

Din sökning på "*" gav 529461 sökträffar

Porträttet av invandrare i svensk media

Today’s media form an essential part of how we understand the world around us. The purpose of the study is to investigate in which negative ways immigrants are presented in news articles Aftonbladet, Expressen and Dagens Nyheter during the period 2016-2023. This survey is based on a qualitative content analysis of twenty articles from Sweden’s most famous mass media. The results indicate that Swed

Otukt som mot naturen är : en kvalitativ analys av diskursen kring homosexualitet i den svenska nyhetspressen under 1944

From the perspective of discourse analysis, this paper analyzes how homosexuals are portrayed in the Swedish daily press during the year of 1944 when homosexuality became legal. This is done by qualitatively analyzing 12 news articles from three major national Swedish newspapers; Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. The analysis revealed three recurring themes in the portrayal of hom

Why are you getting ready with me? : hur GRWM bidrar till identitetsskapande & ett mer inkluderande flickskap

I denna fallstudie kommer det virala sociala mediefenomenet “Get Ready With Me” (GRWM) att utforskas. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har vi analyserat detta fenomen, för att kunna redogöra för hur Get Ready With Me-videor främjar ett inkluderat flickskap samt formar unga tjejers identiteter. Vårt analyserade material består av olika kreatörers Get Ready With Me-videor från plattformen TikTok.

Distansavtalslagens utformning och tillämpningen av ångerrätten - Avtal med digitala tjänster och digitalt innehåll i fokus

Distansavtalslagen har genomgått flera lagändringar och utvecklats i samband med digitaliseringens utbredning. Det har medfört en ökad användning av digitala tjänster och varor med digitalt innehåll. Utformningen av distansavtalslagens konsumentskyddande bestämmelser har även påverkats av moderniserade EU-rättsakter, som införts i syfte att harmonisera bestämmelserna för den gränsöverskridande hanThe Act on Distance Contracts and Off-Premises Contracts has undergone several changes to the law and developed in connection with the spread of digitalisation. This has led to increased use of digital services and goods with digital content. The design of the Distance Contracts Act's consumer protection provisions has also been influenced by modernized EU legislation, which was introduced wit

Utbildningskvantitet, utbildningskvalitet och ekonomisk tillväxt

This paper aims to investigate the topic of education and economic growth in 38 OECD member states in eight five-year periods between 1975–2015. The main focus is to study the relationship of two aspects of education, quantity and quality, to see if there is a relationship to growth. As a quantitative measure, education is measured as the school enrollment rates on a primary- and secondary level.

The effects of covid-19 and the war in Ukraine on portfolio composition

This paper examines the effect of the covid-19 pandemic as well as the Russia-Ukraine wars’ implications on 6 larger stock markets in Europe and North America using the Markowitz mean-variance theorem to test for changes in the minimum variance portfolios, efficient frontiers and portfolio composition. I could draw several conclusions from governments responses during both crises. Both shocks led

Synen på svenskar - Den ekonomiska bördan av synnedsättning och blindhet i Sverige

Throughout history, people have always been faced by difficulties regarding their physical conditions. Vision of sight is no different and poor eyesight has certainly hindered a lot of people from achieving their goals in life. To this day, this still holds true and many people around the globe are affected by some sort of visual impairment. The purpose of this study is to describe and to determ

Causal Association Between Subtypes of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

BACKGROUND: Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), experienced in 10% to 20% of the population, has been associated with cardiovascular disease and death. However, the condition is heterogeneous and is prevalent in individuals having short and long sleep duration. We sought to clarify the relationship between sleep duration subtypes of EDS with cardiovascular outcomes, accounting for these subtypes.

Photon pumping, photodissociation and dissipation at interplay for the fluorescence of a molecule in a cavity

We introduce a model description of a diatomic molecule in an optical cavity, with pump and fluorescent fields, and electron and nuclear motion are treated on equal footing and exactly. The model accounts for several optical response temporal scenarios: A Mollow spectrum hindered by electron correlations, a competition of harmonic generation and molecular dissociation, a dependence of fluorescence

Statligt huvudmannaskap löser inte alla problem

Det krävs en mer balanserad diskussion om ansvarsfördelningen mellan stat, regioner och kommuner som ser till för- och nackdelarna med varje alternativ, skriver Sveriges företrädare i Europarådets expertgrupp om den kommunala självstyrelsen, professor Anders Lidström och hovrättsrådet Tom Madell.

Study of scintillation properties and performance of CsI(Tl) detectors over time

This work presents a systematic study of the properties (Light Output Non-Uniformity (LONU) and energy resolution) of two CsI(Tl) scintillation units over a span of almost three years, under adverse conditions of humidity and temperature. These two crystals are part of the CALIFA detector, a highly segmented calorimeter and spectrometer for γ rays and light-charged particles, that is placed surrou

Quantification of growth and nutrient consumption of bacterial and fungal cultures in microfluidic microhabitat models

Understanding microbes in nature requires consideration of their microenvironment. Here, we present a protocol for quantifying biomass and nutrient degradation of bacterial and fungal cultures (Pseudomonas putida and Coprinopsis cinerea, respectively) in microfluidics. We describe steps for mask design and fabrication, master printing, polydimethylsiloxane chip fabrication, and chip inoculation an

Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Memristors for In-Memory Computing Accelerators

Neuromorphic computing has seen great interest as leaps in artificial intelligence (AI) applications have exposed limitations due to heavy memory access, with the von Neumann computing architecture. The parallel in-memory computing provided by neuromorphic computing has the potential to significantly improve latency and power consumption. Key to analog neuromorphic computing hardware are memristor

Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction in post-COVID-19 syndrome : a major health-care burden

Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction (CVAD) is a malfunction of the cardiovascular system caused by deranged autonomic control of circulatory homeostasis. CVAD is an important component of post-COVID-19 syndrome, also termed long COVID, and might affect one-third of highly symptomatic patients with COVID-19. The effects of CVAD can be seen at both the whole-body level, with impairment of heart rat