

Din sökning på "*" gav 533333 sökträffar

Continuous superporous agarose beds for chromatography and electrophoresis

Continuous agarose beds (monoliths) were prepared by casting agarose emulsions designed to generate superporous agarose. The gel structures obtained were transected by superpores (diameters could be varied in the range 20–200 μm) through which liquids could be pumped. The pore structure and the basic properties of the continuous gel were investigated by microscopy and size exclusion chromatogr

Ungulate niche partitioning and behavioural plasticity of aurochs in Early Holocene southern Scandinavia revealed by stable isotope analysis of bone collagen

This study examines the impact of the extensive climatic and environmental changes associated with the Early Holocene on the feeding ecology of aurochs, European bison, red deer, and Eurasian elk in southern Scandinavia from radiocarbon dates and analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Molecular sex information is utilised in the study of aurochs to understand the underlying reasons behinThis study examines the impact of the extensive climatic and environmental changes associated with the Early Holocene on the feeding ecology of aurochs, European bison, red deer, and Eurasian elk in southern Scandinavia from radiocarbon dates and analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Molecular sex information is utilised in the study of aurochs to understand the underlying reasons behin

Musiken ska finnas för alla - Att arbeta med musik för människor med kognitiva funktionsvariationer

Examensarbetets syfte är att ta reda på hur jag som musiker kan göra klassisk musik i konsertsammanhang mer lättillgänglig för människor med kognitiva funktionsvariationer. Arbetet är viktigt för tyvärr har det bekräftats för mig att människor med kognitiva funktionsvariationer inte alltid accepteras som publik i en konsertsal då andra kan uppfatta dem som störande. Jag har genomfört struktureradeThe aim of this thesis is to find out how I as a musician can make classical music in concert contexts more accessible for people with cognitive disabilities. The work is important because unfortunately, it has been confirmed to me that people with mental disabilities are not always accepted as audience in a concert hall as others can perceive them as disturbing. I have conducted structured, indiv

Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Touristic Infrastructure Protection Solutions : Guidelines for good practices for human protection

Wildfires in wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas present significant threats, especially to populations unprepared for emergency situations. Effective emergency strategies must consider human behaviour, and decision-making processes. Tourists, often unfamiliar with wildfire risks, face unique challenges in evacuation, requiring tailored strategies. Cross-border regions with diverse cultures and l

Assembling barbarity, dirt, and violence : A provisional note on food and social analysis

The key to understanding any social phenomenon is to follow how actors tread the social landscape and describe how they form groups, fuse meanings, and create associations with different frames. In this paper, I employ Bruno Latour’s reconceptualization of assemblage to trace how NGOs and other actors create assemblages by fusing or defusing dog-eating with discourses on dirt, epidemic, and human

Targeting of mRNA vaccines to antigen-presenting cells via central immunoreceptor

The success of mRNA vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the pandemic highlighted the potential of the technology and opened the door for applications beyond vaccines. However, the low degree of immune response observed in some individuals necessitates continued improvement in the technology. One promising approach is to target the vaccine delivery to specific cells involved in the immune

Identification of candidate pathogenic synonymous variants in familial breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer and is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality among women. Although there have been significant advances in early screening and diagnostic strategies, the global incidence and mortality of breast cancer are expected to continue to increase. While there are many risk factors involved in the onset of the disease, family history is considered

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A workshop and gallery space that hosts artists and local in co-creative processes.

När den heliga graal blir digital - Fokus på digital implementering inom Estlands offentliga sektor

Problemområde: Vi lever idag i ett samhälle där vi knappast kan undvika digitala verktyg. Vi kommunicerar, får information och utför olika ärenden i den digitala sfären. Ny teknologi har skapat andra typer av behov hos oss och vi har ett mycket effektivare och bekvämare liv tack vare digitala verktyg. Forskningen om e-government visar många av dess positiva sidor, exempelvis ökad effektivitet och

“Dare to feel full”—A group treatment method for sustainable weight reduction in overweight and obese adults : A randomized controlled trial with 5-years follow-up

Objectives To assess the long-term effects on weight reduction and health of a group-based behavioral weight intervention over six months focusing eating for fulfillment as compared to a control regime with brief intervention. Method Overweight or obese adults (n = 176, 80% female, mean BMI 33.8 ± 4.7 kg/m2, mean age 55.2 ±10.1 years) were randomized to a group treatment or control receiving a bri

Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Combustion in a Mach 2 Cavity-Based Model Scramjet Combustor

In this study we report on reactive Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of flow and combustion in the US Air Force Research Laboratory Research Cell 19 cavity-based scramjet combustor. This case involves combustion of ethylene that is injected into a cavity. It has previously been studied experimentally with multiple techniques as well as numerically using hybrid RANS/LES. Here, we build on the existing

Is acetylcholine an autocrine/paracrine growth factor via the nicotinic α7-receptor subtype in the human colon cancer cell line HT-29?

We used immunochemistry to demonstrate expression of acetylcholine's nicotinic α7-receptor subtype in human colon cancer cell line HT-29. Moreover, RT-PCR and immunochemistry showed that choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholine esterase, the enzymes responsible for acetylcholine synthesis and degradation, respectively, localise in HT-29 cells. Bromoacetylcholine bromide, an inhibitor of choline

Heavy metal immobilization and radish growth improvement using Ca(OH) 2-treated cypress biochar in contaminated soil.

Heavy metal contamination poses a significant threat to soil quality, plant growth, and food safety, and directly affects multiple UN SDGs. Addressing this issue and offering a remediation solution are vital for human health. One effective approach for immobilizing heavy metals involves impregnating cypress chips with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH) 2) to enhance the chemical adsorption capacity of the

Fake it till you make it?

Syftet med denna studie är att utforska varumärkesautenticiteten inom digitalt manipulerad kommunikation, med fokus på den innovativa strategin Fake Out Of Home (FOOH). FOOH-annonser utmanar gränsen mellan verkligt och manipulerat innehåll, vilket skapar förvirring och fascination bland användare på plattformar som Instagram och TikTok. Genom en multimodal semiotisk analys konstateras att verklighThe purpose of this study is to explore brand authenticity within digitally manipulated communication, focusing on the innovative strategy of Fake Out Of Home (FOOH). FOOH ads challenge the boundary between real and manipulated content, causing confusion and fascination among users on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. Through a multimodal semiotic analysis, findings demonstrated that reality

Rymmer straffsystemet en ny kriminalisering? – En analys av godtagbarheten av en nykriminalisering av rymning från fängelse

Förevarande uppsats syftar till att analysera godtagbarheten av en kriminali-sering av rymning från fängelse i svensk rätt. I den större delen av uppsatsen analyseras godtagbarheten utifrån de fem kriterier som satts upp i SOU 2013:38 Vad bör straffas? (Straffrättsutredningen). Därefter diskuteras huruvida det finns andra överväganden som behöver göras innan en eventuell kriminalisering beslutas. This essay aims to analyse the acceptability of a criminalisation of prison es-cape in Swedish law, based on the five criteria set out in SOU 2013:38 Vad bör straffas? (What should be punished?), called Straffrättsutredningen (The Criminal Justice Investigation). Furthermore, I discuss whether other consid-erations are needed before a criminalisation is decided. The discussions are based on the te

Tidiga förhör - ett bättre bevismaterial? En studie av förhörsutsagors innehåll och presentationsform

Möjligheten att använda tidiga förhör som bevismaterial trädde i kraft år 2022 och innebär att förhörsutsagor givna under en förundersökning som spelats in med ljud och bild inför en brottsutredande myndighet får i vissa fall användas som bevismaterial under huvudförhandlingen. Förhörsutsagor är ett viktigt bevismaterial och det är således av stor vikt att deras innehåll är fullständigt och korrekThe ability to use preliminary investigation interviews as evidence was implemented in 2022, allowing statements given during a preliminary investigation, recorded with audio and video, to be used as evidence in the main trial under certain circumstances. Oral statements are an important piece of evidence, and it is therefore of vital importance that they are complete and accurate to ensure their