner. För att uppfylla syftet utformades två delmål: (1) Förklara identifierade skillnader och likheter med kultur som utgångspunkt, (2) Identifiera olika ideer om framtida forskning. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes där sekundärdata från tidigare forskning användes. En metod som Objective: The objective is to identify similarities and differences in management control systems in different cultural regions. To achieve the objective, two strategies have been formulated: (1) Explain identified similarities and differences with culture as a base, (2) Identify different ideas about future research. Methodology: A literature study was conducted in which secondary data from pre

J/psi suppression via string interactions in Au-Au collisions at 200 GeV/NN

In 2018 the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) reported sig- nals of a strongly coupled quark gluon plasma. This plasma is thought to be the reason for J/psi suppression when a fraction of the produced J/psi's dissolves due to the high-energy density of quarks and gluons. In this thesis, it will be investigated whether the suppression can be uniquely attributed to such a plasma. A model, b

Copyright and Single Dance Moves

This thesis is about the copyright protection for single dance moves. The purpose of this thesis is to come to a conclusion as to whether single dance moves could be protected by copyright in Europe and if it should be protected. These questions originate from the United State lawsuits against the gaming company Epic Games and their use and sales of allegedly copyright protected dances. The firs

Exporting and Moulding Ideals of Beauty: Boom of the South Korean Cosmetic Industry in the Era of Globalisation

The present thesis focused on analysing the recent opening of the South Korean cosmetic industry to the Western world, in combination to a trade of beauty ideals, facilitated by social media and the internet. More specifically, the study focused on three main levels of inquiry. Firstly, understanding how the South Korean beauty industry advertises its products abroad through social media outlets;

Optimization of Protein Recovery Process from Rapeseed Cake

The need for sustainable sources of food is brought about by the never-ending exploitation of natural resource that our planet has provided. The heavy dependence on animal-based foods for protein has led to major depletion of the earth’s resources. The search for a sustainable protein source has led to the increase in utilization of the rapeseed cake which is a byproduct of rapeseed oil production

Analys av momentumstrategier

En djupgående analys av tre momentumstrategier J12/K12, J9/K9 och J6/K6 på bolag listade på svenska Large- och Mid Cap under 2000-2019. Studien kunde ej bekräfta några momentumeffekter och resulterade endast i en positivt genomsnittlig avkastning för J6/K6. Vidare indikerar resultaten på att fördelningen av Large- respektive Mid Cap bolag inkluderade i den totala portföljen ej påverkas av det fakt

Time series analysis for spring barley phenology monitoring using Sentinel 2 – A case study of Southern-central Sweden

Monitoring crop phenology at parcel scale aligns with the concept of precision agriculture (PA) and can provide invaluable information to agronomic management systems. Satellite time series data are commonly deployed for detecting crop growth stages, while the recent advancements in remote sensing (RS) technologies such as the launch of Sentinel 2 (S2) are providing unprecedented opportunities for

Understanding health inequalities in the 21st century: the case of UHC in Peru

Health is a universal right, nevertheless, not all people have the same opportunities to fully enjoy it without facing financial difficulties. Universal Health Coverage has the potential to break the health-poverty trap, supporting people with the opportunity of building a healthy structure, essential for a sustainable human and economic development. This paper explores how individual characterist

“Det är viktigare att du är engagerad om du vill växa här”

Logistikbranschen utmärks av sitt fokus på produktivitet och kostnadseffektivisering; lagermedarbetare i logistikbranschen bedöms främst på hårda mått, såsom hur många ordrar de plockat på en dag, för att kontrollera att den önskade produktiviteten uppnås. När företag i branschen idag försöker att skifta fokus till ett arbete med mer human resource management, exempelvis genom internrekrytering, k

En kris som utmanat dagligvaruhandeln

Under våren 2020 har många blivit påverkade av det så kallade coronaviruset, Covid19. Viruset har eskalerat i hög takt och utvecklats till en pandemi som påverkat världsekonomin och samtliga branscher. Dagligvaruhandeln har framförallt blivit påverkad och diskussioner har väckts kring konsumenters agerande i samband med den höga försäljningsökningen. Konsumtion under kriser har i tidigare forsknin

Correcting biological infrared spectroscopy data for atmospheric gases and Mie scattering

Infrared absorption microscopy is a powerful chemometric tool with a wide variety of applications. It is, however, subject to considerable disturbances from atmospheric gases and scattering effects. As experimental fixes are not always applicable or advisable, data therefore needs to be computationally corrected before any attempt at an interpretation. This work designed, improved and validated se

Making conference presentations searchable and citeable

Indico is the main conference event manager where talks in high energy physics are published online. Indico allows to access presentation from conferences, but it does not yet organize them coherently or make them easily citable by others. To solve this, we want to write code for Indico users that saves not only presentations used during conferences but also their metadata. This will make it easie

"Äh, gubbar, fyfan!"

Idag anses arbetsmarknaden som jämställd med en fördelning mellan män och kvinnor på 40/60, men trots detta finns det branscher som fortfarande är hårt mansdominerade där villkor och förutsättningar för kvinnor gör det svårare att uppnå en chefsposition. Då kvinnor under längre tid har varit begränsade avseende arbetsmarknaden och speciellt chefspositioner har det gjort att det fortsatt blir svårt