

Din sökning på "*" gav 527337 sökträffar

60 GHz Wavelet Generator for Impulse Radio Applications

A wavelet generator producing 100 ps short pulses at 60 GHz is presented. The wavelet generator consists of a gated tunnel diode (GTD) integrated in parallel with an inductor. This forms a negative differential conductance (NDC) oscillator with the ability to switch the NDC property on and off, which makes it possible to generate short pulses. In the experiments described, the wavelet generator dr

B2B-Marketplace Value Creation, Conceptual Predictions and Empirical Findings

Information technology is a vital driver in today’s business environment. Recent developments of IT have facilitated for the relatively easy creation of markets on the Internet, so called B2B-marketplaces. However, judging from the survival rate of B2B-marketplaces (5 to 10 per cent), it seems like B2B-marketplaces are doing something wrong. This paper scrutinises several theoretical frameworks re

Telomeric DNA in Chironomus, a naturally telomerase-free system

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kromosomer, långa linjära DNA molekyler som finns i eukaryota organismers cellkärna i komplex med proteiner, är bärare av genetisk information. Kromosomer är samlingar av gener men de innehåller också regioner utan gener som är oumbärliga för kromosomstabiliteten och för att gener ska fördelas jämt vid varje celldelning. De strukturer som finns i slutet av linjära kromoTelomeres are specialized complexes of DNA and associated proteins that protect the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. Although most organisms have short repeated DNA sequences at their telomeres, which are specified and maintained by the enzyme telomerase, there are a few exceptions. Dipteran insects, including the genus Chironomus (non-biting midges), lack telomerase and have atypical terminal sequ

Bilder av Förintelsen. Mening, minne, kompromettering

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår egen tid kännetecknas av ett mycket stort intresse för Förintelsen, det vill säga nazisternas folkmord på Europas judar. Denna bok försöker skissera några viktiga aspekter av den kulturella förståelsen av Förintelsen, genom att studera hur den avbildats i visuell kultur. Med "visuell kultur" förstås ett brett spektrum av kulturella uttryck, från dokumentär- och presThis thesis examines the representation in visual culture of the Holocaust, the Nazi genocide of European Jewry. It is divided into three main parts, each one focusing on a particular aspect of Holocaust representation. Part 1, "Meaning" (chapter 1-3), begins by considering the important role played by documentary photographs from the concentration camps for the public knowledge and conception of

Counterworking Male Takeover during Class Room Activities in Superior Technical Education

An increase in student activity is the goal of various pedagogic approaches and highly valued in most teaching situations. The benefits of student activation are widely discussed in literature (Fox, 1983), but possible drawbacks of such techniques need to be identified and compensations need to be found. This paper discusses a case study concerning one particular course moment, a seminar, held ove