

Din sökning på "*" gav 531362 sökträffar

Endothelial damage after treatment with low-molecular weight heparins - a morphological study

Objective-Recent studies failed to show long-term benefit with low-molecular weight heparins (LMWH) in unstable coronary heart disease. A previous study of vascular effects of the cytostatic agent 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) showed that dalteparin prevented thrombosis induced by 5-FU but endothelial damage was not ameliorated and was present also in animals treated with dalteparin only. This study inves

Sjukgymnaster i arbetslivet - en avnämarundersökning

Denna rapport utgör andra delen av en undersökning om sjukgymnastutbildningen vid Lunds universitet. I en tidigare alumnundersökning har sjukgymnaster med 4-5 års yrkeserfarenhet uttalet sig om hur utbildningen motsvarar yrkeslivets krav (Höglund, Nilsson Lindström 2003). För att vidga arbetslivsperspektivet består denna andra del av en avnämarundersökning av presumtiva arbetsgivare som statliga m

Variant size- and glycoforms of the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich protein gp-340 with differential bacterial aggregation

Glycoprotein gp-340 aggregates bacteria in saliva as part of innate defence at mucosal surfaces. We have detected size- and glycoforms of gp-340 between human saliva samples (n=7) and lung gp-340 from a proteinosis patient using antibodies and lectins in Western blots and ELISA measurements. Western blots of saliva samples, and of gp-340 purified, from the seven donors using a gp-340 specific anti

Developments in radiotherapy

A systematic assessment of radiotherapy for cancer was conducted by The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) in 2001. The assessment included a review of future developments in radiotherapy and an estimate of the potential benefits of improved radiotherapy in Sweden. The conclusions reached from this review can be summarized as: Successively better knowledge is available o

Skriv med egna ord. En studie av läroprocesser när elever i grundskolans senare år skriver "forskningsrapporter".

Abstract Nilsson, Nils-Erik, Write in Your Own Words: A Study of Learning Processes in Research Report Writing in School. The thesis examines sixty pupil texts produced in the school activity called pupil research at secondary level of a Swedish school where this activity was scheduled one day per week. The purpose of this thesis is to develop knowledge about the writing done by pupils under the

A hand-ergonomics training kit: development and evaluation of a package to support improved awareness and critical thinking

A need for a hand-ergonomics training kit has been identified to increase critical thinking concerning choice of hand tools. This study deals with the design, use and evaluation of a hand-ergonomics training kit for use in ergonomics training programmes. The effects on awareness of hand ergonomics among training course participants have been evaluated by means of a questionnaire and interviews at

Organised Chaos: Water and Sanitation Systems in Housing Areas in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

This thesis focuses on the provision and management of water supply and sanitation in housing areas in the City of Dar es Salaam. The main objective of the study is to contribute to knowledge and understanding of provision and management of urban water supply and sanitation in Tanzania in the context of sustainable urbanisation. A sectoral and single problem issue study approach was avoided and in

Gender and reform, getting the right data right

The article discusses the importance of data by sex in order to promote and advocate for gender mainstreaming into humanitarian assistance. It points at some of the weaknesses in data collection and management and makes recommendations on how to get the right data right.

Does information sharing promote group foraging?

Individuals may join groups for several reasons, one of which is the possibility of sharing information about the quality of a foraging area. Sharing information in a patch-foraging scenario gives each group member an opportunity to make a more accurate estimate of the quality of the patch. In this paper we present a mathematical model in which we study the effect of group size on patch-leaving po

Exercise, bone mass and bone size in prepubertal boys: one-year data from the pediatric osteoporosis prevention study.

This non-randomized prospective controlled study evaluates a daily school-based exercise intervention program of 40 min/school day for I year in a population-based cohort of 81 boys aged 7-9 years. Controls were 57 age-matched boys assigned to the general school curriculum of 60min/ week. Bone mineral content BMC; g) and areal bone mineral density (aBMD; g/cm(2)) were measured with dual X-ray abso

Circadian Regulation of Visually Evoked Potentials in the Domestic Pigeon, Columba livia

The avian circadian and visual systems are integrally related and together influence many aspects of birds' behavior and physiology. Certainly, light cycles and their visual perception are the major zeitgebers for circadian rhythms, but do circadian rhythms affect vision? To assess whether visual func-tion is regulated on a circadian basis, flash-evoked electroretinograms (ERGs) and vision-evoked

Relativistic empirical specification of transition probabilities from measured lifetime and energy level data

A relativistic extension is made of methods by which intermediate coupling amplitudes are deduced from measured energy levels and combined with measured lifetimes to obtain transition probabilities within a multiplet between two pure configurations. A procedure for incorporating the relativistic j-dependence of the radial transition integral into the empirical data reduction is presented and appli

Interactions of cyclic AMP and its dibutyryl analogue with a lipid layer in the aqueous mixtures of monoolein preparation and dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine as probed by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy

Interactions of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) and N-6,2'-O-dibutyryl-adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (dbcAMP) with a lipid layer composed of monoolein-based preparation and dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine ( DOPC) were investigated by small-angle X-ray diffraction (SAXD) and Raman spectroscopy. The reversed hexagonal (H-II) MO/DOPC/H2O phase of 65:15:20 wt.% composition was selected

Evolution of the imaging tests in hemophilia with emphasis on radiography and magnetic resonance imaging

Even before the discovery of X-rays in 1895 attempts were being made to classify the joint destruction that occurs in hemophilic arthropathy. The advent of radiography added impetus to the search for the optimum classification system. Subsequent attempts have included advanced imaging methods, especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Because of its high spatial resolution and ability to Visual

Anisotropy of the electronic structure of low-dimensional Sr(Ca)CuO2 single crystals studied by scanning photoelectron spectromicroscopy

The energy band structure of superconducting (T-c(onset) = 80 K), low-dimensional Sr(Ca)CuO2 single crystals was studied by photoelectron spectromicroscopy. The sample consists of double parallel Cu-O chains, and spectra show a strong anisotropy for electron momenta k parallel and perpendicular to the chain direction q. Spectra were collected with two experimental setups: kparallel toq (Aperpendic

Examples of Scale Factors for a Semi-Empirical Tire-Model

This report shows examples of the scale factors used in a previously published semi-empirical tire-model, developed at the Department of Automatic Control in Lund. The scale factors are plotted as 3d surface diagrams depending on the longitudinal and lateral slip for a few different camber angles and velocities.