Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar
One Step Forward and One Step Back. State regulation of environment and sustainable development through the use of the Education Act, school curricula and syllabuses (1990-2010)
The aim of this sociology of law-orientated article is to analyse and describe legislative and regulatory processes concerning the task given to schools focusing on environment and sustainable development. We are describing the policy-making processes in this field from 1990 to 2011. The study involves key interviews and content analysis of national policy documents as well as legal sources, in or
A fixed parameter algorithm for the minimum number convex partition problem
Given an input consisting of an n-vertex convex polygon with k hole vertices or an n-vertex planar straight line graph (PSLG) with k holes and/or reflex vertices inside the convex hull, the parameterized minimum number convex partition (MNCP) problem asks for a partition into a minimum number of convex pieces. We give a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for this problem that runs in the followin
The seashore – beyond monumentality : The case of Pitted Ware coastal sites in southern Sweden
What is the significance of a place at the seashore? What kind of a sense of place does a place by the seashore constitute in the absence of any kind of monumental structures? Today, it is obvious within the archaeological domain that archaeological material culture is not only functional, but also acts as a metaphor for people’s self-perception. In this article, my assumption is that the differen
Industrins konkurrenskraft och regionen
Värdering efter kranskärlskirurgi
Miljöproblem som verkliga eller upplevda hot.
Det miljöintresse en individ har är av stor betydelse för om man uppmärksammar information om miljöproblem, i vilken utsträckning den läses, övervägs, integreras med redan vunnen kunskap och hur den bevaras. Ur ett nationellt perspektiv är det miljöintresse befolkningen rapporterar sig ha viktigt för utformningen av åtgärder kring miljöproblem. Det finns inga enkla samband mellan människors milj
Control-Based Operating System Design
Control-Based Operating System Design describes the application of system- and control-theoretical methods to the design of computer operating system components. It argues that computer operating system components should not be first “designed" and then “endowed with control", but rather conceived from the outset as controllers, synthesised and assessed in the system-theoretical world of dynamic m
Moral concerns are greater for temporally distant events and are moderated by value strength
he present research examines the impact of temporal distance on moral concerns in situations where selfish motives clash with altruistic considerations. Drawing upon Construal Level Theory (Trope & Liberman, 2003) which posits that abstract, high-level features of events and social values take on more weight with greater temporal distance, we hypothesized that moral concerns should be higher f
Environmental challenges to the energy industries
Surface temperature measurements in the cone calorimeter using phosphorescence
The Cone Calorimeter is the most complete reaction-to fire test apparatus available presently. It measures heat release rates and mass loss rate, ignitability properties and smoke and toxic gas production rate. One of the main advantages remains in its wide spread and use. There are, however, some drawbacks in the cone calorimeter that should be noticed and maybe corrected for. The sample size is
Växande avgiftsskillnader i a-kassan - och utvecklingen därefter
Sedan den borgerliga alliansregeringen från januari 2007 förändrade arbetslöshetsförsäkringens finansiering har flera omständigheter medverkat till att avgifterna till a-kassorna blivit alltmer differentierade. Medan samtliga a-kassor från januari 2007 fick en kraftigt höjd medlemsavgift har den tydliga koppling mellan avgift och arbetslöshetsnivå som regeringen införde från juli 2008 tillsammans
Theorizing jurisdiction
Jurisdiction is a composite term referring to that which is right (jus) and that which is said (dicere). It is decisive for any consideration of jurisdiction whether one chooses to subordinate jus to dicere, or dicere to jus. As the law is always anterior to a pronouncement of justice based on it, the choice of subordination decides whether one lets the past rule over the present, or the present r
Identified charged particle spectra and yields in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV.
Schartau och juristerna. Samverkan och påverkan
Hans-Åke Gustafsson har lämnat oss
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Who do They Represent? Mixed Modes of Representation in EU-based CSOs
On the complexity of inferring rooted evolutionary trees
We prove that the maximum inferred local consensus tree problem is NP-complete, thus resolving an open question from. (form?)