

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

Tracing the Sex of Big Data (or configuring digital consumers)

This chapter examines discourses on the digitalization of consumption based on field work conducted at some of the many trade fairs for e-commerce that pop up every year in different cities all over Europe. It builds on studying the role played by consumer research in the performative enactment of consumer subjectivities. The chapter focuses on how consumer subjectivities are constructed and how p

“Välkommen till staden där alla gnäller över det minsta lilla” - En kvalitativ studie om problem som diskuteras i lokala Facebookgrupper

Lokala Facebookgrupper, en grupp för invånarna i en stad, är ett fenomen som blivit mycket vanligt de senaste åren. I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur olika problem lyfts i en sådan Facebookgrupp och hur problemen diskuteras. Detta för att ta reda på vilka problem som tas upp, genom vilka diskurser och vad det får för konsekvenser för uppfattningen av problemen. Utgångspunkten är att problem inte e

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Trigger Finger May Be an Early Symptom of Preclinic Type 2 Diabetes

BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a major risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and trigger finger (TF), but less is known regarding the risk of developing T2D after being diagnosed with CTS or TF. CTS and TF could be early signs of preclinical T2D, and early detection of T2D is crucial to prevent complications and morbidity. Therefore, we investigate the association between CTS/TF and T

Photon and electron transport in a resonator-coupled double quantum dot

The following thesis investigates the electron and photon transport in a microwave resonator coupled double quantum dot (DQD). The investigation and description of this system are done mathematically. The DQD is also treated uncoupled from the resonator, for a description without photon interaction. Mathematically the system is analyzed using a density matrix as well as a master equation approach.

Blocking the swell: Beta blockers' association with brain edema for glioblastoma patients

Glioblastom är en mycket aggressiv hjärntumör som trots över 100 år utav forskning i snitt dödar patienter åtta månader efter diagnos. I denna studie undersöks alternativa behandlingsmetoder för den svullnad som drabbar patienten när tumören växer och opereras. Om man lyckas hitta ett alternativ till kortison, som idag används, finns det stor potential i att behandla glioblastompatienter med virusGlioblastoma is a highly aggressive brain tumor that kills roughly 9,000 Americans yearly. Although a known disease for over a century, little progress has been made in treatment development. A breakthrough may be on its way as recent research suggests glioblastoma patients can be treated with virus injections, oncolytic virotherapy in medical terms. However, this treatment method is somewhat inhi

Statistical Quantification of Parameters of Heart Rate Variability Power

Denna forskning fokuserar på hjärtfrekvensvariation (HRV), vilket är fluktuationer i tidsintervallet mellan följande hjärtslag. Dessa variationer samlas in genom användandet av ett elektrokardiogram (EKG). Genom att analysera HRV data från 97 deltagande, syftar denna studie till att upptäcka om olika faktorer som ålder, kön, ångest, och kroppsmått påverkar HRV. Att förstå HFV är väsentligt eftersoHeart rate variability (HRV) describes the variations in time intervals between heartbeats. The signals are usually recorded from electrocardiogram (ECG) beat detection. In this thesis, HRV signals of 97 participants were analyzed using spectral and statistical analysis. The signals are non-stationary, however, the data was treated approximately short time stationary. Using spectral analysis, powe

Ignoring and collective passivity in relation to information systems : How actors avoided engagement with data about wait times in Swedish healthcare

Although digital technology (DT) is often introduced with the aim of enhancing organizational knowledge transfer and learning, these aims often fail to materialize. The information systems (IS) literature attributes such unexpected outcomes to inappropriate technology design and implementation, as well as to overuse, misuse, and non-use of technology. However, we know little about how actors misus

Staphylococcus aureus carriage and prevalence of skin and soft tissue infections among people who inject drugs : a longitudinal study

People who inject drugs are frequently colonized with Staphylococcus aureus and have an increased risk for skin and soft tissue infections. This longitudinal study aims to describe S. aureus carriage in this group and the risk for infections during a 1-year follow-up. We included 61 participants from the Malmö Needle Exchange Program. Mapping of S. aureus carriage was conducted by screening cultur

Long-Term Particulate Matter Measurements in Southern Sweden: A Comparative Study of Low-Cost Optical Sensor to Reference Instrument

The UN-affiliated World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that in 2019, more than 90 % of people living on Earth were constantly exposed to concentrations of ambient outdoor pollutants higher than the air quality guideline limits. One of the most notorious air pollutants is particulate matter, consisting of fine natural or anthropogenic particles suspended in the air. Recent studies have shown t

Study on Early Hydration Reactions of Cement Clinker using Isothermal Calorimetry - Influence of C3A Content, SO3 Content, Blaine Number and Mixing Type

Cement är ett av världens mest använda material och agerar som bindemedel i betong och murbruk. Portlandcement, som är den mest förekommande typen av cement, produceras årligen i en kvantitet av fyra miljarder ton. Cementproduktionen står för ca 7 % av de globala koldioxidutsläppen och det finns ett stort intresse i att hitta alternativa vägar och optimeringsmöjligheter, för att minimera klimatpåvCement is one of the world's most used materials and acts as a binder in concrete and mortar. Portland cement, which is the most common type of cement, is produced annually in a quantity of four billion metric tons. Cement production accounts for approximately 7 % of the global carbon dioxide emissions and there is a great interest in finding alternative routes and optimization possibilities,

Social klass och miljömedvetenhet - En kvantitativ studie om social klass och dess påverkan på miljömedvetenheten i Sverige

Klimatkrisen är en av de största utmaningarna vi står inför idag där en stor mängd av utsläppen beror på ohållbara livsstilar. Dessa utsläpp är ojämnt fördelade, där de rikaste står för störst andel och de fattigaste får utstå konsekvenserna av dessa utsläpp. Tidigare forskning har visat att socioekonomisk bakgrund även har en effekt på klimatrelaterade känslor och beteenden, men hittills saknas f

Evolution of cold tolerance in the highly stress-tolerant samphires and relatives (Salicornieae: Amaranthaceae)

Low temperature constitutes one of the main barriers to plant distributions, confining many clades to their ancestrally tropical biome. However, recent evidence suggests that transitions from tropical to temperate biomes may be more frequent than previously thought. Here, we study the evolution of cold and frost tolerance in the globally distributed and highly stress-tolerant Salicornieae (Salicor

Households and Homes. Changing Household Composition and the Dutch Housing Market

The public debate about the housing crisis in the Netherlands is more heated than ever before. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to examine the effect of changing household structures on the Dutch housing market by taking a mixed-methods approach. By combining existing quantitative data and literature with new qualitative data from a conducted survey, the challenges on the housing market in rel

Exploring Civilian Service: An alternative approach to mitigate Labor Shortages in the Long-Term Care Sector

Population aging and labor market variables exacerbate the labor shortage in the Long-term care (LTC) sector in many European countries. In Sweden, existing strategies to manage this issue are questioned. This paper investigates an alternative solution: civilian service, inspired by Austria and Germany, where civilian service complements military service and allows civilian servants to work in the

Cath-up and Capabilities: Resource-for-Infrastructure Loans, Economic Transformation and Catch-Up Growth in Angola

This thesis explores the implications of Chinese Resource-for-Infrastructure (RFI) loans on Angola's economic transformation and catch-up through the lens of social capabilities theory. Initiated in 2004, the "Angola Model" involved RFI loans primarily supported by oil exports to China in return for infrastructure construction. Despite substantial infrastructure inputs, the expected

From Cash to Crop

This study explores the nexus between financial inclusion and agricultural productivity in Tanzania, where agriculture is a key sector for the nation's economy and inclusive growth. Vulnerable to climate change, the sector faces productivity challenges due to rain anomalies and rising temperatures. Previous studies have highlighted financial inclusion as crucial for reducing vulnerability at t

Den allmänna repressionsnivån och brottens relativa allvar : En översikt av repressionshöjningar och straffskärpningar i Sverige 2010-2023

A recently proposed overhaul of Swedish criminal law is characte rized by calls for punitive reforms. The government cites changes in the perception of the severity of different crimes, the appropriate general level of repression, the balance between the interests of the penal system, and the function of punishment, as reasons for a more repressive criminal law. Yet the general level of repressionA recently proposed overhaul of Swedish criminal law is characte rized by calls for punitive reforms. The government cites changes in the perception of the severity of different crimes, the appropriate general level of repression, the balance between the interests of the penal system, and the function of punishment, as reasons for a more repressive criminal law. Yet the general level of repression

Carbon storage capacity in arable land and pasture across Lund Municipality in regard to management techniques

Due to the increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, there is a need for adaptations and mitigations to climate change. Not only is a drastic reduction of emissions necessary, but the uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere needs to be increased and stored long-term. One of the more efficient mitigation strategies to reduce CO2 concentrations in th

Classification of aerosols in CALIOP data using unsupervised semantic segmentation

This thesis investigates the feasibility and efficacy of employing unsupervised semantic segmentation for classifying features in CALIOP data, aiming to address significant bias inherent in current classification methods. By exploring various preprocessing techniques, dimensionality reduction methods, and classification algorithms, the study evaluates the potential of semantic segmentation in impr

En ledning till frihet – frigörande av fastighetstillbehör enligt 12 a § ledningsrättslagen

Hur påverkar frigörande av fastighetstillbehör enligt 12 a § ledningsrättslagen fastighetsägare och ledningshavare? Denna studie analyserar lagens syfte och de rättsliga oklarheter som uppstår i praktiken. Föreställ dig att det finns en stor kommunal fastighet där viktiga el- och vattenledningar är nedgrävda. Dessa ledningar betraktas som fastighetstillbehör, vilket innebär att de är juridiskt knIn this thesis, the release of property fixtures under section 12 a § Utility Easements Act has been investigated, with a particular focus on the concept of connection of purpose (swe: ändamålssamband). Section 12 a § Utility Easements Act was introduced in order to be able to break the legal link between an object and a property without having to physically separate the object from the property o