

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Påföljden för mord ur ett straffteoretiskt perspektiv

This thesis focuses mainly on four cases in which the penal for murder was discussed and a recently submitted bill in which harsher penalties for murder are proposed. I, thus, intend to examine the circumstances to which the greatest deal of importance is attached when deciding upon an appropriate sentence for murder and secondly, why the Government considers harsher penalties for murder to be req

Kapitalförvaltning i utländsk juridisk person genom fast driftställe i Sverige

Skälen för att bedriva kapitalförvaltning genom utländsk juridisk person kan vara många. Det allra vanligaste skälet måste ändå vara skatterättsligt, då utländska skatteregler i många fall är mer gynnsamma än de svenska. Det uppstår emellertid en rad skatterättsliga problem med förfarandet. I uppsatsen analyseras bestämmelserna om fast driftställe i såväl svensk intern skatterätt som den rätt som The reasons for conducting asset management through a foreign legal entity can be many. The most common reason however have to be fiscal, due to the fact that foreign tax rules in many cases are more favorable than the Swedish tax law. This procedure, however, arises a number of fiscal problems. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the regulations of a permanent establishment, in Swedish domes

Mästare på att främja hälsa på arbetsplatsen- en kvalitativ studie med fokus på fysisk, psykisk och social hälsa i en tjänsteverksamhet

Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Kurs: KSKK01 VT 2013 Examensarbete: Kandidatuppsats Inlämningsdatum: 20 augusti 2013 Handledare: Lars Nordgren Nyckelord: Hälsofrämjande, fysisk, psykisk, social hälsa, service. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att öka kunskapen om hur ett tjänsteföretag arbetar med att främja hälsan på arbetsplatsen. Metod:

Hybrid governance in Puntland - understanding the relationship between modern and traditional governance

Abstract In an era of globalization and “modernization”, there has been ample focus on developing and post-colonial countries in emerging into what is known as modern nation-states. Amid the high agenda of international organizations in promoting “good governance”, democratic principles and forming state-building models, there has been certain pressure on post-colonial countries, often including

The development of sustainability requirements for aviation biofuels

Interest in biofuel use is growing in aviation, due to its potential for lower GHG lifecycle emissions and as a possible price competitive alternative to fossil fuels in the long-term (ATAG, 2012). While the use of biofuels in aviation is a new phenomenon, compared to the automotive industry, several actors from the industry and governments have been involved in various initiatives to research, te

A CasADi Based Toolchain For JModelica.org

Computer-aided modeling for simulation, optimization and analysis is increasingly used for product development in industry today, resulting in high demands on the tools used. A tool chain for transferring interpreted code of the modeling languages Modelica and Optimica from the simulation and optimization tool JModelica.org to CasADi has been implemented. CasADi provides several desirable features

Exploring the Concept of Business Scapegoating: key contributing constructs and preventative measures

The purpose of our study is to investigate the concept of business scapegoating and its influencing constructs and how they could be hindered. A constructionist approach is used with a grounded theory strategy. Concerning our qualitative research, an exploratory method was used followed by discourse analysis, serving as a support function, which constitutes a triangulation method. The theoretical

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Academia: The Case of Armenia

The aim of the study is to analyze gender equality and women’s empowerment in Armenian academia over the past decade. For these purposes a Subjective Women’s Empowerment index has been developed as a result of data analysis from two small-sized surveys. The theoretical framework primarily draws upon the Human Capital and Subjective Well-being theories. Analysis of the statistical data has provided

"Öga för öga, tand för tand" - en biblisk vedergällningslag?

The focus of this essay is the famous (or infamous) expression “An eye for an eye”, lex talionis, which is found in each of the biblical legal corpora in the Tanakh. A series of different interpretations are examined and systematized in categories in order to see how the expression, as it is used in the Tanakh, has been interpreted in antiquity as well as in modern times. The result is that there

Hur kunde det gå så fel? - en studie av hur domen i Appojaurefallet rämnade bara för att Quick tog tillbaka sitt erkännande

Thomas Quick, numera Sture Bergwall, har kallats Sveriges värste seriemördare. Nu krackelerar den bilden. Sedan Thomas Quick tog tillbaka sina erkännanden har han praktiskt blivit friad från samtliga åtta mord han blivit dömd för. Syftet med framställningen är att utreda hur domen gällande Appojaurefallet kunde rämna bara för att den tilltalade Thomas Quick tog tillbaka sitt erkännande. Mer konkThomas Quick, now Sture Bergwall, has been called the worst serial killer in Sweden’s history. That picture is now falling apart. Since Thomas Quick retracted his confessions he has practically been cleared from all eight murders he was convicted for. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the judgement in the Appojaure case could fall apart only because the defendant retracted his confe

Mammor och barn (med erfarenhet av våld) i skyddat boende - en kvalitativ studie om konflikterande perspektiv på kvinnojourer

The purpose was to explore how the staff at women’s shelters handle potential conflicts as part of their overall mandate as well as in their practical day to day work. This qualitative study was based on interviews carried out with staff members at women’s shelters. The people interviewed were chosen for geographical reasons -they were staff members working in shelters in Scania- and partly for re

Enzymatisk nedbrytning av arabinoxylan och fytinsyra som metod för att öka utbytet och biotillgängligheten av näringsämnen i flytande havrebas

This project (Enzymatic degradation of arabinoxylan and phytic acid as a method to increase yield and bioavailability of nutrients in liquid oat base) evaluates the degradation of phytic acid, of the insoluble fraction from Oatly’s existing production process, with the aim of increasing available nutrients such as minerals and proteins. Previous studies have shown that phytic acid from this fracti

Att skapa effektiva team: En studie om praktikers bild av teamutveckling

Teamutvecklingsarbete är idag ett viktigt område inom organisationsutveckling, med en växande uppsjö av forskningsteori. Emellertid råder oro inom forskarvärlden huruvida teamutvecklingspraktiker använder sig av aktuell och tillförlitlig forskning, samt huruvida de tillämpar denna på rätt sätt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur praktiker förhöll sig till aktuell forskning om teamutveckl

Flexibilitetens pris? En studie kring konsulters upplevda känsla av kontroll i relation till upplevd känsla av stress på arbetsplatsen

Den utveckling och förändring som arbetslivet genomgått de senaste decennierna har lett till att bemanningsföretag blivit en allt vanligare företeelse i Sverige. Att arbeta som konsult via ett bemanningsföretag ställer krav på individen att vara flexibel vilket kan resultera i en känsla av stress och minskad kontroll på arbetet. Tidigare studier och forskning visar på att det finns ett samband mel

Identifying the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary in North Dakota, USA, using portable XRF

En portabel röntgenfluorescens (XRF) spektrometer användes i denna studie för att identifiera kemiska markörer relaterade till Krita–Paleogen (K–Pg) gränsen i North Dakota, USA. Vid K–Pg-gränsen träffades jorden av en asteroid vilket resulterade i ett av de fem stora massutdöendena. Nedslaget lämnade efter sig ett globalt spritt lerlager bestående av material från asteroiden samt berggrund från kaA portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) device was in this study used to identify geochemical markers associated with the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary in North Dakota, USA. At the time of the K–Pg boundary, an asteroid struck the Earth which resulted in one of the five big mass extinctions. The event left behind a globally distributed clay layer consisting of material derived from the asteroid and th

Strategival vid standardkrig - En fallstudie på den svenska mobila betalningsmarknaden

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur ett företags branschursprung och interna styrkor påverkar dess strategier när de går in i ett standardkrig. Studien tar en abduktiv ansats där en fallstudie genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer på den svenska mobila betalningsmarknaden. Inhämtad primär- och sekundärdata analyserades via kodning och kontinuerliga jämförelser.Författarna har

Oxytocin Me! Stress Relieving Cushion

The Oxytocin Me! project has proven to be a response to the nowadays increasing focus on high technology. The topic I have chosen is both a health and social matter: stress. In this regard, I have developed a stress relieving product that should challenge people to use their body’s own natural resources. The result is an ergonomic hug cushion that should stimulate the body to produce oxytocin hor

Effects of electron beam irradiation on the electrical properties of III-V semiconductor nanowires

Scanning electron microscopy is widely used in nanowire device fabrication. In spite of the attractive high resolution that scanning electron microscopy provides, it influences the electrical properties of III-V nanowires. Influence of electron beam irradiation on InAs, InSb and GaSb nanowires is investigated by fabricating field effect transistors using the heavily doped Si substrate as gate. It