

Din sökning på "*" gav 530168 sökträffar

Light, Comfort and Joy : User experience of light and darkness in Swedish homes

Avhandlingen undersöker användares upplevelser och beteende kopplat till belysning, ljusarmaturer och fönsteröppningar i svenska hem såväl dag som natt. En kombinerad undersökningsstrategi används där både kvantitativt och kvalitativt material samlats in i fält och i en fullskalemodell av en lägenhet. I avhandlingen identifieras flera motiv bakom boendes ljusrelaterade beteende och val samt faktorThe thesis examines user experience and behaviour relating to lighting, luminaires and window openings during day and night, in Swedish homes. Applying a mixed methods strategy of inquiry, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected in the field and in a full-scale model of an apartment. The thesis has identified multiple motivations behind residents’ lighting behaviour and choices, enab

Public Technology Procurement and Innovation Theory

Public technology procurement (PTP) occurs when a public agency places an order for a product or system which does not exist at the time, but which could (probably) be developed within a reasonable period. Additional or new technological development work is required to fulfil the demands of the buyer. This is the ‘ideal type’ of public technology procurement.

The role of South-South FDI in the economies of developing Asia

This paper attempts to measure the size of South-South foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing East Asia and the trends in it, and the characteristics of the investing countries and the investments themselves. It also summarizes the findings of studies in individual countries of the effects of these investments. The studies of individual countries will be used to try to find some consensus o

The study of contical interactiens in short time intervals during the search for word associations

Cortical connectivity was studied in tasks of generating the use of words in comparison with reading aloud the same words. These tasks were used earlier in PET and high-density ERP recording studies, which described both the functional anatomy and time course of involvement of cortical areas in word processing. We developed a new method for studying the synchrony of EEG spectral components within

Exposure to Phenoxyacetic Acids, Chlorophenols, or Organic Solvents in Relation to Histopathology, Stage, and Anatomical Localization of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Results on 105 cases with histopathologically confirmed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and 335 controls from a previously published case-control study on malignant lymphoma are presented together with some extended analyses. No occupation was a risk factor for NHL. Exposure to phenoxyacetic acids yielded, in the univariate analysis, an odds ratio of 5.5 with a 95% confidence interval of 2.7–11. Most

Intermittent dynamics underlying the intrinsic fluctuations of the collective synchronization patterns in electrocortical activity

We investigate patterns of collective phase synchronization in brain activity in awake, resting humans with eyes closed. The alpha range of human electroencephalographic activity is characterized by ever-changing patterns, with strong fluctuations in both time and overall level of phase synchronization. The correlations of these patterns are reflected in power-law scaling of these properties. We p

Local phase synchronization of event-related activity modulated by visual attention

In a visual task using 12 healthy subjects, spread of evoked phase-synchronized activity was studied in local cortical areas. The areas were identified in a previous study of the same data set using event-related potentials (ERP). Chains of closely spaced (∼2 cm) scalp electrodes covering these areas were selected for phase synchronization analysis in which task and control conditions were compare

The ‘Hardship’ of Ordinary Crises: Gendered Precariousness and Horizons of Coping in Vietnam’s Industrial Zones.

This article focuses on the ways in which women employed in Vietnam’s heavy industry, mitigate and cope with crises at the workplace and in social life. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, which I have conducted in the Industrial Zones of northern Vietnam in the international corporations called Xylan and Yate, I examine how women who are working on the floor manage crises entanglements as an under

Special Issue on Critical Explorations of Crisis: Politics, Precariousness, and Potentialities

In a crisis-ridden world, it has become increasingly pertinent to understand the breadth and depth of ‘crisis’. On a daily basis, we are alarmed by crisis reports concerning hurricanes and floods; economic and financial uncertainties; political instability; armed conflict; desperate refugees and migrants; persisting poverty; and outbreaks of aggressive global diseases such as Covid-19. This specia

Evaluation of a sound environment intervention in an ICU : A feasibility study

Background: Currently, it is well known that the sound environment in intensive care units (ICU) is substandard. Therefore, there is a need of interventions investigating possible improvements. Unfortunately, there are many challenges to consider in the design and performance of clinical intervention studies including sound measurements and clinical outcomes. Objectives: (1) explore whether it is

Nursing staff's experiences of working in an evidence-based designed ICU patient room—An interview study

Introduction It has been known for centuries that environment in healthcare has an impact, but despite this, environment has been overshadowed by technological and medical progress, especially in intensive care. Evidence-based design is a concept concerning integrating knowledge from various research disciplines and its application to healing environments. Objective The aim was to explore the expe

Morphometrical methods as tools for identifying field maple (Acer campestre L.) trees

Several morphometrical methods were evaluated with the purpose of distinguishing individual maple trees by their samaras and to reveal shape trends. Landmarks for geometric morphometrics gave 97–98% correctly classified trees in a jackknifed confusion matrix from discriminant analysis, fan-positioned landmarks and semilandmarks 92%, linear data 79% and elliptic Fourier analysis 65% correctly class

Krisens många dimensioner

Krisens många dimensioner:En kris är en händelse som kan få väldigt negativa konsekvenser – som ibland kan bli långvariga eller till och med permanenta. I dagens mediedebatt talas det regelbundet om ”klimatkris”, ”flyktningkris” och ”hälsokris”. Men vad betyder egentligen begreppet kris? Och kan en fördjupad förståelse av krisens bidra till framtida humanitärt arbete?

Separating Protection from the Exigencies of the Criminal Law: Achievements and Challenges under Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights

The chapter analyses the obligation upon states to identify migrants as victims of harm falling within the scope of Article 4 ECHR and to extend protection and assistance to them as victims independently from any criminal proceedings and from any actual or potential participation by the victims in any criminal proceedings. More specifically, the questions under investigation are the following: Is