

Din sökning på "*" gav 533346 sökträffar

Coupling Downscaling and Calibrating Methods for Generating High-Quality Precipitation Data with Multisource Satellite Data in the Yellow River Basin

Remote sensing precipitation data have the characteristics of wide coverage and revealing spatiotemporal information, but their spatial resolution is low. The accuracy of the data is obviously different in different study areas and hydrometeorological conditions. This study evaluated four precipitation products in the Yellow River basin from 2001 to 2019, constructed the optimal combined product,

FreDESS : a clinical tool for perceptual evaluation of stuttering

Aim: Stuttering is a communication disorder that involves both manifest speech disfluencies and associated symptoms. The purpose of the present study was to introduce an easily administered and ecologically valid assessment tool designed for perceptual evaluation of stuttered speech, FreDESS (frequency of stuttering events, duration of events, effort, secondary behaviours, and severity). More spec

A Matter of Perspective? Exploring Self-Distanced Reflections as an Emotion Regulation Strategy for Individuals in High-Stress Occupations

This study investigates the effects of a linguistic self-distancing technique during reflection on affect, challenge versus threat appraisal, and anticipatory stress for individuals in high-stress occupations. Research in the laboratory suggests that reflections using non-first-person pronouns can reduce emotional reactivity to stressors, improve challenge appraisal, and reduce stress anticipation

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This document is part of a project that aims to design environmental strategies focused on addressing previously evaluated issues through primary and secondary information, as well as community surveys. This will be achieved through workshops and environmental education training primarily for students, administrators, teachers, cleaning staff, and maintenance personnel of the institution. The obje

‘Like a torch that enlightens new parents along a narrow and winding path into parenthood’ – Midwives' experiences by an interview study

Background: The core of postnatal care is that midwives recognise the needs of women and new-born babies and provide the highest possible quality of care and medical safety to optimise the health and well-being of new families. The study aimed to describe midwives' experiences in providing postnatal care for families during the first week after the birth of their baby. Methods: An interview study

Empowering Sustainable Manufacturing: Unleashing Digital Innovation in Spool Fabrication Industries

In industrial landscapes, spool fabrication industries play a crucial role in the successful completion of numerous industrial projects by providing prefabricated modules. However, the implementation of digitalized sustainable practices in spool fabrication industries is progressing slowly and is still in its embryonic stage due to several challenges. To implement digitalized sustainable manufactu

Atrial Fibrillation and Clonal Hematopoiesis in TET2 and ASXL1

Importance: Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) may contribute to the risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) through its association with inflammation and cardiac remodeling. Objective: To determine whether CHIP was associated with AF, inflammatory and cardiac biomarkers, and cardiac structural changes. Design, Setting, and Participants: This was a population-based, prospective cohort

Defensores ambientales trabajan para mantener el papel pacificador de la naturaleza en el Norte de Uganda : Hay tres maneras en que se puede pensar la naturaleza para iniciar procesos sostenibles de paz y desarrollo

En los últimos años, ha habido una “ofensiva” contra defensores ambientalistas en Uganda. Periodistas, estudiantes, campesinos y habitantes rurales están defendiendo su medioambiente, protestan y se movilizan contra el trato injusto y la migración forzada provocada por las infraestructuras para el combustible fósil, la agroindustria, energía hidráulica o la compensación de las emisiones de carbono

Explorations of interlinked energy and redox metabolism in two industrially applied microorganisms

Anaerobic fermentation, compared to aerobic processes, remains the most scalable method for bioproduction of compounds. This is due to that aerobic microbial processes require large amounts of energy and are unable to satisfy the oxygen demand of a high-density microbial biomass. Thus, anaerobic microbes are readily scalable to large volumes. It was found that most anaerobic microbes have evolved

A harmonized database of European forest simulations under climate change

Process-based forest models combine biological, physical, and chemical process understanding to simulate forest dynamics as an emergent property of the system. As such, they are valuable tools to investigate the effects of climate change on forest ecosystems. Specifically, they allow testing of hypotheses regarding long-term ecosystem dynamics and provide means to assess the impacts of climate sce

High-Quality Solution-Processed Quasi-2D Perovskite for Low-Threshold Lasers

Spin-coated quasi-two-dimensional halide perovskite films, which exhibit superior optoelectronic properties and environmental stability, have recently been extensively studied for lasers. Crystallinity is of great importance for the laser performance. Although some parameters related to the spin-coating process have been studied, the in-depth understanding and effective control of the acceleration

Pain Relieving Light - (How) Is it Possible?

About 15% of the population suffer from migraines and it is estimated that about 40% of all people with migraines would benefit from preventive treatment, but only 3-13% use it. Migraine is a huge burden for society and individuals. Migraines can be intensified by light, and some patients need to stay in a dark room until the attack is over. People with this type of photosensitivity show a clear p

Midwives’ experiences of professional learning when practicing collegial midwifery assistance during the active second stage of labour : data from the oneplus trial

Background: Learning is a lifelong process and the workplace is an essential arena for professional learning. Workplace learning is particularly relevant for midwives as essential knowledge and skills are gained through clinical work. A clinical practice known as ‘Collegial Midwifery Assistance’ (CMA), which involves two midwives being present during the active second stage of labour, was found to

Exploration of anion effects in solvothermal synthesis using in situ X-ray diffraction

Solvothermal synthesis presents a facile and highly flexible approach to chemical processing and it is widely used for preparation of micro- and nanosized inorganic materials. The large number of synthesis parameters in combination with the richness of inorganic chemistry means that it is difficult to predict or design synthesis outcomes, and it is demanding to uncover the effect of different para

Interactions between ectomycorrhizal fungi and the bacterial community in soils amended with various primary minerals

The influence of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the soil bacterial community was studied by growing pine seedlings in artificial soils consisting of a peat/sand mixture amended with microcline, biotite or apatite. In the microcline-amended and unamended soils both Suillus variegatus and Paxillus involutus reduced bacterial activity as measured by thymidine incorporation. S. variegatus grew best in the b

Shame, Blame, and Passion: : Affects of (Un) sustainable Wardrobes

In order to change consumption patterns into something that is more sustainable, it is essential that we consider the various and conflicting meanings clothes have in people's lives. This article presents an analysis of diaries written by consumers of different ages and occupations over a period of three months in 2015. These consumers documented their clothing and shoe purchases, took inventory o

Pollination deficits and their relation with insect pollinator visitation are cultivar-dependent in an entomophilous crop

Insects contribute considerably to global crop pollination, with pollination deficits being documented for multiple entomophilous or pollinator-dependent crops. Different cultivars of crops are being cultivated within and across production regions, so it is essential to understand the cultivar variability of pollination deficits. Here, we used a dataset from 286 sites from multiple production regi

Molecular phylogeny of north European Geometridae (Lepidoptera: Geometroidea)

A comprehensive phylogeny of north European Geometridae is reconstructed using a two-step analytical pipeline. First, a phylogenomic backbone tree was inferred using a 117-species subset of geometrid moths and a 35-species set of outgroup taxa from eight other macroheteroceran families. The data matrix totalled 209,499 bp from 648 protein-coding loci obtained using anchored hybrid enrichment techn