

Din sökning på "*" gav 529683 sökträffar

Biochemical and biomechanical modulation of the in vitro retina

The porcine retinal explant culture paradigm offers the possibility to study retinal health, disease and development independently from the surrounding tissues of the eye. Retina-intrinsic effects of molecular and mechanical cues on the isolated retinal sheet can thus be studied with great precision. For the purpose of creating a donor tissue optimized for transplantation, we used this system to e

Potential Biomarkers for Radiation-Induced Renal Toxicity following 177Lu-Octreotate Administration in Mice.

C57BL/6N mice were i.v. injected with 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, or 150 MBq 177Lu-octreotate (0, 16, 29, 40, 48, and 54 Gy to the kidneys). At 4, 8, and 12 months after administration, radiation-induced effects were evaluated in relation to (a) global transcriptional variations in kidney tissues, (b) morphological changes in the kidneys, (c) changes in white and red blood cell count as well as blood leve

Nu är det fredagsmys! Chips och gemenskap när vardag blir helg

Tacos, pizza eller hämtmat följt av popcorn och chips i tv-soffan framför Idol eller På spåret: när veckan går mot sitt slut är det fredagsmys som gäller. I denna artikel, som bygger på en dokumentation utförd av Folklivsarkivet, Lunds universitet, åren 2011-2012, analyseras fredagsmys ur olika perspektiv. Med utgångspunkt i ett material bestående av frågelistsvar, en nätetnografisk undersökning o

Short- and long-term consequences of prenatal testosterone for immune function: an experimental study in the zebra finch

Hormone-mediated maternal effects play an important role in the formation of a differentiated phenotype. They have been shown to influence a wide array of offspring traits, both early in life and in adulthood. One important offspring trait that is under the influence of maternal androgens is the immune system. In birds, a growing number of studies show that yolk androgens modulate immune function

Hypothesis-Based Analysis of Gene-Gene Interactions and Risk of Myocardial Infarction

The genetic loci that have been found by genome-wide association studies to modulate risk of coronary heart disease explain only a fraction of its total variance, and gene-gene interactions have been proposed as a potential source of the remaining heritability. Given the potentially large testing burden, we sought to enrich our search space with real interactions by analyzing variants that may be

Thrombosis in Children

Aims: The general objective was to further elucidate thromboembolic disease in children and thereby help improve the care of these patients. More specific aims were as follows: to determine what children are affected by thrombosis; to discern any gender or age differences related to thrombosis; to identify prothrombotic risk factors; to ascertain whether autoantibodies against coagulation proteins

Enantioselective synthesis of anti-beta-amido-alpha-hydroxy esters via asymmetric transfer hydrogenation coupled with dynamic kinetic resolution

The asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of beta-amido-alpha-keto esters providing the corresponding anti-beta-amido-alpha-hydroxy esters via dynamic kinetic resolution is reported. The use of a commercially available, or simply prepared, chiral ruthenium catalyst results in good yields as well as high diastereoselectivities and enantioselectivities. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Neuroimmune Interactions of Enteric Neurons and Mast Cells: Friends or Foes?

Popular Abstract in Swedish Emotionell stress samt hårt fysiskt arbete reducerar blodflödet till tarmen. Om cirkulationen till tarmen är kraftigt reducerat under en längre period får tarmen syrebrist, den blir ischemisk. Vid ischemi bildas skadliga slaggprodukter vilka distribueras till andra organ när blodflödet ökar igen. Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS, är en vanlig mag-tarm sjukdom som man inte Psychological distress or physical strain lead to reduced blood flow in the intestine since other organs are prioritised. One aim of this thesis was to investigate how ischemia followed by reperfusion affects the large intestine and the enteric nervous system (ENS). To do so an experimental ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) model was set up using rat large intestine. In order to study how the ENS reacts

Inner power, physical strength and existential well-being in daily life: relatives' experiences of receiving soft tissue massage in palliative home care

Aim and objectives. This article explores relatives' experiences of receiving soft tissue massage as a support supplement while caring for a dying family member at home. Background. In palliative home care, relatives play an important role as carers to seriously ill and dying family members. To improve their quality of life, different support strategies are of importance. Complementary methods, su

3d photoionization and subsequent decay of atomic gallium

We present an experimental and theoretical study of 3d photoionization and subsequent Auger decay of atomic gallium. The synchrotron radiation-induced electron spectra have been compared and analysed using multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations. It has been shown that the theoretically predicted photoelectron spectrum is in rather good agreement with the experiment allowing us to identify the

Downsizing: Personnel Reductions at the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly, 1915-1939

Downsizing is a phenomenon that remarkably seldom has been the subject of historical inquiry. This study investigates how a state-owned enterprise, the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly, reduced its labour inputs because of changed consumer preferences and mechanization in the 1920s and 1930s. By combining qualitative and quantitative evidence, the study addresses questions about the ways of achieving redu

Off-line Foveated Compression and Scene Perception: An Eye-Tracking Approach

With the continued growth of digital services offering storage and communication of pictorial information, the need to efficiently represent this information has become increasingly important, both from an information theoretic and a perceptual point of view. There has been a recent interest to design systems for efficient representation and compression of image and video data that take the featu

Vortex Ring Formation in the Left Ventricle of the Heart: Analysis by 4D Flow MRI and Lagrangian Coherent Structures.

Recent studies suggest that vortex ring formation during left ventricular (LV) rapid filling is an optimized mechanism for blood transport, and that the volume of the vortex ring is an important measure. However, due to lack of quantitative methods, the volume of the vortex ring has not previously been studied. Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) is a new flow analysis method, which enables in vi