

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Den normativa mångkulturalismen - en diskursanalys

Sweden is often perceived as a multicultural welfare state and “the Swedish model” has been role model for other countries to follow. Whilst cultural and religious pluralism have been celebrated, the potential areas of conflicts that can occur in a multicultural society have been neglected. This may be challenging as we are confronted with situations where intolerance is expected to be met with to

Women and development: the role of Cameroonian women in poverty alleviation.

The Cameroonian women have many skills and talents which can enable them to make the economy of Cameroon better, but due to many political, social, economic barriers, they fail to use these skills and talents to the fullest.But thanks to microfinance organization they are able to move from darkness to light. From findings, the Cameroonian woman is very instrumental and important when it comes to a

Eskatologi Nu: En funktionell analys av Jes. 11:6-9

This essay focuses the function of Isa. 11:6-9 and its consequences for the possibility for textual ethical relevance. Along with the formcritic analysis the quest for definitions become urgent due to the different perspectives concerning the concept of eschatology. Establishing the structural and thematical connections between Isa. 11:6-9 and Gen. 1-3 the author claims correlating protological an

Political Institutions, Integration, and Within-Country Inequality - An Empirical Study

Within-country inequality varies greatly between countries. Despite much research about the determinants of this inequality there is little consensus on what the underlying factors are. This thesis looks into the connection between political institutions, integration and inequality. Both institutions and integration has previously been put forward as important determinants of within-country inequa

International Commercial Gestational Carriage: enforcement of contracts for services in the European Union

The options of procreation, reproduction or bringing into existence a child of a particular parentage, including motherhood, are related to the advancement of science. Nowadays it is possible for a woman to become pregnant and afterwards give birth to a child which, by using medical assistance, is actually made from other womans oocyte. The term gestational carriage refers to being pregnant and th

Läkemedelsrester i avloppsvatten - vad kan läkare göra för att minska halterna?

Läkemedelsanvändningen ökar för varje år (Apoteket AB 2005) och år 2011 hämtade två tredjedelar av Sveriges befolkning ut ett eller flera receptbelagda läkemedel (Socialstyrelsen 2012). Vid användning av läkemedel tar kroppen vanligtvis inte upp all aktiv substans och rester utsöndras i framförallt urin och hamnar i avloppsvattnet (Wahlberg et al. 2010). Dagens avloppsreningsverk har ingen specielAn inevitable consequence of human drug use is that drug remains end up in sewage water. The sewage treatment plants today are not designed to reduce that kind of chemicals which means that many drugs just pass through unchanged or just modified. These remains affect for example animal life such as behavioral changes or feminization of fish in the recipient. The fact that drug residues already hav

"Everything is because of my husband"

The political participation of women is an important indicator of the degree of gender equality in certain country. In India, which is often referred to as the world’s largest democracy, the national parliament consists of only 11 % women. In a vast majority of India’s 28 states the female representation in their respective legislative assemblies is even less. However, when five states were holdin

Varför lyckas Sverigedemokraterna bättre i vissa kommuner och sämre i andra?: en jämförande fallstudie av Svedala och Staffanstorps kommun

Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka orsakerna till att Sverigedemokraterna nått framgångar i vissa kommuner medan partiet misslyckats i andra. Studien jämför Svedala och Staffanstorps kommun och reder ut varför SD fått över 16 % av rösterna i den förstnämnda och endast 5 % i den sistnämnda. Kommunerna är utvalda på grundval av dess likheter i arbetslöshetssiffror, invandrarandel, medianinkomst

Mise-En-Page - An Introduction To Screenplay Style & Form

The purpose of this essay is to establish the screenplay as a valid, and relevant, object for study in the field of film studies in order to stimulate further research within the field and for a more prevalent inclusion of screenplays in the general discourse of film studies. I argue that accounts of the screenplay as either literature or blueprints, which stand in ideological opposition to each o

Översättning av medicinska termer i tv-serierna House och Scrubs

I denna uppsats undersöks hur medicinska termer hanteras i undertexter i de två tv-serierna House och Scrubs. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilka strategier som används i översättningen av medicinska termer. Utifrån en indelning i tre varianter av det medicinska fackspråket undersöks även om termerna i undertexten behåller samma språkvariant som de engelska termerna eller om språkvariante

Sustainable Urban Mobility Could smartphone apps master the challenge…?

If Europe is to meet its Kyoto commitments and avert further environ- ental damage and climate change, urban car traffic has to decline drastically. Yet, no efforts to master the challenge have succeeded. Planners need new demand side tools to help facilitate more sustaina-ble travel patterns and increase use of public transport. This thesis is a literary contribution to the EU SUNSET and Swedish

Skolans hjärta? : En undersökning av skolpersonalens syn på skolbiblioteket som plats

The starting point of our master’s thesis was the recent debate regarding the school library arising from the implementation of the new version of the Swedish Education Act (Skollagen SFS 2010:800). Many have criticized the new Education Act, claiming that it puts a too large focus on the library as place. Some even claim that the school library as place is out-dated and not relevant in today’s so

När kulturer möts: en kvalitativ studie om interkulturell kommunikation på Skatteverkets servicekontor

Globaliseringen har bidragit till att effektiv interkulturell kommunikation fått allt större betydelse för företag och organisationer. För en effektiv interkulturell kommunikation krävs kompetens hos individen. Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är därför att analysera de förutsättningar som finns för interkulturell kommunikationskompetens hos personalen på Skatteverkets servicekontor. Detta gör jag gen

Förändringar inom fältet - En kvalitativ analys av diskussionen kring evidens inom socialt arbete

The debate about evidence based practice has been going on for over twenty years in Sweden without any real conclusion. The purpose of this study was with Bourdieu’s theory about culture production and a discourse analytic approach, highlight the arguments in the debate and the beliefs and assumptions about the evidence based practices on which they are based. The aim was also to investigate the r

Effects of UV-A and Predation Threat on Mantle Pigmentation of Freshwater Snails (Radix balthica)

Abstract We studied the effects of UV-A radiation and predatory fish on mantle pigmentation of freshwater snails Radix balthica. The results showed that UV radiation and fish chemical cue induce larger ratios of pigmented area on mantle, respectively and when combined. UV radiation and predatory fish chemical cue seem to affect mantle pigmentation independently. The ratios (0~100%) of pigmented ma

Piratkopiering och digital revolution - välfärdseffekter på marknaden för musik

Lite mer än ett decennium efter skapandet av Napster är piratkopieringens ekonomiska inverkan på musikindustrins intäkter, konsumenternas välfärd och utbudet av ny musik fortfarande under debatt. Det finns en utbredd oro att omfattande piratkopiering leder till negativa långsiktiga välfärdseffekter för såväl producenter som konsumenter. I den här uppsatsen genomförs en kvalitativ studie av piratko

Läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opiatberoende - En kritisk diskursanalys av behandlingsformens utvecklingsläge från central till lokal nivå

Uppsatsens syfte var att analysera hur läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opiatberoende textuellt konstrueras och konstitueras genom språket i åtta textdokument producerade dels av Socialstyrelsen och dels av Region Skåne. Uppsatsen har en socialkonstruktionistisk hållning med en syn på språket som tillträde till den empiriska verkligheten vilket utgör utgångspunkt för det diskursanalytiska angreAuthor: Terese Farkas Title: Medication-assisted treatment for opiate dependence - A critical discourse analysis Supervisor: Leili Laanemets Assessor: Håkan Jönson och Torbjörn Hjort The aim of this study was to analyze how the medication-assisted treatment for opiate dependence textually constructed and constituted through language in a number of text documents produced partly by the National Boa